

"I think that is a good idea...Sigh... How did you get that strong? Are you wearing your Artifact?"

Rahz smiled and opened up his coat and said, "See...No belt. It is all thanks to the Vengeance Chamber it has a Super Combat Art that can make anybody Invincible!!!"

Rahz was as loud as possible without sounding too unnatural. He wanted to give publicity to the Chamber and help Giant Blade recruit more people, It was the least he could do to start paying back all the help that his teacher had given him.

The fight didn't take much time and Rahz continued his road towards the Demonic Chamber, He had his eye on that Transformation since he heard about it 4 years before and wanted Apocalypse to help him analyzed it for replication. In a sense, the Demonic Transformation was a tier higher than the Amorphous Titan that his belt used to provide him with. The Avatar transformation for the demons was always base on their best attributes and what it did was to push the limits of their own skills to a level that their experience and way of thinking didn't allow them to.

The Amorphous Titan provided Rahz with a change into something else that was not himself and it was base on the perception of the owner with regards to the target of the change. The knowledge Rahz had of the Scaleborn didn't amount to 10% of the knowledge he had of himself and with those thoughts he continued his way to the Demonic Wing of the temple.

All the Chambers had arenas designed for the top students to hone their skills outside the eyes of the other Chambers. The Demonic Transformation was their Trump Card and it was not something that could be shown that easily because once others took notice of it, it would lose its status and be easily countered.

Rahz went straight to the Headmaster and requested permission to watch a few of the matches with the promise that he would declare a lost in the interchamber tournament if he had to fight with the people he observed. Rahz said he was jealous of the chamber and that he didn't understand how come he wasn't offered a spot last time around.

"Cough... Cough.. That is ah .. yess… ah .. we thought that Vengeance suit you better that is all"

Rahz looked at the headmaster suspiciously but he couldn't get anything else out of him. The Headmaster had a very powerful transformation that was one of the exceptions to the rule of the Avatar enhancing the person's attributes. The Headmaster looked to be extremely skinny but his avatar was a 20 feet tall Fire looking demon with bullhorns, it looked more like an elemental with a magma lake at the bottom were a column of fire rose until his waistline and then the humanoid form was at the top.

The demonic form got him the nickname The Elemental and it was one of the trickiest people to beat in the whole Abyss. Rahz requested to see his Metamorphosis and was granted permission while he asked many questions about the changes to the body itself. According to the headmaster, The Metamorphosis was performed by using the Chaos Energy in their Runes and using it to create entropy in their bodies producing the transformation into a higher energy being or in other words a Demon with a higher bloodline. The metamorphosis only lasted a couple of minutes due to the fact that everything in nature wants to stay in the most stable state and the energy required was huge.

"Disciples of the Demonic Chamber are always doing research looking for a way to make the transformation more stable. They analyze the composition of higher demon DNA and then share the results with our Level 19 recruits so that when the time comes for them to gain the Demonic Avatar is more stable and stronger than the ones in the past. Please let me know if you find out something useful after your research".

Giant Blade arrived at the temple with a blissful smile on his face and was drinking ale with Jazz by time Rahz came back to the Chamber and saw them without a care in the world.

"How did it go?" said Rahz a little confused about the whole setting.

"Well.. the biggest threat is now being hunted down but it is uncertain what is going to come out of all this. There has not being a problem of this proportion in hundreds of years.. HAHAHA.. I never seen those bastards hurting like now, we just have to see the stance of the other factions on the matter. What about Mount Doom?".

"Everything is set for me to go, I was just waiting for you to comeback".

"Great!! Is a good time to check the so call creme de la creme of bloodlines but don't let them fool you, those guys are more vicious than the Blood Harvester and they would have you thinking they are youir best friend until they stab you in the back"

Rahz took the advised and requested Riddick to sent Igor for him, it had been almost five years since they saw each other and he also wanted to see how his brother was doing all this years. Hennessy was extremely giddy, for an Imp even a rare one like herself getting to see Mount Doom from the inside was a privilege less than 1% of the population in the abyss had and now she was one of the lucky ones.

Igor got there with a mage and he was already level 18, it was clear that he was slowly but surely losing his strength and very soon would disappeared into the cycle of reincarnation. Rahz looked towards Igor with affection and asked, "How are you feeling Igor"

"I am doing good now that the Young Master is back where he belongs, I am sorry for saying this but What the hell are you doing bringing trouble his way".

"I am sorry but I am sure that Riddick would have done the same thing, He was closer to little Emma than I was. It needed to be done…"


Igor knew the lost of that little human girl had affected Riddick in a detrimental way and knowing that Rahz took care of the problem had created a positive change on his Young Master. Rahz said goodbye to Giant Blade and crossed the portal into the outskirts of mount Doom. This was an excellent opportunity for him to do some research on the constitution of high level bloodlines for his demonic Avatar and he was starting to get the crazy idea that it was about time to start a new movement where kids could develop outside the influence of the Gods.

The idea sounded crazy but at the same time it wasn't, according to Apocalypse if there were a race that actually wasn't affected by the influence of the gods, that race was the one residing in the Abyss and his brother was becoming an Elite figure that could help him establish himself.

Riddick was waiting for them at the entranced and as soon as he saw them he ran to give Rahz a hug.

"Wow Buddy you are a lot taller than before, you look good" said Rahz while inspecting him from head to toe.

"I am strong now so I can protect you from now on".

"Great!!! I got lots to tell you so let me see your house, it must be an enormous place for you to fit inside".

"Hahaha...The elder wants to meet you, so we need to go there first but after I want to hear all that happened with those bastards".

Rahz and Riddick headed to the dwelling of Annihilus but there was no grant welcome or anything like that. It was just Annihilus and one more person that was sitting down taking a look at the person that in his mind would help him achieve his Goals and that was Barash.

Igor made sure that Rahz was well aware of how to act and everything went pretty much without a hitch. Rahz was giving a guest status and was able to walk pretty much everywhere with the permission of the elder in charge of the Area.

The common areas in mount doom were extremely deserted as every territory was constructed using the same principles of the Abyss and the Elite under each of the elders expend the majority of the days inside their own Chaos Pools getting stronger until they could defend themselves and left to explore the realm.

Rahz made himself at home and started to wait for the statement from the God of Justice that according to Giant Blade would be delivered by a very troublesome fellow but as the days passed the messenger never showed up and instead news of something tragic reached his ears.

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