
19 in 365

A love story of a 19 year old girl from a 3rd person perspective... introduction of untold love story of a girl who is afraid to love anyone because of the trauma that she had to go though in her past... will she succeed in her first love... will he ever understand and accept her love. Glimpse of Love to her first love.

Leen_AMT · Teenager
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4 Chs


But the real game starts now. Leen had to go through many things from a young age itself, she was traumatized and haunted by people's unanswerable questions. She hated people, and crowd, she even hated herself so much that she even used to think that she deserved all this pain.

Since her biological father was someone outside of society, society always used to bully her by calling Kafir (offensive work for Muslims). They used to hurt her with their evil words, they always used to question her father who leave her when she was just a toddler, even the Muslim mothers warned their children not to play or talk to her, even their young ones used to use her and blame her for things which she didn't even hear or see. Whenever she come in contact with people she felt scared to her death... she felt suffocated... those people's words were like a noose around her neck.

To add bitterness to this, she met her biological sister for the first time when she was just eight or nine. It was a kind of family meeting, which included her biological father and mother, her stepfather and stepmother, her biological sister and stepsister, and an advocate as an intermediate. But, things didn't go as they expected, her sister denied her in front of everyone. Her little heart shattered into thousands of pieces of a glass bowl, her little eyes were filled with tears... she couldn't even utter a word or cry, she stood still there in shock like a statue... the whole world seemed to be ending in front of her eyes. From a young age itself it was her dream to meet her sister and get pampered by her, every time she saw a kid with their sister she wished to be that child and taste that love, she was curious and dying for love. But those words broke her hurt and put her in a dark room, she hated people afterward... she was afraid of rejection and neglection from loved ones... she was frightened to love anyone... she always kept a distance from people, even from the people who love her... even from her mother. Her behavior and approach towards things such as love and point of view of life. She liked to keep separated from others, she loved loneliness and hated others, she lost interest in socializing and put herself in a thrown cage made by herself, she kept her love and care towards herself and acted like she doesn't care for others. But that wasn't the only reason she hated to minkle with people, her mother and stepfather was a reason too... since her mother lost her own daughter, her mother was too scared of showing her love to Leen, she thought if she shows her love to her younger one, her younger one will also leave her too... so she hid her love and acted like a heartless mom, and she used to beat her for a tiny little thing and used to get mad on simple things. Leen had to plead for days if she wants to get something for her from mother, she had to make clear the whole intentions behind the purpose or need. At the same time, her stepfather was the one who saved her from mother's unjustified beatings. But the things went way opposite when he get made with his wife, he even call her the wrong one and he when hurts Leen's little hurt without thinking.

Everything made her to hate this world and people... the criticism she had to face from her friends was also same... they used her to get their own things done and used her to escape from problems that they created. They used to make fun of her from her behind... often sometimes they made her to think that she is worthless and their mothers did the same too. But, her mother stood up for her and rose her voice for her daughter and made her own image go diminished.

As years passed, she slowly started to observe her surroundings and tried to study how these people interact, express their emotions, how they behave, how they act, since she kept herself way too much from people she didn't know how to interact with others in fact her socializing skill was poor. To get a relief from all of this she started to watch cartoons and used to sped hours in front of the television and tried to make those fake smiles... but under her mother's pressure she shifted her concentration from all this stuffs and put it into her studies... which made her classmates to have some impression on her and her teachers too, she was one of the class toper in fact the class topper... if by in any chance she loose her marks... her mother used to give some silly punishments and tortured with her words like in every typical Indian family. Sometimes, it was even a competition with her mother and stepfather that who would hurt her more.

When she hit fifteen, she decide to take break from all of these mess. She decided to go to mainland and pursue her carrier there. It was hard for her to sift entirely into a new place with new faces, new air... but she decided to go with her plan as she needed some time to refresh her mind from all this mess. Convincing her parents were a major task... but somehow she managed to nail it. She was fifteen when she separated from her parents and it was also the same time when her sister reunited with her family. At least before she gets separated from her family she spent a handful memorable moments with them. She got her admission in her new school and new hostel... but, things didn't go right here also... she created a bad impression among her classmates and teachers. And during her last years of school life... CORONA spread its dominance and as a result the school was forced to conduct online classes and she totally messed up with it as usual.

The hostel life was hard for her, the food, the atmosphere, new faces, new trend... everything seemed so strange to her. Its was the time she exposed to social medias, for the first time. She shifted her whole concentration from studies and duped it into social media stuffs including Instagram, K-pop, K-drama and entirely into art and novel writing stuffs. A a result her grades started to hit the ground, she got enough firing from her parents and she failed in her test for the very first time in her life. It was also the time many " for the very first time " events happened in her life. She used social media for the first time, she got her first male best friend, she failed in her test, she got punishments from her teacher, she lied to her mother, she used chat with her boys, she used tab late nights, she didn't completed her works on time, she didn't complete her notes and records, traveled alone, she didn't wear shall as it was against the school uniform code... and may more. It was entirely different atmosphere for her, out of the blue she had to take care of everything by herself, she had to balance her night and days, she had to take care of herself, being cared by parents it was so hard for her to breath for herself.

There were many rumors about her linking her and other boys in her school life... she didn't felt the emotion 'love' with anyone, those were just a rumors she kept avoiding them. But, in some situations she put herself as an experimental object to find out that if she had any feelings for them but the result was negative.

But things got entirely changed when she started to go to college. She was just seventeen when she finished her higher secondary education. Since being the class topper and teachers pet everyone thought she would be a doctor or scientist, it was also her dream to be one, but, since she messed up with her studies in her higher secondary, her mother forced her to take one year gap and joined her in Brilliant Institution; it is an institution for NEET/JEE/CAT entrance exam coaching center. She messed up here also, she spent her most time in K-pop and K-drama stuffs... but she gave the exam and she passed, it she didn't get an excellent rank to enroll in a good college.

That was the time when she saw one of her friend enrolled in an easy course under the same institution by their own committee. She somehow convinced her mother to allow her to join the college and same course even though she knows anything about related to that field, but the best part was that, during the interview, she got tensed up and she selected Animation and VFX instead of Animation and Graphic Design, she messed up her also... as expected her mother was damn unhappy about the course she took, but she accepted just because she got ninth rank interview among around forty student participated... but honestly Animation and VFX is nod bad... but just have to work your ass off to submit the work before due.

The enrolling in college and taking course, which was exact opposite she wanted, but somehow she convinced herself to hold on it. She met a friend named Joka and he entirely changed her introvert personality. He made her left with no option other than talking to other people. As a result she got many friends.. usually her friendship group was so small... can't even say that a group... just one or two and not more. But, in college she had a group of friends... around ten in a group.