
Chapter 136: Edward's headache

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

For every two new pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter the next day.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




Edward signaled for everyone to stand up before the ceremonies started. The following days in Storm's End were special. No one could describe the joy in every town and castle as they knew that their situation would get better and better after King Edward I ascend the throne. There were celebrations in every corner of Stormsland in order to celebrate the ascension of the new king of Storms.


The brat came to Edward when Edward was having a meeting with his hand, Stannis, and the rest of the small council. Since Edward had not seen him for more than a year and a half, he allowed him to sit by the side for a moment till he finished his meeting.

While Edward was discussing critical matters regarding their operation against Bravos, the brat asked in a loud voice.

"What lies west of Westeros, father?" Asked the brat, Wilyam, with a loud voice interrupting the meeting. After Hearing Wilyam's question, the others smiled while Stannis fell into his thoughts. If Stannis did not have duties, Edward believed that the man who liked the marine life would travel the world. Though, Edward doubted that with this dour personality of his would succeed in this job.

"And what do you need from the west of Westeros? Should not you think more about Westeros and lift some burdens from your brothers?" Asked Edward with some annoyance in his heart. He did not know what to do with this son of his. He only left him on his own because there was peace in Westeros at the moment, or else he would not allow him to travel like that. Wilyam was a little reckless and made him worry a lot.

Edward also started to think that the brat's question was somewhat familiar to him. He sensed that he had heard him in someplace. A lot of time had passed since Edward came to this world. All this time made his memory start fading a little by little. He began to forget some events and pieces of knowledge from his memory. That was why he started noting down all the vital information in his head on papers so that he would not forget any event.

But after hearing his son's next request, he knew where he had heard this sentence before. He knew it was the same fucking question that Arya had asked Jon Snow at the end of the show. After that, she took a ship and headed west. He knew that there was no hope for this son, so why not let him marry a girl with the same head. Edward always wondered why Wilyam would get along well with Arya, who did not have many friends even in Winterfell. But it seemed that the same birds flock together.

"Father, I want to head west. Can you lend me a ship?" Requested the young Wilyam, surprising everyone present. That was the request that made Edward remember Arya's question.

"Work for it yourself. If your performance satisfies me, I will allow it. Before that, I will let the men shot you down before you even attempt to do something like that." Said Edward after making his decision. He decided to leave Westeros himself after defeating the rest and enjoying the last moves of the game. He would let his sons take care of the new empire after that.

The little brat nodded his head after hearing his father's words. He knew his father did not break his promise to any of his children if they did their best and earned a name for themselves. Edward was strict and lenient at the same time. He would never allow them to ignore their training, whether the physical one or the mental.

After that conversation, Wilyam visited his father at night. He wanted to know what to do to earn his father's approval.

"Father, What do you want me to do?" The eleven-year-old brat asked Edward as he barged into his bedroom to ask him this question. Edward wanted to shout at the few guards outside and punish them for letting this unruly brat enter the room, but he decided to ignore it as it was not their problem but this brat.

"This time when we go to The North. I will ask your uncle Ned for his daughter, Arya's hand. You will marry her." Said Edward as he sighed while dealing with this son of his. His twin sister did not tire him like that.

"But I want to travel. I don't want to marry and stay here in Westeros." Said the brat as he retorted Edward's words.

"Don't worry, idiot. She had the same metallic head as you. She is an unruly brat like you." Said Edward remembering Arya's attitude. If she got born a boy instead and did not have Catylen Stark to put her down, she would be as annoying as his son.

"I am unruly?" Said the brat in a surprised tone as if he did not know something like that. Edward did not wait and at once kicked the annoying brat and chased him out of his room. Raising a kid was much difficult than he thought.

After this conversation, everything moved in the same direction as Edward planned. And that took us here to Winterfell.

After the young Arya giggled a little after hearing Edward's words, she got hit by her sister next to her while Catylen gave her the eye. Arya shat up at once after that and tried to greet Edward courteously.

"Your grace." Said Arya with a smile that did not look like a smile as she tried to greet Edward with courtesy, but she looked funny after trying to do so.

Wilyam came close at the moment and started laughing. He, Arya, and Theresa, Wilyam's twin sister, were friends since they were close in age. In the last visit to The north, the three came close to each other.

"You look funny when you do something like that, Ary." Said Wilyam as he laughed, ignoring the looks his brothers were giving him. The brat was not like his brothers at all and behaved like a ruffian. But he shat up after Arya's resentful look. The idiot called her by her boyish name, and she would get punished by her mother.

"Shut up, Wil." Shouted the little girl. She was ready to fight Wilyam head-on. How dare he laugh at her after the torture she had been through to do this?

"Arya!!!" Said Catelyn as she glared at Arya. She did not want her to disrespect the prince, especially in front of Edward.

"Hahaha, it is ok. I always find this part of little Arya the same as Lyanna, right Ned?" Said Edward as he laughed at Arya's behavior. He was right to choose her as his son's bride.

Ned could only smile at Edward and shook his head. He knew that Arya's behavior was the same as Lyanna's. But that behavior in his eyes was what got Lyanna to her death, so Ned did not think of stopping his wife's tries to change Arya's attitude. He believed that if Arya behaved more like a lady, she would not face a similar situation as his sister.


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