
The Earth Dragon (Part 6)



The metal particles inside the pieces of rock that fell all around the room started to gather and became needles that moved toward Bato who was now riding Xiao Niu and took to the Ceiling of the Room. The penetrating power of the projectiles coming their way was impossible for Xiao to prevent not only due to their shape and speed but to the fact that basically all the earth element spells he had at his disposal were rendered useless by his opponent.

Siddhartha's Aegis

The Impenetrable Shield from the Pearls of Enlightenment once again stop all the attacks coming towards Bato and Xiao while Vulcan used an attack of his own to thwart the direction of the projectiles coming for him and continue falling towards the mighty dragon.


It was the highest rank move from the Berserker Class and thanks to the Avatar Incarnation he was able to now used it at will for the duration of his divinity boost from the set and he wasn't going to be stingy in its use. The earth shook with the shockwaves generated from the attacks and dust started to lift up covering the room while dragon and Avatar crashed against each other time and time again.

Bato was looking at the situation constantly and from time to time disappear from his spot and wind dragons will appear and try to connect against the side of the giant beast but she just took it and kept her mind concentrated on the Avatar in front of her.

Time and time again Vulcan was smash against a wall but this was part of his plan and the bread and butter of the Barbarian Berserker, Blood for Blood. The more damage Vulcan took from the Earth Dragon, the more his damage increased.


The Earth Dragon that had been fighting half heartedly finally took damage as she met the Sword of the Conqueror with one of her claws and got cut on the palm while her arm got pushed back. Vulcan saw the cut and try to press on but had to jump backward really quick when he saw the Beautiful Silver Eyes Change Color to a Metallic Blue. In a big area around the Earth Dragon the gravity increased 10 fold and forced Vulcan to take a knee while the Dragon Accumulated energy in her mouth preparing to do one of her most powerful attacks.

Vulcan try with all his might to move out of the way but the more he tried, the more the gravity increased.


Even Though the skill was called Dark Matter Cannon what left the Earth Dragon's Mouth was a Dark Sphere covered in dark lightning that flew like a cannonball creating cracks on the floor as if it was a seismic wave.


Vulcan struggled and scream as the attack came closer and closer and the only thing he managed to do was to place The Sword of the Conqueror in front of him. The Sphere was massive and carried with it immense weight that was sure to break the sword even if it was made by a god and then crush Vulcan's body after.

"I got you"

Bato appeared right in front of Vulcan like the gravity was not a problem for him at all. It was the effect of a 2 bead combination, the second bead allowed him to move at incredible speed while the Aegis protected him from the gravity until he was in front of the Dark sphere and without a second thought activated a third bead, Karma. The Pearls of Enlightenment provided certain boost to the person wielding it but the true power of the artifact was its ability to use the opponent's power against them.

Karma created a link between the earth dragon and him deflecting all the sensation of pain towards his opponent and without even attempting to dodge he opened his hands wide and received the Dark Matter Sphere.


The Earth Dragon felt as if every fiber of her being was being crushed by a planet and even a roar would not come out due to the blood stuck in her throat. The pain was off the charts forcing her brain to believe that she got hit and it responded to the damage by trying to alleviate some of the internal bleeding.

The Earth Dragon's legs buckle as her regenerative ability kick in but she could not focus. It was like getting hit by a semi while you weren't looking, there was no preparedness at all, her vision was fuzzy and the only thing she could feel around her was the throbbing of all her muscles.

It was an incredibly well timed counter attack by Bato that was now in a crater 50 ft deep trying to step out of it with the help of Xiao Niu. The gravity field dissipated and release Vulcan from his Shackles who knew that he couldn't let the opportunity pass him by so he gathered all the divinity from his Avatar Incarnation and as he decreased to his original size he activated the bonus skill of the God of War Avatar set, Fadall's Treasures.

The air distorted and energy weapons of all shapes and sizes materialized and attacked the Earth Dragon that couldn't even react. Wherever the weapons passed the air distorted but very soon Vulcan frown as the smallest of the lot, disintegrated in the air even before they reached his enemy and that is when he realized that he had taken too much damage and even though he managed to activate the skill it was just not at full strength.


The pain from the first couple of weapons that pierce her caused her adrenaline kick in and her brain to focus. She activated the earth element and encased herself in an Earth Dome that started to crumble from the massive amount of weapons hitting it but it was enough to stop the inevitable and gave her an opportunity to survive.

Vulcan fell to the floor, exhausted and passed out while the earth dragon stood up from the rubble and contemplated if she should finish him. It was never her intention to fight to the death with her visitors but things were getting out of hand and she was badly wounded and stressed out because she couldn't see Bato but she could feel the energy of nature moving around at extreme speeds towards the place her attack connected with the monk, right before she felt that horrible pain.

Arlen stood looking at the crater in the floor and activated many protected layers as she figured it was better safe than sorry and waited for Bato to pop out to talk to him but unfortunately it wasn't that easy. The moment Bato flew from the crater he had already prepared his next attack, the bead of harmonious path.


Seeing his opponent gathering the energy to unleash her very own moved, she had no other alternative but to respond with a Dark Matter Cannon of her own. The two Dark Matter Spheres smash against each other generating a massive shockwave that destroyed the magic barrier around the building before sending dark lightning all around. When everything was set and done, Bato had scorch marks in various parts of his body but he could still stand and in his hand, there was only one pearl that shone brightly amount the rest. It was the Heaven's Punishment pearl that he was prepared to use in case the dragon was still alive. Everything around him was destroyed but the massive dragon was nowhere to be seen; however, Bato knew that it was impossible for it to disappear like it never existed. It was an Earth Dragon known for its defense and if he managed to hold on so could she.

"Well Done Hero...cough … cough"

Bato looked in the direction the words were coming from and saw a beautiful girl with wounds that look pretty bad from a distance. She had radiant blond hair and silver eyes and a crack metal armor that covered parts of her body. She looked almost human if it wasn't for her tail and horns that resemble her dragon form, she could be mistaken for a beautiful young maiden in her prime.

"You are the Earth Dragon?"

Arlen nodded her head and extend her hand towards Bato that despite being wary of her didn't feel any killing intent. "It should be OK, I still have my last bead just in case" thought Bato after looking at her crystal clear eyes that were tearing a bit. She looked like a young woman looking for some comfort before leaving the world and he was a monk that despite saying he visited many brothels was still inexperienced.

Bato step closer and grab her hand that was extremely soft and said, "I wish both our sides could have been friends instead of enemies. We can learn a lot from each other"

"They... Can ...Cough"

"Really" said bato as he was taken aback, "How?"

"Like this"

The moment she said that a giant magic circle shone with different types of energy, it was the circle generated by the energy taken from everyone during their assault to the palace.


Bato and Arlen felt a connection being formed by the magical characters inside the magic circle formed with the energy contributed by bato while the ones from Vulcan and Xiao made a pair of rings that appeared in each of their fingers.



Sup guys. Finished the chapter a little earlier so here it is. hope you enjoyed the fight and the little twist. please write a comment let me know what you think. too cliche. did you expect... yes no . thanks and thank you for reading.

b2basicscreators' thoughts
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