
Chapter 119: Vegeta versus Moro

Moro: Vegeta…you've finally arrived.

Vegeta: I see that our time apart hasn't done a thing to fix that joke you call a face, Moro.

Sage: Burn!

Vegeta: Do you enjoy tormenting the weak?

Moro: The weak? You aren't wrong. While you worms were hiding, I may have gone and become too powerful. And I've grown weary of planets that cannot provide fighters to match me.

Vegeta: Oh? No cause for concern there. (Vegeta powered up into Super Saiyan Blue like in the tournament of power) You want someone stronger than you? You've found him.

Vegeta rushed at Moro. Moro was unmoving and braced himself, implying that he was going to take Vegeta's attack. The right straight hit Moro right in the stomach, pushing him a few feet away but with no visible damage. Everyone but me was surprised by Vegeta's attack. Not because of the power and damage behind the attack but because what the attack caused. I'm guessing that Vegeta's attack was not strong or special because they only believed in what they saw, fortunately for me I saw with my other eyes. I saw a huge amount of energy leave Moro with that one attack.

Gohan: Dammit!! That barely had any effect!!

Android 18: Ugh, what the hell?! He sure talked a big game, but he clearly can't deliver!

Moro: Yes, you have gained a considerable amount of power. Yet you're still not able to contend with me.

Not even caring what anyone was saying, Vegeta rushed Moro with a flurry of punches. Moro being none the wiser wasn't paying attention to his own energy. With every hit Vegeta landed more and more of Moro's energy escaped him. I made sure to copy the technique to use for myself.

Piccolo: Vegeta has gotten stronger. I barely recognize him! But Moro is still more powerful than him. It's a level that can't be overcome with training alone.

I shook my head as I finished hearing Piccolo's insight on Vegeta's trainging. Out of all the Z-fighters, Gohan and Piccolo should have sensed the energy leave Moro, but I guess Moro's massive energy blinded them to the truth behind Vegeta's new technique. What was really baffling was that Moro was oblivious to what Vegeta was doing. I guess Vegeta attacking him and Moro not really feeling the physical damage didn't alert him to the escaping energy. I grinned as everyone grew frustrated at Vegeta's seemingly useless attacks.

Moro: Submit, Vegeta.

Moro grappled with Vegeta before kicking him away. Vegeta slammed into the rock formation we were standing on. The hit looked nasty but Vegeta took it well.

Moro: I do commend you for elevating your power to such heights. You will make for my finest meal yet.

Sage: Let me guess Moro, you're gonna start with his ass.

Moro turned to me with a scowl. I found it very funny that he felt insulted. Vegeta laughed at what I said and continued his assault.

Gohan: What's gotten into Vegeta?

Jaco: Maybe he can't accept losing and he's going berserk?

Piccolo: I doubt it. Vegeta's never been one to misread an opponent's strength.

Moro: Enough of this nonsense, Vegeta.

Moro tried to grab Vegeta with his right hand, Vegeta dodged, spun and back handed punched Moro in the face with his left fist. Then followed up with a bunch of kicks to the stomach. Moro grabbed Vegeta and slammed him into the ground creating a small hole. From the surprised look on Moro's face he was finally feeling the effects of Vegeta's new technique. Goku had an inkling feeling about what was happening because he trained on Yardrat, but he was never able to fully learn their techniques so it wouldn't be far off to say that Goku knew what Vegeta's new technique was.

The more the fight progressed the more Moro seemed slower and weaker than Vegeta. Moro was struggling to keep up and started to get hit more, then Vegeta landed a huge kick to Moro's right ribs.

Goku: Vegeta, this new move of yours. It's…

Vegeta: Forced Spirit Fission.

Vegeta and Moro continued their fight. Moro kept getting hit and losing more of his energy.

Gohan: More of his attacks are landing. Is Vegeta somehow getting stronger?

Piccolo: No. It looks like Moro is actually getting weaker!

The energy that Vegeta was able to take away from Moro grew thicker as it became more visible to even Gohan and Piccolo. They saw the dispersed energy and saw the giant ball of energy taken from Moro in the air. About time they saw that. Vegeta landed more attacks then another big one. With that last attack Moro looked older, almost like he did before but the beard wasn't as long.

Moro: What…have you…done to me?

Jaco: He's back to his old self- literally!

Piccolo: How can that be?!

Vegeta: All that energy you stole for yourself. Those souls. That life energy. I've liberated it.

Vegeta rose his left hand and dispersed the collected ball of energy that took out of Moro and it flew into space, most likely to the places where Moro drained energy from.

Piccolo: What's this move he's using? Explain. (Piccolo asked Goku)

Goku: Forced Spirit Fission…it tears apart things that were combined through fusion or absorption. I've never actually seen it used before.

Piccolo: You mean, this is the life energy of those he's killed?

Vegeta: (While beating Moro up some more) Yes, I could even extract those other Namekians you combined with ages ago. Care to try? We underwent the same training, but I'm more talented than you. Victory is mine this time Kakarrot.

Moro continued attacking Vegeta while trying to figure out why he was being drained so rapidly. Surely he must have heard Goku and Vegeta's explanation, but he continued to attack anyway.

Vegeta: (While engaged in battle with Moro) To be honest, this never stae well with me. Absorption, fusion and all that stuff. It doesn't reflect one's inherent power. All I crave is a fair fight. So why don't you stop relying on strength stolen from others and simply fight with your own power? (After kicking Moro far away) Or is your own power barely enough to keep you standing?

Moro kept losing more power and kept getting older as his beard was getting bigger and his skin more wrinkled. If this continues I guess I won't get a turn but cliché villains like Moro usually have a back up plan. Vegeta didn't let up and continued beating on Moro.

Vegeta: Hey Jaco! Do you want this one captured alive? Or should I eliminate the problem altogether?

Jaco: Crush him! Please! I mean, duh! We were only keeping him locked up because there was nobody who could kill him! If you can be that executioner, be my guest!

Vegeta: You heard him. Sadly for you I'm no naïve fool like Kakarrot. You'll regret ever breaking out of prison once you're in hell.

Moro: Hehhehheh…Hahahaha

Vegeta: What could be so funny?

Moro: I have no intention of going to hell. I'll be too busy ruling over the galaxy for all eternity.

Vegeta: Resorting to nonsensical babbling, are you? You barely have a scrap of power left in you.

Moro: I still have my magic.

Moro raised both hands and started to use the life energy of the Earth.

Sage: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Moro and Vegeta both looked at me while I was drinking a cold glass of Mellow cola.

Vegeta: So you think you can take my win, Sage?

Sage: (I Burped loudly) What? No. I'm talking to Moro. If you can kill him hooray for us and the Galactic Patrol will be kissing our asses for all time. I'm just saying to Moro, I wouldn't do what he is about to do.

Moro: Another fool who thinks that they can best me.

Sage: You know what? Go ahead.

Moro huffed loudly as he tried to use the Earth's life energy but instead of it being at his mercy the life energy of the Earth attacked Moro. The energy wrapped around his right arm and started to drain him of energy, skin, muscle, blood and bone. When Moro managed to pull his arm out, the beefy looking arm he once had was gone. He had an almost fossilized arm dangling at his side. I started to roll on the floor laughing. I guess in his weakened state the trap I left gave him a bigger bite than I thought.

Moro: YOU!!!!!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!

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