
Chapter 131

"Order! Order!" the old man shouted while banging his wooden hammer "Officer Torrhen. Send the next man in."

Tyrion and him both sat at the end of the room, their faces hidden by hoods as they watched the proceedings as the next man, another farmer came inside the room and plead his case to the Judge.

"His name is Kyle. Known as Old Kyle to the people of his village." He said while looking at the judge "He was the village elder of his village. He has been in that position since the past 30 years and has taken his village from a forgotten backwater village to one of the most prosperous village in my lands. If there's anyone who knows all about the life of a common farmer then it is this man."

"He does seem wise." Tyrion admitted as Judge Kyle held the hearing for the next farmer while they continued whispering at the back of the room. Their voice not reaching the others thanks to the one way voice muffling charm he silently put around him and Tyrion when he entered the room along with a few other charms to make the people ignore their presence.

"When I first turned 10 years old, my aunt had me sit in the Great Hall of the Keep and listen to the problems of the men for the entire day. For the next two months or so, she taught me how to solve those problems. How to find when someone is lying about their problems. What to do when two parties conflict. And a great many other things that I would need to know when I come of age and take over the running of my lands. Though admittedly, Lady Barbrey had already given me control over my lands a great deal earlier than it was required of her."

"So what happened?" Tyrion asked "Did you get bored and push off the Hearing to the smallfolk? Letting them solve their own problems and all that."

"In a sense." He admitted "I am a very talented man Tyrion. I say this not to brag but as a fact. And I am very knowledgeable about certain things that even the Maesters in the Citadel would have no knowledge of. But for all my talent and all my knowledge. I am but a single man. And I cannot take my realm to the heights I want to take it to if I had to do everything on my own. Not, that way lies madness. So guess what I did?"

"Delegate." Tyrion said with a smile.

"Exactly. You see, I have an eye for talent. You put ten people in a room and give me half and hour with them and by the end of the hour, I'll find out which of them was a fraud. Which of them was a liar. Which of them was a braggart. Which one of them was an honest hardworking man. Which of them was dishonest. Which one of them would go the farthest in their lives and which one would likely die by their own foolishness." And that was all true.

He had read the minds of so many people in both his lives that by this point, he could focus on their inner thoughts for a minute and have a pretty good idea of what kind of man or woman that person actually was.

It was both a gift and a curse.

"So what I do is select the best of the best and put them in charge." He explained to Tyrion "No bribes. No nepotism. No favoritism. Only the most talented people, the ones who show results have the chance to reach the highest position in the guilds I form. And when you put competent people in charge. Good things start to happen."

Tyrion listened intently to him and nodded his head. A surface legilimency probe told him that Tyrion was remembering his work in the drains and sewers of Casterly Rock. How good a job he had done and was now wondering about his own self worth. If he would be able to get ahead in life if the only criteria for getting ahead was to be talented.

"Back to the topic at hand." He said, bringing Tyrion out of his thoughts "Soon after I started sitting in these hearings, I realized that no matter how I good I become at this. I'll never be the best at this job."

At Tyrion's look of confusion, he continued.

"A Lord, no matter how sympathetic to the plight of his people could not truly understand them." He explained "A Lord cannot understand the hunger of a farmer. The greed of a merchant. The danger a caption faces in the sea. The satisfaction a blacksmitch gets when completing a masterwork. So if we don't even understand our people, then how can we hope to sit on a chair and judge them correctly."

Tyrion looked thoughtful at that and asked "Is that what this is. A system that you created to replace the 'Hearing' held by the lords. Except that instead of a lord, a farmer is sent to the… Judge who had once been a farmer and would better understand his problem. A merchant is sent to a Judge who had once been a merchant and could understand him and judge accordingly."

"Correct." He said with a smile "A tool for the right task. And the task for the right tool."

"And now you sound like my father." Tyrion said in jest and he shook his head.

"I suppose I did there for a moment." He said with a chuckle "Now come on. I want to show you the Hospital I told you about."

"The place with the healers?" Tyrion asked and he nodded.

"The first of it's kind in the 7 kingdoms and possibly the world. I do hope that this practice would pick up and more and more people would become healers. So many people die every year of simple wounds because there wasn't anyone nearby to properly bandage the wound and it caught an infection. So many woman die of childbirth every year when the proper medical care would see them live." He said while looking at Tyrion who simply nodded with a morose look on his face.

"I also want to see this Library of Alexendria that the maesters and scholars couldn't stop talking about." Tyrion told him as they walked out of the Court.

"The building is still a work in progress. But if you wish, I would gladly take you there after the visit to the Hospital."

"Let's see this hospital of yours then." Tyrion said with false cheer, his mood a little down after the mention of Maternal deaths.

"Very well." He nodded.

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