I am basically just a bibliophile that likes to read in his free time and imagine his own things from time to time. Cheers!
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Something about their ages doesnt add up.
when did mc get the shadow clone jutsu?
I'm gonna leave this detail - Pakura had dark green hair, not brown. Cheers.
???? why does he get beginner stuff even though he already has conflict with ninjas?
Okay, enough. This is clearly subpar in quality. There are enough fanfics about Arcane and Runeterra that literally do better job. Not to mention the arrogance you showed at the start that out higher bars for your try. You just failed it, author.
a team of genin got him damaged 😅 I think you need to either downplay his achievments or increase the threats level to make such acting believable.
is it just me or is the story going chaoticly and utterly rushed? since when did the umber forces come into play as enemies and why would he need to defend there? well whatevver, I guess it was a good run while it lasted.