37 year old mmorpg fan
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Seems that he forgot the notifications and the quest and even the rewards or the function of his systems for years. either he must have accumulated and a huge number of points or have an arsenal of rewards.. by now his lab should have the technology to analyze a sample of the infected
i really hope that the beast tamer talen which should amazing is utilized in this story. it should be a cheat as well. Yet so far he does nothing with it besides talk to the deer and the fish. It the previous chapter he could have taken control of the wolf to kill the wang cultivator. Many chapters ago he gain the abillity to take control and erased the mind of the beast. Decided not to use it on uncle lou but from them on is just a forgotten talent.
This seems to be an error by the author. They shouldn't trust him, but they are in a state of stasis so maybe they are confused atm. According to the context the author created with blood incursion the link of loyalty should rely a feeling of confusion or that they want to trust him but they are reluctant to do it
there shouldn't be any nightmare for him. He has no connection to the spell. Those not needing it to ascend further. He is basically like Ananke and the previous character in the nightmares that ascended by cultivating I think
A little theory. The Dream God and his realm became the prison for the void after the gods defeated them. They were too strong and started to corrupt the dream god and made it into a nightmare. the runes that speak of him are not corruption but tainted (thanks to the corruption of the void) causing revulsion to the people that reads them those forgetting its name. I think that is the real reason why desire was not kill by sun god and only shackle maybe like the immortals in the second nightmare the deamons are the locks of the void and they have not break out because weaver is alive and kicking somewhere trying to change fate by using the nightmare spell. He also didnt participate in the war. He is trying to create more gods to stop the void before the realm of the gods get devoured.
I am pretty sure that Cassie is not telling the whole truth. I think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that Sunny became the mad prince and corrupted the whole cohort because he wants to be free. The repercussions were severe. It corrupted his friends and they killed Nephi's and he probably gave the final blow. "becareful what you wish for" was mad prince saying either change the wish or also you mess up. Cassie also understand or saw a future where sunny is propose again to be free and he takes it and unfortunately they might not be on a river that returns time hence killing the people he cares the most or the whole of humanity. They are returning his choice not to be manipulative but to cut the problem at the root.
thank you for the chapter
I hope he gets something good from killing kitsune. Maybe achieving the 3rd gate.
The thing is... the example was made when he was able to fight the 4 kidnappers and help Alice that was great. Do we really thing a tier 5 or 6 lord of the ones in the council has not done a share of torture. Those at that point should be compose, the author saddly is taking away too much on the power level system. I would actually would have describe how some of them nodded at the way he was acting thumbs up for the screams but he is in a room with only the council people cause he didn't let them tape anything there is no message being send. the people in that room should be expecting what is happening. just down plays the power level and experience of veterans of war.
he is still relying on the strong people not himself and he is extracting people that have been weaken. This is just wishful thinking. You are also making higher lifeforms seem dumb, they are higher lifeform, meaning the should be smarter than the average person and every single one that is at that council has been there through countless wars according to the story to get to their position...