
chapter 18:Start

It was a quiet morning like any other in this city, until they saw that in the distance smoke began to flow in the direction in which the forest was, and like any curious people they went to verify what was happening, when they arrived they saw that the forest was burning completely, after seeing what was happening they were looking for a way to put it out because the fire could spread to the houses, but ... like them, normal people will be able to put out a huge fire, unless you are a magician who has some water spell they could not do it. Many people were gathered there and began to say.

Hey, do you think it's the magic beasts that started the fire?

I wouldn't know how to tell you man, but there may be a great probability.

We must call some magicians urgently, and it has to be magicians who can put out this great mess we have!

Oh no! It is starting to spread to the houses!

-Quick take out your things and evacuate!

Hey, wizards hadn't come in the day before?

You will not be saying that perhaps this was the fault of the magicians.

Hey, you didn't know magic, why don't you try to do something?

-Idiota, you know me all my life, as I was going to know magic.

"Mama the big brother there knows magic."

What are you saying brat? I am not a magician!

Oh! How do you know son? Besides, the boy is our neighbor and I don't remember him being a wizard

But, "I remember that yesterday he was talking to some girls and he told them that he had a magic wand in his pants and that if they would like to see it"!


When they were discussing how they could put out the fire around the forest and some people took out their belongings from the nearby houses, someone raised their voices to indicate that something was in the flames and was approaching, what they saw was; "Two people coming out of the flames without any burn on their body, was a young man and a woman who should be in their 20s," they went out and stared at the crowd that had formed at the entrance to the forest.

- "But what a warm welcome you don't believe yuujiro-sama"

-jajajajajajaja "not bad at all, but first we must take care of the fire before it spreads to the houses and this became larger."

Don't you want me to take care of that?

No, let me do it, it won't take long.

The people who were gathered together did not know what was happening when those two young men emerged from the flames, they were going to ask them if they had something to do with all this, but they saw that young man turned around looking at the forest catching fire, and after a while something strange began to happen. They saw that the forest fire was beginning to move in the direction of the man and entered directly into his mouth, and he was eating the fire. You could hear the sound he made when he sucked the flames. After a few minutes passed the flames of the forest had disappeared completely, the young man in front of them had eaten all the fire until there was nothing left.

Hey did you see that? He just ate the fire!

Yes, he just ate the fire.

-Can people do something like that with magic ?!

The fire just entered his mouth and ate it!

What guild will these wizards be?

"Although the forest burned only part, and did not reach the houses"

"Mikumo, we are leaving"


Soon they saw how the two people exchanged a few words and then disappeared from where they stood at a speed they could not keep up with their eyes.

[At a certain distance from all the people they appreciated Mikumo and Yuujiro in the middle of a street where there were no people watching.]

-well ..... we go to the other city, since in this city it will be very busy for the next few days, we will take a train.

-Ahhh ..... a train, those machines I count on that can take many people from one place to another, and travel very fast!

"If it's those ... first we have to buy the tickets to get on, but I think it would be faster to arrive if we ran, and we would arrive in minutes."

"That's true" but I want to get on one, since I haven't had the chance to get on and I want to know what it feels like!

Okay, okay * sigh * ... you don't have to tantrum what are you a little girl?

-What is the next city we are heading to now?

It is called (the city without sound) and first we have to stop in that city, and then get on another train.

-Then what are we waiting for, let's leave immediately!

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