

The training was not what Jack expected it to be. He thought he was joining a monk temple or something but the difficulty of the training was rather mild and it was given much more focus on the spiritual aspect.

Mainly the three pillars were important and consisted of the Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline.

The Force was self-explanatory and was about learning the way of the Force. How to channel it and understand how it enveloped everything.

Jack was actually surprised to hear that the Agri-Corp that is a special Jedi Agriculture Service Corp could help out with planting and growing plants with the Force. That basically meant there should be technically no starving in this galaxy.

But Jack also kept being pessimistic and could only imagine that a few thousand force-sensitive people at the level of younglings or padawans were everything but efficient enough to feed the whole thousand of worlds.

Still, everything matters. Even though the corps was shunned by a lot of younglings because it meant one was not ready as a padawan.

Jack kept that in his mind, for it meant a lot more than he thought. He could do so much more with the Force he actually neglected.

Things like absorbing the energy to protect oneself from cold, heat, or other harming things was one of the more useful things being taught.

Another the increasing of one's own healing factor to heal wounds or fatigue. Or if one was gifted, to do it to others. Healing beyond it being self-directed was a rare skill among Force users and very sought after in the order.

And lastly, the merging with the Force to become closer with it. Deepen the connection to it so one may even become one with the world surrounding you.

These three Force disciplines are called Tutaminis(Protect), Curato Salva(Healing/Refreshing) and Altus Sopor(Focus/Concealment) and were the main Focus the younglings started to learn and use first.

From them stemmed many abilities. For example, telekinesis being an expression of Altus Sopor

And the Dark Side...It was of course only discussed being the wrong path and one should not dwell on it.

He found those lessons very interesting even though his mind did rebuke some of the teachings.

And it was really no wonder if you started learning new things and were a fan of Star Wars but also had an adult mind that was already influenced by the reality. No wonder they wanted younglings barely 6 years old.

The young mind is molded easier but that will also only result in ignorance of other options. Guess they did try to bypass that with another pillar.

Jack relished the experience as a person nonetheless. It also soothed his otherwise occupied mind that thirsted for knowledge for a certain ability.

And here we are at the bypass mentioned.

Yes, Knowledge was in a matter of fact another pillar and tried to fight the ignorance. But even though it was a pillar, it was also very restricted. And Jack was rather frustrated with that fact.

How could they say it was to widen one's mind but cut them off from the stuff they sought.

They could only access little knowledge that was mainly manipulated stuff. At least that was his impression.

Then again, he was only a youngling and only padawans could be deemed "formidable" enough to get access towards the 6 lightsaber forms for example. Yes, 6, and Jack knew there should be 7.

The younglings were only really taught Shii-Cho.

Of course, that could be bypassed if one asked a Master and tried to coax it out of them but Jack was an outsider and few would trust him. The way they looked at him while he read a few maps of the galaxy or studied the sometimes boring history of the Jedi, sure enough, showed that disdain towards him.

Rumors really spread fast it seems.

The more interesting matter was the bestiary. They were books of fantasy to him and he enjoyed them the most. There was also a very talented Jedi from old times that included drawings in them. Someone called Fey. Jack wondered what person that master was to travel so many different planets to record all these beasts.

Anyway, the last Pillar was rather interesting. It contained lightsaber combat and meditation of all things. Jack found out that his meditation technique was actually called Rising Meditation. It is a form of meditation that broadens the connection towards the Force.

There were of course other methods like doing Martial Arts Kata that would result in a Moving Meditation that would sharpen one's mind at a special task. Emptying one's mind could lessen emotions.

Jack guessed his Meditation was all of them combined and if he stayed upright and channeled his meditation he found himself thinking about nothing but what he was doing at that moment. It was like a bullet-time really. Everything seemed to move so slow. Jack had a slight Deja Vu with that meditation method and clearly disliked it. Even though if he used one of the quiet meditation rooms it was alright.

Lightsaber, the wonderful and icon weapon used by all Jedi and Sith. A swordlike weapon that was called after the curvacious saber. Maybe it was because of the constraining field making a curve back and formed a bubble to contain the energy that it was called like that?

The way to hold a lightsaber right from the very basics. It was really like Kendo and Jack should know since he once had lessons in it as a child...Well, now as well he guessed. But it was also clearly different since the weapon had an omnidirectional sharp side.

The lightsaber could penetrate basically everything but sturdier materials took some effort t cut. Jack knew about that already. That same logic applied to lightsaber against a lightsaber. Meaning lightsabers could even break apart if attacked by a denser lightsaber...

That is if one has enough strength to hold the blade to that point. More often than not it would fly out of your hand before that could ever happen. That is why a two-handed grip was recommended for stability.

It could also even evaporate liquids. But Jack wondered how since the lightsaber did not really produce heat and could be placed near ones through without one feeling its heat. The burns after being touched and injured by one was another matter entirely.

Anything that he forgot to mention? Right, the deflection of those weak blaster shots from the training remotes was a pain in the arse. Shii-Cho was the only form that was taught to them.

Jack really wondered why they even bothered calling it Form I since it could really be called the formless stance. It was like flowing water - adaptable to a lot of things but also of course being master of none. Yeah, maybe Jack will become a Jack of all trades and master the Shii-Cho Form?

Well, with the other Forms locked behind fat iron walls in certain holocrons it was about the only form he could learn. The Battlemasters only taught other Forms when ou became a Padawan.

Damn, being a Padawan was really your death sentence with a knight like Skywalker walking in and attacking you.

Of course, Jack was no idiot. And luckily h found out something very interesting when he did train his body.

[Martial Arts "Boxing", "Taekwando", "Jiujitsu" learned.]

He could still learn Skills like that and improve his physical prowess. He also tried to steel himself physically without the help of the force and learned something rare. At least if the could trust the System.

["Shaolin Kung Fu" learned. "Body Tempering" learned.]

Jack was actually quite excited when he found out that when he cuts himself off from the Force and does not use it helps to strengthen himself he could learn stuff he saw in movies. True, his improvement speed was really slow in those skills but it still had signs of improvement.

The Body Tempering was achieved when he continuously rammed his fingers in the sand and pushed his body to horrendous strength training to the point it started hurting. He even got a few of his clan members to help out and learn to tolerate more pain than normal with being hit by sticks continuously.

And with that two whole years came by in a flash. Jack remained determined with a clear goal to become strong enough to surpass all expectations. Not only for others but also for himself.

What he didn't know was that all the Master Jedi were already discussing his case. One reason being that his midi-chlorian count was also over 20.000 just like the supposed Chosen Ones. For some, it became a warning sign and for others, it meant it was a shift in the Force.


Well, kinda I guess?

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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