
January 2021

i really hope that this year gets better than last year

im so bored i know i have puzzles but still i want something else to do

why does lindsay have to make me feel bad for liking toby

he did nothing wrong to them at all

and its making me mad and sad tobys really nice once you get to know him

stewart called me a smartass so now im not going to be as talkative as i usually am starting tomorrow

i am a smartass he is right

i want to cry thats all i want to do right now is cry

this job giving me a headache

the wifi in my room is shit

the baby was knocking on my door which was so cute

i have 3 more puzzles to do yay

im also trying to catch up on my netflix shows too

i watch my shows around 7 oclock until i go to bed

im killing 2 birds with 1 stone

but i still have 4 books to read too

hopefully I can get half of those things done before my birthday but i guess we will have to find out

11 more days till lindsay goes to florida

im being rushed to get my drivers liscense so i am taking the dmv exam the 16th of this month now its time to study

hey its been awhile

i got a dollar raise at work im even training to help out with qualityon first shift im still an operator the position that im training for is called gp12 it is to help out the quality when he/she doesnt come in to work one day i still get to train new operators

im so happy to help out with my shifta quality she really needs it

i got 2 days off of work plus the weekend to heal my mouthfrom my wisdom tooth getting pulled

i cant believe january is done already the year just started but hopefully this year will be better than last year but only god knows whats going to happen to us

welp i better get upstairs and finish my puzzle i have 2 more to do and hopefully when i get the puzzles done i can start on my storys again and start reading my books again too

still got 3 books to read plus 1 book that needs to be finished up soon

im still in the process of trying to finish up my puzzle it just takes some time

i finished my puzzle 2 more to go

im getting rushed to finish my puzzles making dinner and getting my drivers licsene isnt that lovely it takes time to do all 3 ya know

i logged out of my snapchat im done doing streaks

i finished another puzzle i got 1 more puzzle to go yay finally

okay im officially done with streaks maybe i dont think i am but ill still log out of my snapcht just so i dont get distracted still

and man do i need to shave my legs gosh

i really hope that i dont get no more puzzles we dont have any room for more

i found some more cool hairstyles to do in my because im so bored of the things that i usually do in my hair

i might do them tomorrow after i shower

hopefully theyll stay in my hair till monday afternoon

i think i might go to bed now goonight

wow its the last day of january

1 month till my birthday

i dont know what to do...nevermind

i do have something to do

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