
Chapter 135: Some of Edward's plans towards the Stark children

"Uncle Edward, it is great to see you again." Said Rob as he came close and gave Edward a hug. Edward tried to get close to all the Stark's children as all of them had some fate that made them capable of doing something out of normal. Not to mention Rob, who got crowned as the king in The North, you could see what I am talking about by looking at Jon, Bran, Aria, and Sansa. They all had great things they would do in the near future.

"Haha, you grow up to be a strong young man. I don't know who would win this time if you fought Axel." Said Edward as he joked around with the young Rob. He knew that Rob looked up to Axel and Raymont, who was so excellent in everything, which made every lord in Westeros had heard about their deeds already. Of course, he knew who would win. Edward was strict in his children's training turning their life a living hell in their eyes due to his actions. Even the girls did not get out of it non-beaten. Edward knew that his children were his only weaknesses at the moment, and he had to act like that so they could protect themselves.

Rob smiled after hearing what Edward said. He knew that Edward was joking as well. He had already heard about the news regarding Axel fighting in Essos and slaying some Khal of the Dothraki hordes not long ago. Edward's children were really different from other families' children. Nothing came easy to them, and they knew that. They had seen how Edward had put his heart aside to train them. And after seeing the ugly world outside, they knew why their father insisted on telling them when they reached their eighth names day that he would disown anyone who did not achieve anything during his life. That was why every one of them had spent most of their time training as hard as they could. They would attend every meeting their father had to learn from him.

Edward then saw Sansa standing next to Rob. Although Edward only liked Sansa after she got humiliated time after time in King's Landing and on Ramsy Bolton's hands, he did not want her to get this smart in this life. He could not let her try to separate The North from the rest of the kingdom. If she did something like that, Edward did not mind taking The North by power. He planned to marry her to his son but not for the moment, at least since he wanted Ned to travel to King's Landing.

"Look at you, little Sansa. You look the same as little Lyanna from back then." Said Edward as he smiled at first, then turned sad after mentioning Lyanna. Of course, he faked this expression as he wanted to let everyone standing around him know that he did not forget Lyanna. The news of that day had already reached Winterfell. Ned also told his children how Edward had helped him, and without Edward's help, he might not be able to retrieve Lyanna's body. They knew that Edward sent Lyanna to The North on one of his ships. That was one of the reasons why Every Stark looked at Edward's favorably.

Ned, who heard Lyanna's name mentioned her by Edward, looked sad a little as he remembered how he found his sister covered in her blood after giving birth to the little Jon, but he tried not to show this. They did not want to ruin the reunion with Edward and his family.

"I am grateful for your praise, your grace." Said Sansa with a smile, but her eyes did not leave his first son, Raymont. Though her eyes would shift every once and while to look at Edward's third son, Lyonel Baratheon, and his twin brother, Orys Baratheon, who were close to her age. Sansa, at the moment, was the naive version of her and was still dreaming of marrying a prince so that she could be a queen. But since Edward wanted Ned to go to King's Landing, he did not propose a marriage between Sansa and one of his sons. Edward would let his sons talk with her, though. He had discussed some of his plans with his children. Most of them were at a suitable age to discuss these important matters with him. Edward planned to take Sansa as his daughter by law, but he had to wait till he rescued her from King's Landing after Ned's death. He would do that to gain her loyalty. He would let her hear his advice to her father before he went to King's Landing with Robert.

Edward then saw his favorite character from the show after Petyr Baelish, Arya fucking Stark. At first, Edward did not think of any plan to marry one of his sons to the girl since he already had his eyes on Sansa to rule The North. But at that time, Ashara had given birth to twins two times in a row, raising the number of Edward's children to seven. Five boys and two girls were the exact numbers of Edward's children. Plus, he had adopted a girl from the Wilding that he saved back then. We would get to this later.

"Haha, little Arya, how are you, little one? You still behave like a tomboy as always." Said Edward with a laugh getting another small giggle from the young girl. Edward would always joke with her that he would marry her to one of his sons. And one of the reasons that he came here this time was to propose the marriage between Aria and his youngest son, Wilyam. Edward had lost all his hopes about this son of his. He was not ambitious and did not care about anything in the world except traveling around the world. Wilyam caused Edward a headache after a headache. He tried to shape this boy the same way he did to his other sons, but to no avail.

Aside from his training that his father had forced him to do, Wilyam would always sneak around to travel. But he would take a knight with him to train, or his father would kill him if he saw that his level had deteriorated. Since Edward did not plan to have this child, he saw no reason to prevent him from doing what he wanted. He let him travel around Westeros in the last two years.

Edward had only decided to let him marry Arya when the little brat asked him before they left for The North the question that made Edward knew that only Aria was suitable for him. They both had the same dream and would act unruly as always.


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