
Ship's Bridge

The situation at Carlo is still not showing an end as guards are keep coming.

Some of the thugs are showing fatigue while some are collapsing from hunger.

Hunger is their truest enemy as it weakens them inside.

While they are busy fighting, in the inside of the ship Mike and Daniel are walking idly checking all the rooms that are locked.

(I would love to give this to Carlo and make him do this but the guards are still out there lurking. Might as well search what this key for while I am inside. Let's just hope that this was useful.) What Mike had thought for a plan for now.

He thought that he can do this job alone however someone is following him.

The one who is following him isn't a foe nor an ally as he only takes his distance between them short.

He is Daniel who has sharp eyes, a close friend to Leo.

They had known for each other while since they have stuck darkroom but Mike still did not trust him and so as Daniel not trusting Mike.

Daniel follows Mike as he believes that he might escape alone leaving them behind. He wanted to prevent that to happen but if that happens he could just let others know his escape route for them to also escape.

The only choice for Daniel is to follow Mike because he is the only key for them to escape. He did not follow for his safety but for the others as well.

Mike hastened his walk trying to leave Daniel behind but the latter did not falter as he showed that he can also run fast as him.

And in the end, both of them are walking idly not fast nor slow.

"Wrong door. Wrong door. Wrong door. Wrong door...? Ah! Wrong door."

"Don't give me hopes you, dickhead!"

"Shut up you are just following me so be quiet."

Their conversation isn't going anywhere from insults and about wrong doors as they proceed from one door to another.

(Geez, how much time would it takes for him to find the right door? I'm getting worried about others outside.) thought by Daniel worriedly.

They haven't even searched for half of the rooms on the whole deck because there are too many rooms for two of them to check.

It would take some time to even reach half of the whole rooms.

"Hey Mike, maybe try checking a room that looks more important than searching every room," Daniel suggested to Mike as they finished checking a room.

"... That may be a good idea, I'll do that."

As they change their ways of searching they quickly look for a room that is different than the others.

The pace changes quickly from slow to fast as they started to run while searching.

Still, no dubious room can be found.

They quickly went to another deck to another as they not stopping to find it.

They found some dubious rooms but it was still not compatible with the key.

It takes some time but after lurking at the upper deck they finally found the place where the key fits.

Luckily, they haven't encountered any guards so they found it in a short time without trouble.

They all put their palm into their face as they realized how stupid they are.

"Of course, it's a driver's seat. Who would not fucking know!" Daniel shouted in anger.

"Well, *sigh* at least we finally found it kek."

They at the door that is different from the others. It's more metallic and looks more secured than the other room that is near nor far as it is the only room that gives a certain pressure to the people who are near it.

They knew this the place and no one is guarding the door but the air it gives is something that they feel for the first time.

The feel of getting killed. The feeling of death.

The feeling to your cold body embracing you to give in to death that is waiting beyond the door.

Without opening the door they already felt the chills that went through to their spine.

Still, even with that feeling, they continued.

Beyond there may be an embodiment of death that they are feeling right now but beyond there is also the ship's bridge, a room where you control the whole ship with that in hand they could change the route of the ship or even know their exact location.

*gulp* Both swallowed their saliva without looking nor talking to each other they push the door, slowly. Wishing that no one would suddenly attack them while opening the door cold sweats flows down like a fountain from their whole body.

They managed to open the door and what's beyond is a large place with levers, buttons, helm and large screens that can be found anywhere inside the room.

What they are looking at is not the buttons nor the steering wheel but they are looking at the source to their feeling of death.

A single man wearing a white shirt, black trousers and a service cap standing at the front of the helm looking down at the place where the brawl is happening.

A sea captain.

He is all silent as his face did not show any tint of expression.

Mike and Daniel were overwhelmed by his presence alone that they haven't noticed the man in charge who escape from Mike's grasp is lying down at the corner not moving an inch.

Not only the man in charge was the only human lying at the corner as there are people who are also in his state.

(This is bad, never mind claiming this room, our lives might get ended here!) thought by Daniel as he took one step back.

However as soon he took his right foot outside the room...


A sound of wind passes through his right thigh.

Daniel who was too late to realize was fallen to the ground.

He feels a pain that he never felt before in his entire life.

He slowly looks at his right foot believing that the pain that coming from there is a lie.


Blood spurting out horribly as his right leg is already detached from him.

"A-a-a-ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Daniel's expression is twisted in pain and fear.

Mike who is looking at the captain is surprised as he saw Daniel shouting in agony.

For them who are young or, even the adults and the olds can't handle this spectacle.

Mike covers his mouth trying to not vomit in the middle of the crisis.

What had happened? Neither of them knows.

Who did that? Neither of them knows.

Can they escape? Neither of them knows.

Like some old man said, "The regret always comes at the end."

Mike quickly removed his upper shirt and covers Daniel's wound.

Not sure if it could help but he will never know until he tries.

The reek of blood can be smelled throughout the whole room even tho Daniel bleeds just now.

Or is he the only the one that in that kind of state?

As they realize, Mike noticed the man in charge lying at the corner not moving an inch.

Mike doesn't have sharp eyes like Daniel so he squinted his eyes trying to see the man lying at the ground clearly.

Blood, the man in charge also covered in blood as his torso has a huge hole, showing his hanging heart that is not beating anymore.

The other people lying at the ground too also have whole or missing limbs from their bodies.

What a gory scene it was thoughted by Mike as he trying to hold down his vomit.

(Like I thought that it could get any worse but not beyond to this situation. Oh god, I want to release this rice vinegar inside of my stomach. Wait, I haven't eaten anything since days.)

Finally, he covers Daniel's large wound from his right leg.

He quickly carries Daniel from his back and started to go outside the room.

He thought that he may lead to the same state as Daniel if he ever steps outside so he tried using meat that he stored on his pocket from the kitchen to throw it outside.

And then another scary shit happened.

A worm-like creature that you mostly found in your intestine is at the door. The worm size is scarily big, bigger than your average worm, no, the worm is bigger than your average human is crawling outside of the room eating the meat that was thrown into the ground along with the piece of the floor got eaten.

Its skin is like made out of muscles as something like slimes is spurting out from it, no eyes can be seen and it has a large circular mouth with layers of razor-sharp teeth.

Between his teeth, you can even see Daniel's leg getting munch like a mashed potato.

This is the one who eats Daniel's right leg.

Situation: Got Worse. Possibility of escape = ???

(I guess the first food that I eat since days will be getting out of my stomach without digesting it.)

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