
Eerie Death

With Daniel on his back, his mobility decreased.

With the feeling of death harboring the whole room his heart wanted to stop beating in fear.

With the worm-like creature outside the door, their escape is futile.

The captain still not showing any movements as he is looking at the fight below.

In desperation, Mike brought out his gun he obtained and pointed at the captain.

He immediately shifts his gun aiming at the worm creature as Mike sense that the worm might crawl towards him.

He changed his aim but he cannot get off the feeling of the death that the captain gives off.

Mike can try to shoot both of them in an instant as his hand grips well into the gun.

He may be compatible with the gun but his instinct is telling him that it's impossible.

But he still shoots.

(This worm first!)

*BAM* a sound of a gunshot rang from the whole ship.

Mike quickly changes his aim as soon he shoots the worm and pointed his gun towards the captain and immediately triggered the gun.

*BAM* Another gunshot rang throughout the ship.

However, the second gunshot may be heard but the bullet is cannot be seen to the captain.

The worm that was supposed to be shotted is at the front of Mike blocking the gun that pointed towards the captain.

Two holes can be seen from the worm but the worm moves as he is fine and about to bite Mike's hand.


As soon Mike senses his approach he spams the trigger of the gun firing all of the bullets to the worm.

*BAM BAM BAM BAMP* Whole round of bullets run out and soon after the worm drop it's a whole large body to the ground showing that he died from the rapid-fire of the gun.

Mike wanted to show a relieved sigh but as soon he killed the worm, the captain is already staring at him with scary eyes.

His hair stands up from fear like he was given a look at his death from the captain's eyes.

The captain did not show any tint of expression as he staring Mike like he is staring into his soul.

Mike did not even dare to look as soon he knows that the worm is dead means that the door is free and sprinted away from here carrying Daniel at his back.

"I am not stupid to fight that thing! Peace out!" Mike even talks back as he runs with his all might.

He did not know what is the worm nor what is the captain but he only knows one thing is to run away from them.

Mike throws away his gun as he realized his gun is empty while he runs away.

Luckily the captain did not chase him as he only looks at the place where Mike and Daniel were.

The captain squinted his eyes more as he is looking at something.

And for a second he whispers, "Foolish."


Mike is about to run downstairs but the path was blocked by numerous guards like expecting him to come down there. Mike got no choice but to look for another path and went straight up to the roof of the ship.

He managed to carry Daniel to the roof safely.

Thankfully there are no guards beyond the highest deck.

He quickly lay down Daniel who is enduring the pain from his missing right leg.

"Ha... Ha... It hurts. It hurts like hell."

"Endure a little more we are about to go to Carlo's group."

Mike trying to help Daniel to calm down the pain.

With his dirty shirt only barely stopping the bleed he wished that this is must be a dream.

Mike shifts his gaze to the whole roof astonished as the room is so vast but there are no people except them.

(Where in the world they would be if not here?) Mike asked himself as he thinks about another plan that might potentially succeed.

While he is gazing he noticed something at the sea.

A cruise ship, container ship, bulk carrier, and more types of ships sailoring along with each other as they are headed in the same direction.

They are not far nor near that makes Mike forgot their existence back then as he only focuses on reserving his energy inside the darkroom.

(There must be tons of people that got dragged here too.) He felt pity, and sad to those innocent people that got dragged here in this mess.

He thought something to himself. (I am just supposed to be an average highschooler and yet here I am in a situation where I experience near-death experience and even meet the death himself. *sigh* I want to eat some delicious food after this.)

The gust of the cold wind pass to his nose giving him a tickling vibe that makes him scratch his nose in annoyance.

This night might be a good time for him to relax and embrace the exhaustion but the situation they are in is preventing him.

(It might be better to use smaller boats to escape than terrorize this boat to ourselves that will take a couple of hours or even days to finish.)

Mike looks for a small boat for them to escape with but he can't properly see anything as his eyes were nothing to compare to Daniel. But Daniel is not useful right now and Mike is the only one who can move.

He stands at something like a box for him to see better. Now that I mention it, Mike is quite small amongst the group.

"Let's see... Let's see... Usually, it will be right there. Aha! Found it!" said Mike in an exciting tone.

He quickly prepares himself and carries Daniel who is still in the middle of calming himself down from the pain.

"Oy! Ouch! Stop! It fucking hurts!"

"I don't want to hear that lewd words from you!"

"What the fuck do you mean, you shitty brat!?"

Even he had this serious injury he doesn't let himself lose in any kind of argument.

If they had to run down to Carlo's place they must go to a route where they don't encounter any of the guards.

Mike doesn't feel any death that hugging him so he senses that the captain is not nearby.

With Daniel at his back, Mike instead of using stairs to go down inside, Mike climbs down outside.

Only barely grabbing anything from pipes and small gaps of the ship Daniel snaps.

"A-are you crazy! Oy stop this! I don't want to die here! Let me go don't let me join you to hell!"

"Shut the fuck up, you single-legged eyeballs! Be thankful that I am helping you! Use your eyes to look at where is the good place to grab onto."

"Ah! My blood is flowing down!"

(This is why I wanted to leave you behind!) gritted by Mike.


*pant pant*

*pant pant*

They somehow managed to climb down from the roof to the deck where Carlo is at.

Mike did not forget the locations of the boat from his mind as he proceeds to run to Carlo while breathing haggardly.

Daniel? Daniel is...

"I want to vomit but I can't as I don't have anything to puke." Daniel is somehow fine even tho he is the one that interrupts Mike on climbing down as he swings his body left to right.

Mike only wishes this nightmare will come to an end.

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