
Chapter 66 Inhumane Decision

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.



Kanda's air forces had confronted with Catia's spacecrafts where they had exchanged fire to each other. Catia's spacecrafts had divided equally into 5 groups where each group has 40 spacecrafts. 3 groups from Catia are confronted with 3 groups from Kanda's forces where the rest of the group from Catia going to the Reisende which had been intercepted by another two groups of aircrafts from Kanda.

~Inside the Reisende.

"Captain! There are two spacecrafts had passed the defense of our two air force's squadrons." Informed one of the bridge's crews.

"Intercept them with our armament." Ordered Kanda.

"Yes, Captain...Launch "Krinthos" missiles at those spacecrafts...Use "Igelstellung" to shoot at those spacecrafts too.." Melwin said as she gives instruction to her subordinates before she loudly said: "FIRE!!!"

~Outside the Reisende.

The missiles located at the dorsal wings of the ship and above its engine had been released towards Catia's spacecrafts while being accompanied with multi-barrel CIWS (Close-In Weapon System) guns.


Two spacecrafts that had came near the Reisende had been shot down by the missiles while other spacecrafts that had fought with Kanda's air forces had been hit by an array of 16 CIWS guns which released its 75mm bullets at them. All the ammunition for the Reisende had been enhanced by the cooperation of Ichika, Antonia, and the Catians engineer which allowing Reisende to fight at any terrain.

The two groups of Catia's army had been shot down one by one either by Reisende or the aircrafts that had guarded the Reisende.

"Captain! Our enemy had readied their energy beam at us again." Informed one of the bridge's crews.

Kanda looks at the screen where Catia's spaceships and the Orsonion had stayed there and he can see that those spaceships had fully recharged their energy beams.

Kanda looks at that screen and say: "Take out our "Lohengrin" positron blaster cannon...and ready to shoot at that beam."

That blaster cannon had located inside both "legs" of Reisende which directly below the launch-bays and the hangar. Both cannons slowly coming out from its place while charging its energy to full power.

The energy beam had been shot from the Catia's spaceships which cause Kanda to shout: ""Lohengrin"...FIRE!!!"

The blaster cannons from Reisende had been released which cause two energy beams from opposite direction to meet and cause huge explosion from that. The blast from that combined explosion had cause the fight between Kanda's 3 aircraft squadrons and Catia's spacecrafts to halt for a moment where they trying to stabilise their own units from the explosion's blast.

Seeing that he had stopped energy beam from his opponent, Kanda said: "Reisende...Move Out..."Gottfried" ready to shoot..."

His subordinates had listened to him and move the Reisende towards its opponent while taking out "Gottfried" from the top of Reisende's 'legs'.

Catia's spaceships had shot multiple laser beams at Reisende but in vain as Reisende still have its barrier and that barrier could even defend from those huge energy beams so those tiny laser beams are ineffective on Reisende.

"Hahahaha...Useless...It's useless to use those tiny attacks on me." Kanda said while laughing at the attack that had been released at him.

~At the leader of Catia's Federation side.

"Damn it...How dare that primitive being had laughed at me...Hey, quickly shoot that energy beam again..." The leader said that angrily before he orders his subordinates.

The communication between Reisende and the leader and the Orsonion's spaceship still connected so he could see that Kanda had laughed at him.

"Sir, we couldn't do that...we need to recharge it slowly or our cannon will burn up." Replied one of spaceship's crews.

"Just do it...I don't care if that cannon had exploded later as long as I could destroy that ship." Ordered the leader angrily at his subordinates.

"Yes, sir." Replied that crew.

The cannon for the energy beam had started to recharge quickly which cause electric static to appear at the cannon. When the cannon had recharged to the max, the crew had informed the leader about that.

"What are you waiting for? Just shoot at them immediately. Is that simple thing even need me to order you? So useless." The leader said that to his subordinates.

The next moment, another energy beam had been released which went towards the Reisende. However, Kanda had already prepared for that where Kanda had changes the barrier to mode 3 which allows the barrier to turn into a huge satellite dish.

All the energy beam that had came to the Reisende had been gathered at that barrier before being reflected back to the spaceship which cause one of the seven spaceships at there to be destroyed.

Kanda had shouted: ""Gottfried"...FIRE!!!" after the barrier had reflected that beam from enemy. Reisende had fired its high-energy beam from its cannon towards the Catia's spaceships which cause another two spaceships had been destroyed by Kanda.

Seeing three of his spaceships had been destroyed, the leader shouts at his spacecrafts' squad to attack on the Reisende. However, those spacecrafts had been intercepted by Kanda's air forces which cause the leader of the Catia Federation more infuriated at Kanda.

"I think that it's already enough for this confrontation. It's your loss." The Orsonion said to the leader of the Catia Federation.

"No...I will not accept that I had lost with that primitive being." Replied the leader while he see the Reisende is coming closer at them. He continues: "If I could not destroy them using energy beam, how about I had collided one of my spaceships on them? I don't think that they could defend from that type of attack. Hey, you...inform Spaceship 1 to ram that ship."

Shocked with his order, one of the crews could not help but to ask: "How about the crews inside that spaceship?"

"I don't care about them...I could create another soldiers later. Just tell them to ram that ship quickly." Replied the leader without hesitation.

"Why is it that spaceship coming to our direction?" Asked Kanda as he looks at the screen where one of the spaceships belonged to the Catia Federation moving away from its formation.

"I don't even know what they are thinking, Captain." Replied Melwin as she also looking at that spaceship.

Suddenly, a realization coming to Kanda's mind which he curses: "Shit...God damn it, they really dare to do that kind of thing."

"What you had thought in your mind, Captain?" Asked Melwin as she heard that Kanda had cursed.

"They want to ram their ship with ours." Replied Kanda which shocked everyone at the bridge.

"Why they do that, Captain?" Asked Melwin again.

"I don't know, Melwin. Maybe their leader had ordered them to do that...Anyway, Chaika, we need to contact that spaceship quickly so they couldn't sacrifice themselves to this meaningless fight." Replied Kanda before he looking at Chaika and ask her to establish communication with that spaceship.

After Chaika spending some time to communicate with that spaceship, it's finally successful where the face of the captain of the spaceship had appeared on the screen.

"Hello, everyone, I can assume that you all are the people inside the ship that had confronted with us before." Greeted the captain of that spaceship.

The captain is a female Catians where she has green eyes and short light green hair until her shoulder. She has athletic body figure where everyone can see her six packs as her uniform had exposed her abdomen. She had the same captain's uniform like Kuune but different motif which are light green and white.

"It's not the time to greet us. Why you need to sacrifice yourself by doing this kind of thing." Asked Kanda at her.

"Hahahaha...I don't think that our opponent had sympathized with their own enemies." The female captain laughing at first before her voice slowly changes to mocking tone which she say: "Our leader doesn't hesitate to sacrifice ourselves for his gain but our enemies had concern themselves with our predicament. I don't know which one is the bad person whether our leader or our enemies." The female captain closes her eyes as she said that.

After a moment later, that captain opens her eyes but with determined looks on her face. She say: "I'm sorry to do this kind of thing...our relatives had been taken as the hostages when we had became one of the Catia's Army. Therefore, I had accepted this kind of order from our leader."

"Is there anything that we could help you to prevent you doing this kind of order, Captain Rosaline?" Asked Melwin.

The female captain which called Rosaline looks at the one who had asked her and shocked when she had seen Melwin at the Reisende. She say: "Are you, Melwin?" which Melwin confirmed her guess by nodding her head. The captain continues: "I see...so you had sided with him, Melwin. How about your captain, Captain Kuune? Is she also aiding with this battle?"

"Yes, Captain Kuune also had gave her assistance to the Captain Ichijou in this war." Replied Melwin at her.

"Hahahaha...that's why our leader always had said traitor this or traitor that." Laughed Rosaline before she continues: "Anyway, there is nothing you could had done to prevent this, Melwin, as this spaceship had been controlled by our leader which unless you had destroyed this spaceship or miracle had appeared, this spaceship will not stop to ram at your ship. I hope that you all could survive this."

After Rosaline said that, the communication had been disconnected which cause Kanda to slam his fist on the armrest of his seat. He said: "DAMN IT, you piece of shit leader. I will show you later that I will not tolerate your action."

He looks at Ichika and say: "Ichika, I need your help to give some of that Great Protection talisman to our air forces that had not been deployed yet."

"What do you want to do with that kind of talisman?" Asked Ichika.

"I will instruct 15 of our aircrafts to fly nearing that spaceship in a formation to seal up that spaceship immediately using that talisman. After that, the talisman will be activated which cause the spaceship to stop immediately and we will land it on the ground later. Next, I will continue our travel to the leader of the Catia Federation for an explanation or we could ask Jens what she will do with that leader. I think that Jens had broadcasted all the behaviour of their own leader which are greedy, ruthless, uncaring and others that had yet to be mentioned." Explained Kanda about his plan.

After Kanda had gave his plan to his subordinates, they immediately doing what Kanda had instructed where 15 aircrafts consists of Sukhoi Su.35 and F-22 Raptor had been launched and going to the spaceship that had coming at Reisende.

The talisman that had been placed on the aircrafts had formed a formation which the talisman had cause diamond-shape barrier to be appeared around that spaceship.

The spaceship had been enclosed by the talisman before its could ram at the Reisende.

The spaceship had been brought to the land where their spaceship's power had been detected at the minimum level.

After that, those 15 aircrafts had supported their teammates as they still fighting with the Catia's spacecrafts.

For the Reisende, the ship had flown towards that annoying leader where Reisende and Catia Federation's spaceship had been separated with the distance of 500 metres to each other.


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