
chapter19: fairy tail

Hey, did you hear about it!

Oh! What thing?

Is it that you have not heard, that the great forest that is in the city of (dawn) is on fire ?!

Oh yeah! ...I heard it. They say that those who set the forest on fire were some bandits hiding there.

Moron! Everyone knows that it was the animals that inhabit the depths of that forest!

Yes, yes ... I also heard that some strange people appeared from within the forest when it was on fire.

And they say that one of the people who left the forest, ate the fire of the whole forest, thus being able to extinguish the flames!

Eh ..... a person, .... you're sure of that, I don't think there is such a person.

"But remember that we in the guild have a person who can eat the fire as if it were food."

Oh, it is true! I had forgotten.

What are you three talking about ?!

-master! (x3).

"We were talking about the fire that happened in the city of dawn."

Makarov: Oh ... with what was that, ... I see. That is the city in which all its forest was burned, the rumored recently as the (wizard cemetery).

-Yes, yes to that.

Makarov: But what happens with that?

-There are rumors that a person emerged from the flames of the forest and then ate all the fire!

Makarov: Oh ... maybe that's just a rumor, or it can also be real. Besides the only people who could do such a thing are slayer dragons and dragons themselves, but the only person who is a dragon slayer we know it is the little natsu.

-What are they talking about, what's up with me?


-HO .... natsu, what's up, you weren't with Gray fighting a while ago.

Natsu: yes ... but I heard they said something about a dragon.

Makarov: oh, that ..... we were just talking about something here, tell me natsu, do dragons have the ability to transform into a human form?

Natsu: Mmmmm ... I don't know ... I never saw Igneel do something like that, but ... why do you ask?

-That is because they recently saw a human eat fire.

Natsu: ohhhhhhhhh ... that's true ... and where was that !.

Gray: "Idiot, as if there were dragons"

Natsu: What did you say, breath of ice, ..... my dad is a dragon ?!

Gray: That you said breath of fire, you want to fight!

Natsu: whenever you want idiot.

Erza: Stop the two!

Mira: "You don't mess, redhead bastard"

Erza: ahhhhh you said, repeat it again.

Mira: that ... you have a problem.

Erza: If I have many ..... you want to fix it now.

Makarov: Hey, hey ..... if you want to fight, do it outside, you want.

Master, they have already begun.

- Come on, come on, hit it hard!

-They fight.

-Who do you think wins this time?

-I bet for erza.

-I mira.


Natsu: Ahhhh ..... I forgot, ... teacher, I was saying they saw a dragon, tell me where it was that they saw it.

-Wait, wait, what they saw was not a dragon, it was a person.

A person?

Yes, ... a person who ate the fire that was burning a forest, thus saving people and the city.

-ohhhhhh, ... then that person can be a fire dragon slayer, just like me, and he may know where igneel, tell me where that person is to go find him.

Makarov: Even if you go there, you may not be there in that city.

Natsu: It doesn't matter, I'll go anyway.

Makarov: * sigh * is fine ... see if you want, but at least you know what that person looks like.

I do not know

So how are you going to find it?

I don't know .... I can think of something when I get there.

Now that I remember it, they said it was two people, a man and a woman.

They said the woman was beautiful with big breasts and black hair, and the man who looked strong and rude with two swords on his waist.

Makarov: Swords, ... ... then he is not a wizard, he does not wait ... If he did not eat the fire, then he is a swordsman and magician.

Oh yes .... another thing I heard ... is that he is very scary, when people who were in the city saw him in the eye, they said they felt fear.

Makarov: His eyes? Why, what is special about the eyes?

- They said that their eyes were not normal! "They say that their eyes had them equal to that of a hawk".


There was a loud noise throughout the guild, so they stopped talking and turned their heads to the source of the noise.

Mira: W-what happened! Why did you stay there, like an idiot and didn't dodge my punch?

Lisana: Sister, you didn't have to hit her so hard.

Mira: I didn't do anything, that idiot just stood with that surprised face, and I ended up hitting her.

The sound of rubble was heard moving and Erza came out of where they had sent her to fly, but with a surprised face and with wide eyes.

Makarov: What happens erza, why that face?

Erza however did not answer the teacher who asked him a question. She looked at the magician who was next to him and asked.

Erza: What did you say, right now, about a person? Did he have hawk-eyed eyes?

Y-yes, ..... the magician replied a little scared with the way Erza was glaring at him.

Erza: where they saw it, tell me, you also said that the person had red hair. Erza asked the magician, raising his very strong voice, making everyone who was close to her be surprised, since she never acted that way. It was always calm and calm.

Makarov: Wait erza, calm down first, tell me, you know that person they are talking about.

Erza: Y-If he is the person I think he is, then I know him, since the only person I have seen with those eyes went to my ..... brother.


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