
Chapter 38

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón!

So far, I'm ten chapters ahead! Chapter 48

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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This vision was out place, what was going on? Perhaps I should just ignore it until my body decides to wake up, for now... But my train of thought is stopped short because the blurred smiling figure started to approach me. Not really knowing if I could fight a vision, I ran to the house that is always here in my visions while taking the opportunity to see if I could recognize the new white walker, but It doesn't matter how much the undead atrocity approaches me, I can't see anything but his silhouette and smile slowly moving towards me, once inside the house I tried to pull my sword, getting ready to fight should the undead beast entered the house, for this might be a dream, but I wasn't going to go down even in the dream realm without a fight, but before I can even grasp my blade a nightmarish creature is rising on its haunches stops me holding my arms tight with a bind of shadows. 

I get a glimpse of the creature that seemed to be made out entirely out of shadows with a bizarre collection of sharp claws, and teeth, the creature pressed one his clawed shadowy hands down on my shoulder, piercing my skin down to the bone.

"CAUGHT YOU" A voice thundered inside my skull, seeming to come from everywhere around me, the voice being exactly the same I heard a few seconds ago, I try to make a run for it, but I held tight in place by the shadow. 

"CHAMPION OF LIGHT,"  the shadow demon chuckled in amusement, "OH, WHAT FUN WE SHALL HAVE," Glazing back I can see that the shadow creature bends down ponderously, by what I can see it must be at least twice my height, and with enough strength to hold me down, I also had to consider this was a dream, and I might not have my powers here; eventually I feel the demon's breath on my neck. As his other hand snakes its way down my back, drawing blood, as he pushes with the claw on my shoulder my entire body down.

Slowly but surely I find myself being pushed closer and closer to the ground, tired of this one-sided domination conquest, I drop fast on the ground taking his claw out of my shoulder, as I rolled out of his grasp.

"CAN YOU BEAT MY CHAMPION? I WONDER… WHO WILL WIN, LIGHT OR DARKNESS? GOOD OR EVIL? LIFE OR DEATH?"  The shadow demon chuckled in amusement as he continued to grow in size nonstop swallowing the world around him, as he faded into the nothingness,  "I CAN WAIT TO TEAR YOU APART… OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, SO DON'T DISAPPOINT ME,"

Fear, yes. This was the first time I actually felt fear since I got here, its been so long since I got this chilling sensation running through my body, the last time I felt this was when I was dying, in this life I never had a real challenge, I knew I could beat anyone that tried to kill me, after all, I got powers when I reincarnated, but this thing, this thing made me feel powerless, this thing made me feel human once again.


I woke up to quiet and warmth. 

Groaning, I blinked away the lingering haze of sleep as I groggily sit up on the bed, stretching my sore body. My tent is open, revealing a sunny day. Noon, by the looks of it, a glance around reveals that I'm indeed back in my room that somehow had been converted into something alike to the medical area at my camp, taking off the covers I see that I was half-naked in my bed with my shoulder and torso being covered in bandages.

A realization hits me; the Demon managed to hurt me through the visions, there was no other explanation; I could feel my shoulder somewhat numb, same with my torso.

With a sigh, I get up and find my clothes, folded neatly on a night table that if I had to guess was my wife doing, it doesn't take me long to dress up, I can hear my men talking,  murmuring, probably about me, but I can't really tell. 

I make my way down the camp as my men stare at me with disbelief, whatever they were told was serious, perhaps some thought I was going to die. 

Deciding I really don't care about what they are thinking right now, I continue to focus my hears on finding my wife.

*CORNBRINGERR!!! YOU ARE CAWWW AWAKE! WE NEVER DOUBTED YOU!!* A Raven flew towards me practically tackling me, giving the equivalent of a hug for a Raven.

"I'm not going down that easy buddy," I chuckled, petting the little rascal as I asked, "Where is my wife?"


I smiled at his antics as I walked down the medical area, ignoring the ravens and everyone, for now, all I wanted to see was my wife, I walked down my camp until the medical tents were on my sight.

"We can't save him… I'm sorry my Queen…"  I could hear the voice of what I assumed was one of the doctors.

"He is still breathing! You must save him!" Daenerys shouted angrily, she was desperate.

"It would be mercy to kill him, whatever got into his system is worse than any poison known to men," The doctor added, as I entered the tent.

"Good thing my wife stopped you, idiots, from killing me," I growled, frankly I was mad, I could've died if she didn't stop them.

"Ronard!" Daenerys turned around fast like lighting, running towards me while crying, once she was close enough she jumped into my arm, hanging tightly from my neck, "I knew you would come back," she said each word followed by a kiss.

I blink in realization, just how long I was out? "How long was I out?"

"Almost two weeks," Daenerys smiled, with tears running down her eyes, "The doctors kept saying since day one that it would be a mercy to kill you, but I knew you would come back, you promised me you would never die,"

A promise that now sounds like a real challenge to keep, but I wasn't just ready to give up on that promise.

"Am I glad, someone actually believed I would come back," I smiled as I glared at the speechless doctor.

"Not only me, but your ravens also stood outside the tent, they would get mad every time the doctors talked about your death," Danerys chuckled, "I swear… sometimes I feel they understand me, they were the only ones with me on this..."

My loyal feather gang, or Raven Squad, the would get some extra corn later for their loyalty, "You would be surprised, how much they understand," I chuckled as I pointed to the raven in my head she had failed to notice.

*CAWWWWWW WHAT ARE THESE HUMANS LOOKING AT!?* The raven requested turning his little head in confusion.

I shrugged as I left the tent with my wife, seriously considering killing the doctors for almost killing me.

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