
Chapter 93. Silver Grade Adventurer

"We have already researched this; drop rate after death is not certain. His treasures might end up lost forever when he dies," Scarface said. "But it is true that we still need to eliminate him as soon as possible, not for his treasures but to prevent him from becoming a greater obstacle to our guild. It is unfortunate that we have made him our enemy; that stupid Bigarm sure knows how to pick a foe! Now we need to stop Storm Wind from advancing."

"It will be difficult to make obvious moves against him as he has White Scarfs' protection."

"White Scarfs protected him when they didn't see us as a threat. However, we now know that cities other than Bay City were affected by the world-changing event too. That means more players were transported into this world from other cities. Once we assemble all the members of our Death Associates guild, White Scarfs will be just a small annoyance; if they still insist on protecting Storm Wind, they will be the ones to suffer."

Red Death thought about Scarface's words. "But after searching for five days, we still haven't located many of our members from other cities."

"It is possible that this capital is not the only place that players have been sent to," Scarface replied.

"You mean there are other cities in this world where we might find players like us?"

"I would say that is highly probable," Scarface nodded. "Once our members reach the higher levels that allow them to travel further into the wilderness, we will start exploring. Once we find other cities and our other members, we can re-assemble our guild and regain our glory."

Red Death looked in the direction of Jack's party.

"So, for now, we let them roam free?" She asked.

"For now," Scarface replied. "By the way, Blackjack will surely be pissed by your request this time. He lost quite a number of his people."

"He will get his compensation," Red Death said. "But I know his temperament. He will surely not let this go. While we focus on searching for our guild members, we can use his thirst for vengeance to create trouble for Storm Wind.

"That was kind of heartless of you; I thought he was your martial brother."

Red Death scoffed, "He is just a fool who thinks a lot of himself, though he can be useful once in a while."

Scarface smirked, "Heh. If this is how you treat people who are kind to you, I would hate to be your enemy."


Jack's group arrived in the Capital without any other complications. When they passed through the city gate, the group could feel their tension loosening. They were now inside the safe zone; no more need to worry about being ambushed by other players or monsters.

"So, where are you guys going?" Bowler asked the others.

"I am going to meet up with my men who died, and then we are going to hang out in the tavern. Any of you want to join?" The Man asked.

"I will pass. I want to go hand our quest to the Adventurers Association," Jack replied.

"Me too," John said.

"Okay, keep in contact, Boss! Holler if you need anything," The Man said, completely ignoring John.

Jack nodded. "Take care. Call me, too, if you need help."

"That's my boss!" The Man clapped him on the shoulder and waved goodbye to Bowler, Flame, and Tip. He again deliberately ignored John, who seemed indifferent to this treatment.

When The Man left with the rest of Men of Solidarity, Jack turned to John, "you are going to hand over your quest to the Adventurers Association as well? Shall we head there together?"

"You go first; I want to visit some shops to make a few purchases first," John replied.

"All right. Keep in touch," Jack said to him.

"Oh, believe me, I will. It will be a shame if I don't put someone with abilities such as yours to proper use," John replied.

"You are completely shameless, you know?" Bowler scorned.

John replied with contempt, "You have been calling me detestable, despicable, and shameless. Go brush up on your vocabulary so you can add more colorful words to describe me next time."

"I would prefer there to be no next time."

"The feeling is mutual, friend."

Flame was not interested in listening to their banter, so she walked away, and Jack followed her. When Bowler saw that they had left him behind, he immediately ignored John and chased after them.


There were even more people this time inside the Bronze Hall of Adventurers Association. Soon every player, or outworlder, as the natives called them, would know about this place. When that happened, Jack was afraid that people would need to queue up to accept a quest despite the Hall's large size and multiple counters. Luckily, he was just three points away from becoming a Silver adventurer; he expected the Silver Hall to stay less crowded for some time.

Jack went to a counter while Flame and Bowler went to the other two empty counters. Currently, they still had the luxury of choosing counters. Although the three had accepted the same quest, they still needed to submit it individually to receive their rewards.

Jack handed in his completion report and received three silver coins, 2000 Experience points, and 14 Adventurer Points.

He immediately received a system notification, "Congratulations, you have reached level 15 for your Fighter class."

Level 15 at last! He was now eligible for an Advanced class.

While he was internally celebrating his level-up, the girl at the counter took out a dark red orb similar to the one at the lobby counter when Jack received his Bronze adventurer badge.

"Sir, congratulations, you have accumulated enough points to become a Silver rank Adventurer," the girl at the counter said. "If I may borrow your Adventurer Badge, I will help you through the necessary process of becoming one."

'There is still a process?' Jack thought. He didn't worry about it and handed over his Adventurer Badge. The girl placed it onto the orb, which enveloped it. Jack and the girl waited while the orb occasionally flashed with dull light. It was like waiting for computer processing in his real world, Jack thought. Not long after, the orb released his badge. It was now silver in color with a metallic texture. Some parts were so shiny he could see his reflection.

"The process is complete; congratulations on becoming a Silver Adventurer," the girl said with a smile.

Jack took back his badge and admired it. It looked much cooler now.

The girl then gave him the directions to the Silver Hall, which provided quests for Silver Adventurer.

"Before you go, I would also like to inform you," the girl added. "that as the first Outworlder to become a Silver Adventurer, you have been granted VIP Adventurer status."

"What's VIP status?" Jack asked.

"It's a status with some benefits, of course," the girl replied. "One of which allows you to use our VIP rooms. Inside the rooms, you can receive and submit quests as you have been doing at the counters here in the Hall. But since the rooms are exclusive for VIPs, you don't have to worry about queueing up with the crowd."

Jack thought that was pretty neat. He had been worrying about this place getting too crowded just a few minutes ago. He didn't expect to be handed a solution to that issue in such a short time. It was like being a VIP at a bank in his real life, so you don't need to waste time queuing up at the tellers.

Jack thanked her for her help and was just about to depart to look at the Silver Hall when he heard Peniel's voice.

'Aren't you forgetting something?' She asked.

'About what?' Jack enquired.

He could hear Peniel let out a heavy sigh, showing her annoyance.

"Exclusive List! Body Double skill!" She said out loud.

Edited by OneFellSwoop

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