
Chapter 120: Moro Transforms

Moro screamed in pain as he tried to mask the severity of his injury but to no avail, the agony was written all over his face. All of us, who have a keen grasp on Ki sensing, sensed the massive drain the Earth consumed from Moro, the energy was clear for us to know how much the Earth siphoned off of him. As a result of the siphon, the grass in the surrounding area looked greener and more lush. The ground looked more fertile, the air actually tasted crisp, many of the impurities were cleared away and the animals seemed livelier. I guess the bite I was expecting turned into a chunk completely missing, I couldn't help but grin.

Sage: Aww, poor Mr. Goat got caught in a fucking bear trap. With so much energy that you stole from other planets, why would it be wrong if the planet fought back?

Moro: BASTARD!!!!! (Screamed while holding his crippled arm)

Sage: From the looks of things, you are now a lefty, huh?

Vegeta: Sage, what did you do?

Sage: For my training I learned magic, for example, I coated the entire Earth with my magic power and Ki while Moro and Goku-san were fighting, so the moment Moro used anything on the Earth, whether draining or using its life force for his own, my trap activated.

Vegeta: Oh, so what did the Earth do?

Sage: As you can see, the trap made the Earth drain anyone who forcibly uses or takes its life force. I also made it hungry, thus Moro here having dried goat jerky for an arm.

Vegeta: Yes, I sense it now.


Moro called out to Shimorekka to come down and keep Vegeta busy, even though he will last a mere few seconds. With what remains of Moro's strength, he flew into the air as fast as he could where his ship and the alien android, Seven- Three, was. I didn't know what Moro had in mind but using an android of any kind was never a good thing in this universe. I floated up to see what he was doing, to my dull surprise he was swallowing Seven- Three alive and whole. Vegeta killed off Shimorekka and flew to where Moro was. Vegeta was late as Moro finished swallowing Seven- Three, but blasted him anyway.

Once the smoke of the blast cleared, Moro appeared with a new form. With his new form he no longer had the old billy goat look when Vegeta used the Forced Spirit Fission technique. His face looked more like Cell but instead of having the spike things on his head from his insect characteristics, he still had his goat horns. Moro also retained Seven- Three's jewel thing in the middle of his forehead. From the looks of it Moro can now also use Seven-Three's abilities.

Moro: You fools think you've won. Hahahaha!!

Moro made the obnoxious villain laugh as he descended to the ground. From his new transformation and the significant rise in his power, Moro must have modified or did something to Seven- Three. Moro's power was two to three times the amount he had before, if Vegeta doesn't sense this or plans to continue, then he is in for a rude awakening. Sure, Vegeta does have a chance but the power difference is too wide, Vegeta can weaken Moro but only if he inflicts damage to Moro. With Moro now being stronger, faster and with new abilities, it will be close to impossible for Vegeta to do anything. When we switch for my turn I feel confident enough to kill Moro. It might not be the prettiest of battles but it will get the desired results.

Knowing that my turn was coming up, I got up and started to stretch out. I knew that in a few minutes Moro was going to give his long winded speech on "how much stronger he has become and how futile our resistance is", so limbering up would benefit me best when I take my turn. I was well rested and restored my energy, plus I stored reserves with food honor so if shit goes south I have a tap I can open. I will continue until Vegeta gives in and Moro stops monologuing like a typical villain. After Vegeta was blasted from the sky to the ground, everyone knew something happened to Moro.

Goku: Vegeta!!! You okay Vegeta?!

Gohan: Dad! It's Moro!!

Goku: Damn you! What'd you do? Why'd your face change?!

Piccolo: He did something to Seven- Three!

Moro: Heh Heh. It wasn't only my magic that I had Seven- Three copy.

Piccolo: What's that mean? What else was in him?

Moro: My combat abilities. I was able to create a complete backup within him.

Gohan: A-and you…just absorbed Seven- Three?!

Moro: Yes, including HIS ability. This has restored me to my former glory and more. Alas, you people came very close…

Goku: It's one thing after another with this guy!!

Vegeta bursted out of the hole in the ground.

Goku: Vegeta!!


Vegeta rushed Moro with Super Saiyan Blue Ki bursting to start his fight again. Vegeta came in swinging and hit nothing but air. He kept trying but Moro dodged all of Vegeta's attacks. Looks like my turn will come up soon.

Moro: Your new technique requires you to inflict damage first, yes? I won't make the same mistake twice.

Vegeta: Dammit!!!

Gohan: Vegeta!! He might've absorbed Seven- Three's abilities, but the rule says it only lasts 30 mintues!!

Piccolo: R-right! He'll be back to his former strength if we run out the clock!!

Moro: Hahaha, this power has returned HOME. There is no time limit. In fact…

Moro disappeared and reappeared behind Vegeta to grab him by the neck. Like Seven- Three, Moro retained the copy ability and has copied Vegeta's abilities. Goku was confused as to what happened so Gohan explained Seven- Three's copy abilities. From that point on Vegeta was getting beat on. Like Cell, Moro was using everyone's abilities that Seven- Three copied and was using Vegeta's Big Bang Attack to lay him out but not kill him. Again, because of my habit of masking my overall presence, everyone seems to have forgotten about me.

Gohan: Vegeta!!

Moro: Was that supposed to impress anyone? Such a grandiose name for such an ordinary Ki blast.

Piccolo: This is worse than we realized. If he's got Vegeta's abilities, that means he can use Forced Spirit Fission. You guys always had the Fusion Dance, the Potara earrings and other means of combining as last resorts, but those would be rendered useless now!

Gohan: Dammit!! What can we do now?!


When Vegeta screamed out I was reintroduced to the cast present. Even Moro was caught off-guard. I transformed into my True Super Saiyan form with the red fur, I wanted to see how far Moro could push me. I flashed between Vegeta and Moro, with widened eyes Moro couldn't hide his surprise. I backhanded punched Moro, sending flying into a rock formation. I quickly gave Vegeta a Senzu Bean.

Sage: Since I was tagged in please observe like the others Vegeta-san.

Vegeta: TSK! Watch your neck.

Sage: I know, I was listening and watching.

Moro: You! Again!

Sage: Hahaha, looks like you can bleed and have your jaw cracked like a regular mortal. You even got your arm back.

Moro looked at me differently. With Goku, Moro had an obnoxious confident look, with Vegeta he was pushed to use his last resort because he underestimated him, but with me he simply looks like he can't read me at all. I smiled as I walked toward Moro, with every step I took Moro's brow kept creasing.

Moro: You will fail like the rest of them.

Sage: (While smiling) I guess I'm having Goat curry for dinner.

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