
The Figure

When you Live in a demented version of life, you ask yourself is this the tunnel that heightens my strength... or will this be My last Resort, do many believe or do they just stare... once upon a lifetime brings chivalry to genes of stolen forgotten childeren. to feel the dementia of the life long path consists of the human heart in bringing layers of Totality.. power consists of strength the bonds that never break but cant chivalry suggest bonds with a more likely chance of rejuvenating circumstances most

stolen hearts begin to ponder at the reliance of habits ... trust cant emerge through you. only when we call or shake the chivalry in totality .

perfection and perfectionsim are totalitys of bonds to disfigure the past commotions of war... passion is love but self care and self management is chivarly.

love is demented by the suggestions of the unknown totality and perfectionsim.

hate consists of habitual velosity of liberation, time brings love while habits bring hate , to the haters whatever comes up definitely will come down.. to shy away from consistent behavior will seek cognitive leiures. totality of the brain brings subjective leaders to the communion of mercy.. victims are the victims, murders are the murdered.. and trust can't love as heart break is at light and darkness to the unknown the light which changes your flexed egos. many more loafing the idea of change is the change.. to your future. many words/ slangs hate originality. strength through veins. credit when no credit is given . my biggest life choice is never forgetting the mistakes of others. while the perfectionsim is being built the choices they make cannot be fixated on my life long path. violations are violations.... bring hate while in the shade is War... so as a whole pizza eat your slice, and ask for dip.... brains switched blind shown light by always proving your right... wheres the glory in that. a fool in front of the world. hate thats what you are.