
Chapter 67 God's Fury

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


"Yo" Greeted Kanda while raising his hand to the leader of Catia Federation as Reisende located 500 metres from the remaining of Catia's spaceships.

The communication between Kanda and that leader had always connected since the start of the battle. The battle between Kanda and the Catia Federation's leader had favoured Kanda which he had won two rounds compare to the Catians.

Irritated with Kanda's nonchalant ethics, that leader had ordered his subordinates to attack Kanda which they attacking Reisende using multiple laser beams where all of the attacks are ineffective to Kanda's ship.

"How dare you make me shame by losing to you, you primitive beings. Do you know that my great-great-great ancestor are one of the founders of Catia Federation? Because of that, you need to obey my order especially you, the traitor of Catia Federation." Shouted the leader of Catia Federation where he also glance at Melwin with hatred. He continues: "When I had captured you later, I will torture all of you traitors starting with your Captain Kuune. I will ravage her until she lost her mind and I also will give her towards my male subordinates too so she could be a breeding livestock to the Catia Federation. I sure of that, DO YOU HEAR ME?" Commented that leader before he let his outburst at the end of his words.

"Yeah yeah. I could hear you." Replied Kanda lazily while picking his ear. He blows his finger after that and say: "Although you had said that your super-duper great ancestor is one of the founders, I don't really care about that. Do you know why?"

Curious with what Kanda will say, the leader ask: "Why?" at Kanda.

"It's because I only care about my friends here and when you had threatened them like that, I will take 'good care' of you later. You think that your position as the leader of this planet will allow you to escape from your mistake. You're totally wrong about that." Replied Kanda at him.

"Hahahaha, you will take care of me?" Asked the leader while laughing before he continues "You're? Hahahaha, what a joke. Even if you had one tier lower rank from my position, you couldn't touch me."

"We will see about that later." Replied Kanda at him without care about the leader's scepticism on him.

After that, Kanda and the leader of the Catia Federation continues fighting where Reisende had launched almost all type of its armament except for its blaster cannons due to the long recharge. Reisende had succeeded to shoot down another spaceship while Reisende's barrier had operated with 80% of its power.

Kanda's aircraft squadrons had succeed to immobilise all the Catians' spacecrafts with the cost of 5 pilots had suffered severe injuries which they had already receive treatment from Durel.

As the fight between Kanda and that Catians' leader still ongoing, Claris suddenly had communicated with the Reisende which she said: "Captain, Jens had asked me to inform you that her next plan had been prepared where he need your help to assist her."

Hearing what Claris had said, Kanda looks at him at the Reisende's monitor and said: "Where is she, Claris?"

"I'm here, Ichijou." Replied Jens as the screen had focused on her. She can be seen holding an iPad-like device where multiple screens had appeared on that device. She looks at Kanda while raising her device and say: "Ichijou, this device here had been used by me to hack all the surveillance camera in the planet and had been broadcasted the conversation between you and that arrogant self-proclaimed great leader of Catia Federation to the people on this planet. I need you to continue exposing his true self or let him expose himself to his people during your fight with him. I will give you the command of my giant robot to help your fight with him later."

Hearing his words, Kanda nods his head and say: "Alright, I will help you on that though I need you to remember that I only help you because this planet is my subordinates' hometown."

"I know, Ichijou, I don't need you to remind me about that. Although I had detested the generation that had caused the fall of my planet, I don't really blame it on the current generation as they only had followed the order from their greedy leader." Replied Jens.

"It's fine if you had said that, Jens. I just don't want you to become just like the person that you had hated. You could only get short-term happiness when you had done your revenge later, Jens, while the innocent people that had received the backlash from your revenge will do the same like you later." Explained Kanda as he had advised Jens on her revenge.

Jens just harrumphed at Kanda's explanation before she looks away from seeing the Kanda's face.

Kanda just shakes his head as he had seen Jens's behaviour. Kanda also had received the command for Jens's giant robot where Kanda had allowed Melwin to control that robot for their fight with this planet's leader later.

Kanda's fight with this planet's army become intense as he need to deploy another aircraft squadrons after previous squadrons had back to the Reisende's hangar for refueling and ammunition restock.

The Mothership under Captain Kuune had succeeded to persuade more than half of the population of this planet to evacuate from their planet as their leader's true self had been shown towards them. Some of them are the older generation where they had involved during the fall of Dogisia Federation which they had felt shame on what had done by their leader at that time. The people that had stayed on the planet are the soldiers of the Catia Federation where their leader had held their family as hostages to hold them in reins.

Kuune had tasked her subordinates to find all the hostages that had been kept by the leader of Catia Federation. Her subordinates had formed numerous small groups of combatants to find the place where the hostages might had been held.

Their mission had finally found its way out as one of the small groups had found the place where some of the hostages had been held. Other hostages had succeeded to escape by themselves when the battle between Kanda and their leader had destroyed the building that had been used to hold them as the hostages for their army.

After the hostages had been returned towards their family back, the rest of the people that had stayed on this planet are already going their way out from the planet. The only forces that had stayed on the planet are Kanda and his subordinates, Jens and her forces, and finally, the Catians' leader with his current forces.

"Sir, our people had been detected flying away from this planet where some of our hostages had been released by our enemies or by themselves." Reported one of the crews at the main spaceship.

"Curse all of them, I don't think that they really will do that." Catians' leader had said while smacking his fist on his arms rest. He continues: "Whatever, if they want to do that, I will allow them but they must know that they need to pay heavy price for that." He said while griting his teeth.

"I think that you just need to surrender by yourself as you had lost many of your armies to your opponent where your opponent only had incapacitated your combatants and not killed them." Mentioned the Orsonion at the leader of the Catia Federation.

"No...It's not over yet. I have my final move which I reluctant to use that as I need to rebuild our civilisation back later." Refused the leader at the Orsonion's suggestion for his surrender to his opponent.

After contemplating for a moment, the leader without hesitation had said: "Activate our "God's Fury" immediately...Use that to eliminate our enemies for sure...I don't care whether this planet will receive severe damage later as we could rebuild it later."

"Bu-But, Sir..." His crew stammered on his words as he wants to say at his superior.

"No but...Just do it as I had ordered to you." Forced the leader at his subordinates.

With heavy feeling on his chest, one of the crews at the spaceship had initiated the starting procedure for the "God's Fury" where around 50 satellites on the Catia Federation had received the command for the "God's Fury" activation.

50 satellites had sent its laser beam to one and another which had created the image of a fist on the sky of the Catia Federation.

Seeing the image of that fist, Melwin and the Catians at the bridge had the shock of their life before Melwin say: "Impossible!!! why he had used that attack here? Is he didn't care about this planet at all?"

"Melwin, what is that image that had shown in the sky about? And why you're so shocked when seeing that image?" Asked Kanda as he surprised at Melwin's shocked expression.

Before Melwin could answer, the transmission from Kuune had appeared suddenly where Kuune had said: "Ichijou-kun, you need to prevent that attack from hitting this planet as it will cause irreparable damage on the planet. That attack had called as "God's Fury" where its had combined about 50 satellites to create extremely immense firepower which could obliterate about half of this planet's terrain. That's why you need to stop that attack as soon as possible."

"Well, I don't think that we could prevent that, Captain Kuune. From what I could see here, that attack had completed its activation and only need to be fired at us. Well...I will try my best to block that attack as I couldn't guarantee that I could save this planet later." Replied Kanda to Kuune.

"If you couldn't prevent that, Ichijou-kun, just retreat from that location as that planet could be rebuilt later but your life couldn't be found anywhere if you had lost it." Kuune said that at Kanda to save himself first before their planet.

"Alright, Kuune. I will do that later." Replied Kanda as he said her name without her rank.

Kuune just smiles at him as she heard him call her name casually before the transmission between Reisende and the Mothership had ended.

Kanda looks at the blank monitor for the transmission with Kuune before he say: "Well...It's our turn to be heroes on this planet." Kanda looks at the center of that fist's image where concentrated energy sources had been gathered there.

When that immense reading of energy had been released towards Reisende, Kanda had instructed Ichika to use the remaining Grand Protection talisman to cover the Reisende.

Reisende also had fired all of its energy beams and cannons towards that incoming energy burst especially Reisende's twin blaster cannons which had been fully recharged. Reisende's energy attack had met with the "God's Fury" where "God's Fury" slowly pushing Reisende's attack before it had encountered with Mode 3 Grand Protection talisman's barrier which had been used to reflect back "God's Fury".

However, only a little portion of "God's Fury" had been returned back while the rest had burdened that barrier which had operated with 95% of its capacity. Seeing his barrier had almost broken, Kanda immediately use Mode 2 barrier to deflect that attack.

Enormous cloud of explosion can be seen at the point of impact when the "God's Fury" had been deflected. Kanda had used Jens's robot to block some of the diverted attack which cause that giant robot to be destroyed into smithereens when being hit by that attack.

When the "God's Fury" had ended its attack's round, the after effect of that attack could be seen where at the point of impact, the ground had melted into a lava due to the immense degree of temperature of the attack.

"Melwin, how about the status of Reisende after that attack?" Asked Kanda as Reisende had succeeded to reduce that attack albeit only half of its power.

"Reisende's operational capabilities had reached 65% where some of its systems had been damaged from the splash damage of "God's Fury"...Our aircraft squadrons that had been left outside had succeeded to move away before that attack had came at us...We also successfully took down another two spaceships from our opponent after we had reflected a little portion of the "God's Fury" towards them." Replied Melwin as she had informed to Kanda.


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