

Diane lied just to get Toby fired Monday Toby didnt do anything wrong thats bullshit

I just want this year to be over already im sick and tired of everyone now none of my family members care about me anymore

Tobys right i really do need to move out but i dont know what to do to be honest i kinda wish that i could end my life right here right now but i cant because apparantly i have people who 'care' about me the only person who cares about me is kylie

lindsay told me not to be cheap for christmas because i have a job so i asked her girlfriend lauren to help me find a gift for sierra and we found something for all three of us sisters me, lindsay, and sierra

when i told lindsay how much it was she was like "she got me a 38 dollar gift when i got her a 150 dollar gift" and that really hurt my feelings so thank you lindsay thank you for making me feel like a cheap asshole now i dont want to open any gifts on christmas at all but i have to because i have to be nice ugh

Toby is for sure not my favorite person anymore

I'm just mad that Diane lied to the plant manager about Toby

I'm about to start finding some apartments so I can move out I'll probably move out in like a year or two who knows but I'm still waiting till I get my drivers liscense

I got black timberlands

oh yeah stewart and dave are going back to work tomorrow i just got to make sure that i stay away from both of them

im gonna need a new journal soon along with a new calendar too

I think i might go back to writing my two stories its been awhile since i've done those i wanna say about like 2 or 3 months max but im not so sure

I also think that i'll be keeping track of whats happening this month until the beginning of next year that way i can get a new journal soon but i could probably go buy one at riteaids the next time i get my haircut or something

im so glad stewart and dave are back at work it was such a disaster when they were gone for two weeks

oh yeah i need a ride to work for about a week in january

why are gays so cute like what the actual fuck

im so bored ugh but at least im listening to my favorite songs

i know every single song of every descendants movie

im learning how to drive the hilow but kits gonna take me some time until i get it right

oh yeah someone from second shift thought that toby was my boyfriend ha i wish he was but i dont know if that will ever happen maybe in the future just not right not

i know that i said that i'll be writing in here but i've been pretty busy too much is going on right now and its all just way too much for me

lindsay having strep throat lauren and the baby leaving

me switching rooms with my mom

all 3 rooms need to be painted

cleaning and moving mine plus my moms stuff from the closets

me practicing for drivers training

its way too much right now and im hoping that itll be back to normal plus i should be happy 2020 is almost over yay finally goddamn

alright goodnight now

lindsay didnt go to work again

probably aint gonna go tomorrow but who really knows

i hope she gets better soon everyone wont stop asking asking about her

lindsay thinks that i should go back to counseling because she thinks that im depressed and not telling anyone why

i always stay in my room okay so whats the problem with that

i did my eyeliner

im still practicing but i think that it looks good my mom put my mirror on my closet door my room is looking really nice

i kinda want to start getting into wearing makeup and practicing you know just like start with the plain colors first then i want to try to get into the bright colors and doing some makeup looks hopefully ill be good with a lot of practice i dont know when ill be doing that but hopefully soon because i still have to buy eyeshadow cause i dont have any right now

i need to finish this journal up soon before the year ends and the new one starts ugh

lindsay said she can take me to get my first tattoo

im getting the tattoo on my left arm i just have to find a tatto that i like but its really hard to find a tatto that i like and im looking on pinterest

I started to snap ntoby again i dont know why

this christmas wasnt bad it was alright i still had tons of fun with my cousins

i got 4 new puzzles yay my fingers are going to break off

i got a lamp new bedding makeup curlers jewelry new clothes basically the usual like always

i started doing my eyeshadow i had to find the right colors plus im also using my curlers in my hair

ive had them in since 10 o'clock its 12:05 wow

my ribs are starting to hurt

okay so um...i started to take random pictures of me yesterday and today and oh my God i think I did really good kylie and i both think that i should do photography and i swear i could even be a model too but im not into all of that stuff though so i dont know

oh my god this year is almost done i really hope next year will be better fongers crossed

i think i might want to do photography only on the weekends though because i cant do it during the week cause i have work

wow toby still likes me river and jacob likes me too

my mom and lindsay both know that u talk to toby still plus they called me a hoe

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