
1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453, a year that marked the end of an era With one city's fall, a shift from Medieval to Modern Constantinople, a name etched in time For a thousand years, stood strong and sublime Against foes that dreamed to take her down She persisted, unbroken, a true crown But tonight, everything changes Guns fired, women weep, men yell in ranges Praying to God for a savior's grace To rescue their city, to restore its place In history's twist, God answered their plea Sending a new emperor, the one they'd need Antonius, born of the seas To lead the Romans, a new destiny To reach another pinnacle of might And end the city's terrible plight 1453, a year that will forever divide Medieval and Modern, with a fallen city as the divide ------------------------------------------------------------------- AD1453, as the city of Constantinople prepares for its final fate, a pirate captain and crew sailed into the golden horn, history made an abrupt turn from this point onward.... Discord: https://discord.gg/fqm22ERK2C

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The Dandolo

In the venerable Senate room, where the echoes of ancient debates lingered like whispers on the gilded walls, the day's assembly drew to a tense close. The air was thick, charged with the residue of fervent exchanges and the heavy breaths of fatigued senators. Tall windows threw shafts of fading light across the chamber, casting long shadows that danced upon the intricate frescoes and opulent decorations that adorned the space.

Abdullah, maintaining his composure amid the palpable strain, addressed the Serene Doge with a refined clarity. "In actual fact, I am not accusing anyone of anything. Instead, I am here to present the truth and my reasons. You see, Serene Doge, this should be a conversation between gentlemen." His gaze then shifted pointedly to the senator who had disrupted the proceedings. "But this conversation is being marred by some... who seem unable to contain themselves."