
Chapter 132

"Why do you serve the Lannisters Tyrion." Domeric asked at the end of day as they walked through the broad roads of the Winterhold.

"I…" Tyrion hesitated but continued "They're my family. They may not like me much. But they're all I have. Plus, Uncle Gerion, Aunt Genna and my brother have always been good to me. Even Uncle Kevan can show an affectionate side on particular days."

"So if I were to offer you work in my lands then you won't take?" he asked and Tyrion nodded.

"As much as I like your lands. As much as I like everything you've done for your people. As much as I like the systems you've put in place to give rise to the talented and as much as I like you… I cannot take the offer." Tyrion said sadly. That the sadness in his eyes was a consolation but he didn't want consolation. He wanted Tyrion to work for him.

Other people might only see a drunk and lecherous dwarf when they look at Tyrion but what he saw was an uncut gem that requires some polishing.

He wanted proactive talented men who could take his realm forward on their own violation.

And what he wanted, he got.

"Come. There is one last thing I want to show you." He said and stopped a carriage from going past him by showing his face.

The coachman stopped at once. As did everyone in near vicinity and bowed to him.

The fat merchant riding inside the carriage looked out and was about to shout something before his eyes widened and he quickly climbed out of the carriage to bow to him.

"My lord… How can I serve you?"

"I have need of your carriage my good man. I hope that won't be a problem." He said, taking out a purse filed with gold dragons from his bottomless pocket.

The merchant's eyes shined with greed and he nodded before he caught himself and shook his head "That won't be necessary my lord. What's mine is yours. Please take the carriage."

He shook his head and forced the purse in the merchant's hands who 'grudgingly' took the gold coins "No. What kind of lord would I be if my take from subjects without properly re compensating them."

The man nodded and he entered the carriage, Tyrion entering behind him.

"Take us to the outer rim of the city. 3rd Common road. 4th block." He told the coachman who politely bowed to him and whipped the horse as he waved at the people on the streets before closing the window.

"So… where are going now." Tyrion asked curiously.

"To visit the past." He said.

Tyrion looked confused for a moment but didn't question him.

Tyrion looked out the window and the carriage descended into silence before he spoke.

"I know about Tysha." He spoke at last.

Tyrion went still and slowly turned to face him. He face was a mixture between anger and sorrow. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unable to say anything before he finally mustered the courage "Mance told you… And to think I trusted the man. I should have never told him."

"What has Mance got to do with this?" he asked, a bit confused even as the surface legilimency probe told him that Tyrion had informed Mance about Tysha the day he came here.


"Don't…" Tyrion forcibly calmed himself "Don't lie to me. Mance was the only one I've told about my… past. How else could you have known?"

He smiled at that "Perhaps… the same way I know that your brother Jamie is fucking your sister behind the king. And that the royal children but not of Robert's blood at all but the result of their incestuous relationship."

Tyrion went pale at his words and he had to use Occlumency to hide his amusement.

"The same way I know that Jamie killed the Mad king because he had planted thousands of wildfire caches underneath the city and planned to burn the whole city to the ground. The same way I know that the Lannister mines have run out of gold. The same way I know that Margeary Tyrell lost her virginity last year on her grandmother's directions so that she could learn how to please a man. The same way I know that Prince Doran Martell forged a secret alliance with William Derry, sealing a betrothal between Prince Viserys Targaryen and Arianne Martell. The same way I know that Lysa Arryn was once pregnant was Petyr Baelish's child but lost the child because her own father locked her up in a room and forced her to drink moontea everyday."

By this time Tyrion was practically gaping at him. Looking at him as if he was a monster in human form. He was not wrong either. He truly did feel like a monster for what he was doing.

"The same way I know that Tysha was not a whore." He said softly "Your brother lied to you Tyrion. On the orders of your father. Tysha was not a whore. She was just the innocent peasant girl who fell in love with you, married you and paid dearly for it."

Tyrion now had the expression of a man who has lost everything. He licked his lips, trying to get some moisture on them and trying to say… something. Wanting to tell him that what he was saying was a lie. That his own brother didn't lie to him even as he knew in his heart that everything he said was the truth.

In the end, Tyrion simply looked away. Gazing out of the window. His eyes filled with tears and focused at nothing in particular.

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