
10x Cashback Business System

In '10 Times Cashback Business System,' Alex defies the odds by launching a risky venture, despite skepticism from those around him. When his small business teeters on the edge of failure, a mysterious being grants him an astonishing system – 10 times the daily profits. As his company flourishes, Alex grapples with newfound wealth and the moral dilemmas it brings. This compelling tale explores ambition, sacrifice, and the extraordinary price of success

ForeverNJ · realistisch
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47 Chs

Chapter 25: Aria's Unyielding Resolve

Aria's heart sank as Alex gently, but firmly, let her know that he considered her a dear friend, and nothing more. She had braced herself for the possibility of rejection, but hearing those words stung more than she had anticipated.

Smiling sadly, Alex tried to reassure her, saying, "Aria, you're an incredible friend, and I deeply value our bond. I just don't have romantic feelings for anyone right now."

Aria, while disheartened, had already steeled herself for this outcome. She nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, but her spirit remained unbroken. "I understand, Alex. I respect your feelings, but I want you to know that I won't give up. Maybe one day, your heart will change."

Their conversation ended on an amicable note, and they decided to focus on their work. For Alex, it meant concentrating on the various businesses he had cultivated, including the blossoming K-pop group. And for Aria, it meant channeling her emotions into her performances and becoming an even more integral part of Aurora.

Aria's determination only grew stronger. While she continued to support Alex as a loyal friend, she also dedicated herself to her art with renewed vigor. Her feelings for Alex were unwavering, and they served as a wellspring of inspiration, pushing her to excel in her work.

Alex, unaware of the depth of Aria's resolve, remained focused on his ambitions. He admired Aria's dedication to her dreams and her unwavering support. They were connected not by romantic love, but by a shared commitment to their individual journeys.

Little did they know that the chapters of their intertwined stories were far from over. Emotions had been uncovered, and even though the path ahead remained uncertain, they both shared a common dedication to their respective dreams.