
Tyrant (part 4)

The call of the plaguebringer was another of the inherent abilities of Elune's set and brought over a rotting army to fight for the wearer. The creatures the set brought forward, looked very skinny and had big round bellies.


The rotting army marched against the blood abominations and the creatures brought over from the other plane lash on to them and regurgitated corrosive acid while their very touch infected the very blood, they were made out of.

Arthur Pendragon saw a chance to charge against the maelstrom of blood that took the shape of a bigger abomination and attacked using Avatar mode and burning it until there was no more.


Arthur regained his normal size but didn't manage to say one word when a strange sound was heard and the floor started to shake.


The majority of the people in Rahz group turned around to see what the sound was about and discovered that the middle of the whole building that was previously separated by a magic barrier, was now barrier free and the area where Nefarious was sitting before was a platform that was moving upwards towards the level they were on.

The first thing Xiao Bai was able to see was his sister being held in a tank in the back of the room and nearly attack right away but it was quickly stopped by Rahz that said in a low voice, is not the time yet.


The platform stopped at the second level and Rahz and the others got on it while saying, "I thought that you wanted us to test your creations, weren't there three of them?"

Nefarious put up a big smile and replied, " I was collecting great data about them but then you using that realm weapon ruined it all. There is no point in you fighting the last one when you are just going to slash it one time and destroy it"

"Now, let's talk about you becoming my right hand man" said Nefarious

Everyone was taken aback, including Rahz that shifted in his place. It was completely outside his expectations for Nefarious to ask him to do such a thing. He was ready for a battle to the death but instead, the creature in front of him that everyone feared as a ruthless monster incapable of taking no for an answer was actually acting like a business like person.

"Since you were chosen by the Realm, you must know what the Gods are trying to do and the reason that people can only advance to level 50"

Rahz nodded while others looked around for answers but nobody else spoke.

"The only solution to stop the influence from the outside gods is for Elysian to have one of its own and I am ready to take that position. Once I am a God, I will protect the spirit and will launch a campaign against other planes and make Elysian the strongest realm in existence."

"As a right hand man, you can have what you want. Power, Riches, anything you want, all you have to do is go on a purging crusade and kill anybody that worships an outside god and have them worship me instead and just as proof of good will, give me the realm items in your possession as well as the celestial beast"


A child like spirit came to the front and looked Nefarious straight in the eye before turning towards Rahz, "What a bunch of bullshit!!! No matter what level he reaches there is no way to become a god without our approval, you are even closer than he is at becoming one."

Nefarious was not angered by Apocalypse's statement and instead replied, "Don't Worry, I have a way to subdue this realm weapons so you don't need to worry. Take a look back there, that is supposed to be one of the celestial beasts and now she is very cooperative and that is not all, take a look at this".

Nefarious stood up and very elegantly walk towards another part of the room where there was an altar similar to the one the alliance forces used for the awakening ceremony and other communication with the gods and it had three rings made of Elementium and there were some runes written in the concentric rings. The Rings spun around the altar very slowly and space seem to be a little distorted.

"This is my greatest creation and the way to achieve the expansion of the realm. We are really close to successfully opening a portal to the planes of power"

The rest of the researchers clap but the alliance people just stood there with blank faces.

(Sigh… you guys are savages)

It was really difficult to take that comment from a Scaleborn that was dripping saliva from their draconic mouth with a row of jagged teeth but he was the lead researcher working on the project.

"The Planes of Power are the realms where the gods you worship call their homes and this is a portal that will take us there so we can invade them from within. We are really close to making a breakthrough perhaps in 100 years the first trip can be accomplished."

"So What do you say?"

ABSOLUTELY NOT… said one of the elders from the God of Justice speaking out of place, they never seem to learn.


"I wasn't talking to you"

The elder fell to the ground and had a hole the size of a baseball in his head and the flames of chaos fire were still burning.

Nefarious eyes were looking straight at Rahz and the whole conversation was sort of his business pitch to get the Champion of the Realm and make it easier on himself to get his hands on the things he needed to become a god. Nefarious was the oldest of the dragons and the only one that truly participate on the previous shattering war that had a secret agenda which was the gathering of the realm items and of the celestial beast, but it all failed when they never showed up but now it was different.

Rahz pondered for a minute and then said, "I don't really want to become a god so relinquishing the weapons shouldn't be a problem. However, slaughtering half the population of the realm is a no in my book. Our alliance is the only one worshiping the gods and that also would mean cutting down my mother"


"My Spirit…" said Rahz

At that moment everything was clear for Rahz, if people kept worshiping the gods and using their system, them the gods had a perpetual way to steal from the realm, and Nefarious as a god of the realm, would be weakened and in jeopardy of being destroyed by the others. It was also the reason why he was creating a portal to send people over to other planes and weaken his would be competition, that was the eternal game of the gods and the thrill of their conquest.

"I decline."

All Rahz could think about was his mother and father that worship the gods and were good people. Would he be able to slaughter them just because they believe in the goddess of nature. What about Bhirl, just trying to make Hellgahvall into the best it could be for its people. He just couldn't, he need to find another way.

"Hmmm… I see, then I guess I'll have to take them by force. I'll show how insignificant you truly are"

Clank … Clank… Clank

The roof of the building started to open up and the platform started to move up towards the sky. Everyone stared in Nefarious direction throughout their trip up, but he just stood there thinking about where to go to find the last of the realm items, the Mask of the Flame King.

To Nefarious knowledge, Rahz had two and he knew through the surveillance in the Barren Sky that the Pearls of Enlightenment was another, the final one was the one paired with the bird in the tank behind him but no matter what he did to the beast, he only got one answer, if your destinies are entwined, you will find it.


b2basicscreators' thoughts
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