
Chapter 37

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón!

So far, I'm ten chapters ahead! Chapter 47

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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The battle began soon after my battle cry, with me galloping quickly through the enemy lines, cutting down as many Dothraki as I could before they could react, using my shield to block the arrows coming at me.

This was hard because I had to focus on two things, one fighting which was easy by now, and two making a connection with the horses around me, and connecting with animals while doing something else was difficult.

The difficult part was that I had to focus and I had to do it, that wasn't exalts easy while I hacked and chopped through the Dothraki lines, but I had to make a connection with their horses, and one by one I started to succeed in doing so, just to find something troubling in my plan, something I haven't considered before.

And to be honest, I should've had, because so far every animal I had bonded with, I had done it in a controlled environment, I never tried to control an animal in a panic state, while in battle, and while these horses were indeed hearing my voice, they were in a state where they couldn't understand my commands, and by the moment my commands managed to reach them out, it would be already too late.

So in the end, there was no other choice, I would have to kill the Khal, and force the remaining warriors in the Khalasar to submission.

Locating the Khal was easier than I thought and expected, because in their culture, the Khal looks for the leader in this case me, and tries to kill him to prove his superiority and strength to others, he would do the exact same thing with other Khals.

And like a a due bill, he appeared, the Khal, of this small Khalasar, riding valiantly towards me in the heat of battle.

Not wanting to let the poor Khal wait, I dashed forward charging at him, while cutting several riders as they got on my way, until we were a few feet apart, and like a thunder our swords clashed together

He tried to cut me, but I smiled as I jumped in the air decapitating his horse in a single swing.

"Submit or die," I said in Dothraki.

"We ride for battle, we die in it!" The Khal spat as he rushed towards me with his curved blade.

With a sigh, I blocked his first blow with my shield, and dodged the second by taking a step to the side, I continued to dodge as I felt very well how the battle would end, I could see it clear as the day. He was going to die.

It was time to end this fight, as the Khal brought down his curved blade, I took a step forward, bashing his arm down with my shield with enough force to break his arm, before he could regain his composure I took another step forward cutting his head.

As his head fell into the ground with a heavy thud, bouncing like a rock, the screams of anger of the Khal blood riders shook the very ground, they were ready to die, as it was their duty as the blood brothers of the Khal to try and avenge him.

The two blood guards, or blood brothers rushed to me, swinging their blades wildly, I simply decided to dodge the first set of attacks, before delivering a cut on their stomach with a single swing.

The cut was deep enough to make part of their organs spill out covering the grass with the red scarlet color of war.

"Submit or Die!" I shouted in Dothraki with all mighty, the Khalasar stopped cold for a moment.

The previously violent Khalasar stood quiet for a second before they dropped their blades, they might be savages but they can recognize total and absolute defeat.

With the heat of battle finally dying out and the horses calming down, I would be able to finally try my original plan.

I waited for a second as I made sure to connect with all the horses around, "Join me! And I will join all the Khalasar under me! The stallion that will mount the world!" Mentally I could only send really basic commands like one word commands, that's something I learned a long time ago, but lucky for me all I needed was one word. 


The Horses one by one started to kneel doing it  the best they could, murmurs could be heard among the Dothraki warriors.

"Who wants to join my herd! So we might ride the world together!" I shouted in Dothraki once again, and soon the Dothraki followed their horses' example, as they chanted in approval.

I had lost some men, and some Dothraki along the way, but I had confirmed that it was possible to absorb these warriors into my ranks.


After the battle I organized a meeting with the Dothraki general, the bigger the Khalasar the more generals the Khal has, this Khalasar only had one.

But one was all I needed, I had after all some questions to ask him about their culture.

Especially if they had any holidays where they would reunite in their city, if I had all the Khals in one place, without war and blood, I would be able to connect to their horses and possibly absorb all their forces.

Unfortunately the general said they don't have holidays and there had never been all the khalasars in the city, but that the city is ready should that come to happen.

He did share valuable information that the books about them didn't have, apart from the obvious that the Dothraki follow the strong, but to be considered strong you need to kill the Khal ruling the Khalasar, only then the Khalasar would accept you.

Something I already knew, but then he started sharing things I didn't know, that while they didn't care what race was their leader as long he was strong, they did care about their Khal representing their culture to a degree.

For example, they thought because of my armor and horses that I was going to sell them as slaves should I win, he said that if I had at least painted my horses they would have surrendered after their Khal died without waiting for my shout, but because I didn't show any inclination towards their culture or ways they just assume I was there to hunt them or slave them.

So with that in mind, I had one thing to do, paint my horses, that of course was a null point now that I had Dothraki riders, which would very well represent their culture while fighting.

"Go and keep the Dothraki in line, no killing or raping," I ordered in Dothraki as I left to see the injured.

"Yes, Khal Ronard" The general left without questioning my authority or even hesitating, he didn't seem to care that I killed hundreds of them today.

We had lost two hundred men, while the Dothraki had lost almost three hundred and fifty, the battle was fast and swift, but ultimately had great losses.

And yet he was nothing but obedient, their culture is so confusing yet beneficial for me.

Shaking the thoughts off my head, as I walked into the medical area, my eyes were immediately drawn to my father on a bed, with a deep cut on his chest.

I couldn't help but chuckle dryly, because like Daenerys said he was paying his betrayal in blood, he rode with me into battle without me even knowing, and almost died.

Ignoring him for a second, I started to see how many men we had in the medical camp, and by eye I could count around two hundred men, counting the recently added Dothraki.

"We will need a week before the majority of these men are able to move again," One of the doctors I had hired in Pentos said.

"Very well," I nodded, "I'll give you ten days, but if you need more let me know,"

Now it was time to see how my wife was doing, and then take a long bath.

"Did you get hurt?" Daenerys asked as she entered the medical area with a worried look.

"No, I was just checking those that did," I answered disarming the situation.

"I'm glad," Daenerys ran towards me, giving me a tight hug once she was standing close to me, "I thought for a moment you would leave me,"

"I can't be killed, you got one unkillable husband," I soothed her worried mind.


Later that night, after taking a long bath with Daenerys and messing around with her for a bit I dozed off into the realm of slumber.

I had of course worked out quite a bit today with the battle and the sex, so I needed to rest, but as soon as I closed my eyes, it was if I opened them inside the nightmare I had sometime ago again, snow everywhere, covering every inch in the area, the blizzard freezing my very core.

"This is odd… last time I didn't feel this cold," I muttered as I tried to see what this vision wanted to show me.

"You.. said you can't be killed… care… to prove that?" A voice colder than the winter itself and as unforgiving as hell said behind me sending an involuntary shiver down my spine as I spun around like a startled cat.

This time the man wasn't mounting the dragon and he was closer to me on a horse, he was still smiling, taunting me, I wanted to see who he was but the howling blizzard made it impossible to see anything else but the massive dragon behind him.

"I… can't wait… to extinguish… the life…OUT OF YOU!"

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