

Becca was carefully ushered out of the event, her safety paramount in the tense atmosphere. Tony and the rest of Kai's men trailed behind as a protective shield. A few of their trusted allies stood sentinel by the waiting car, their faces etched with concern and readiness.

Once settled inside the vehicle, Kai gently cradled Becca's head, placing it tenderly on his lap. Tony swiftly occupied the passenger seat, the weight of the recent events pressing heavily on both men.

Tony broke the silence, his voice laced with a mix of concern and urgency. "What's our next move with Santiago and his crew?"

Kai exhaled deeply; his gaze momentarily distant. "Not tonight, Tony. Jasper's intention was clear: a peaceful gathering. Santiago chose the path of aggression, and we've set him straight for now," he responded, weariness evident in his tone.

A hint of sarcasm colored Tony's next words. "Jasper's bound to get wind of this soon—a guest getting shot isn’t exactly discreet."