Sigfrid was known as The Immortal in the upper circles of Silverwing City and as the Righteous Fool in the City of BlackRock Port, both names were well deserve and both were true. Sigfrid was 500 years old and the right hand of Ivan Pendragon the founder of Silverwing City. He was a Level 49 Holy Defender ( 4th Tier Paladin) and was 1 step away from becoming a Saint and reaching the Apex of the Class but the quest had never been fulfilled.
Sigfrid had long forgotten his given name, he belonged to a family of knights that had been serving the Pendragon name since the Shattering. They swore their alliance to the First Avatar of Justice, Arthur Pendragon, and since that moment it has been the responsibility of their first born whether male or female to protect the heir of the Pendragon name for many generations.
Sigfrid was the perfect knight, he was trained using Ancient Techniques accessible only to their bloodline and passed from one Sigfrid to the next. In terms of combat power there was no one stronger except for Ivan himself and throughout the years he had always accomplished every mission he had undertook. The term Immortal arouse during the time of the civil war against Evil Alignment followers where he killed many powerful individuals that saw Sigfrids wounds heal no matter how severed. People that witnessed many of his fights and managed to survive talked about limb regeneration and a spell that grants immunity to all damage. He had never come close to death and the only way to kill him according to legends was to cut off his head.
During the war Sigfrid never question an order given by his liege Ivan Pendragon even when it was clear that he was being sent to his death many times. This unwavering loyalty earned him the name of Righteous Fool given by his mortal enemy the Shadowknight known as Nightmare.
Sigfrid left Pendragon's room and immediately headed for his quarters while his assistant followed behind him.
"Activate my whole team and bring me all the information you have on Omega's assignment"
"Certainly, my Lord" the assistant did a bow and disappeared from the spot.
In the town of Naas, Giant Blade was as pale as he could go. It never occurred to him that Rahz's weapon could devoured the parasite of the soul but that it also could destroy Divine Weapons.
Apocalypse went back inside Rahz's body and all he could hear was giant blade telling him to bring the weapon back but there was nothing he could do now, he was just waiting for the voice to tell him what his new abilities were.
"Damn it Kid, I hope you liked the Abyss because it is going to be your home for a very long time. We need to bunker at the Temple, vacation is over!!!"
Rahz was still receiving the natural reward from all those Level 30's he had killed when Giant Blade grabbed him and threw him inside the portal created by his Wife. The portal's destination was the Abyss' doorway and after everyone went through, the group stopped and they were quietly waiting for Giant Blade to speak. I need to move quickly so when you guys get to the temple, contact Thug'Dromog and your friend at Mount Doom so you can request an audience with the Elder's and hopefully get asylum.
The portal to the temple opened but only Jazz and Rahz went through while the others stepped out into the main Realm and went through a portal towards an unknown destination.
Information was moving too fast, the old lady belonging to Death's Embrace had a front view of what happened and sent a memo to the main branch in Blackrock Port that said, "Omega was beaten, Sword of Justice destroyed by Giant Blade's Disciple".
The news propagated like wildfire and the information was being sold like hotcakes in all the cities. Restlessness ensue once more, and people that lurked in the shadows started to prepare for the chance to get ahead. There was nothing that moved the economy of Evil Alignment followers more than conflict of any magnitude.
The question in everyone's mind was, "Since when did Giant Blade take in a disciple and what was his name".
The answer to those questions also carried a price tag and many Evil God worshipers wanted to recruit Rahz to their organizations. The Sword of Justice had taken the life of many of their friends and now it was no more thanks to this Infamous person.
There were many questions sprouting left and right but the main one in the minds of the people in real power was, 'if it was true how did he do it? A piece of an avatar set was an item created by the gods and it had survived blows from the mighty dragons during the war' The Logical answer they all arrived at was... the information they were hearing was false and many informants found themselves getting beat up by unsatisfied clients.
In the Realm of Justice Odos was fuming and thinking of destroying the whole of Elysian, "Fuck it!! If I can't have it, NOBODY CAN". Tasting defeat was never sweet and the worst part was that he really wanted the weapon, he knew what it was but telling his "friends" about it, would decreased his chances of obtaining it. Apocalypse was the supreme weapon of the Realm of Elysian and for the gods it was like wielding the Realm itself, Odos would have direct access to cosmic energy and he could combine it with the Scales of Justice produced by the Realm he conquered now named after his divinity. (Realm of Justice)
Odos gears turned fast and all of the sudden his Rage turned into happiness and a new plot started developing in his mind. The Sword of Justice was a weapon created for a mortal to wield a little bit of Divine Power and could never compare to a Realm Weapon and now he was the only Entity that knew of its existence, all he need it now was to create chaos and what a better way than to wage war.
Odos now had a reason to go to war but against who? To get that weapon, the wielder had to be unrelated to anybody and a Holy War required the help of other Good Alignment Gods to split the cost but would they take the bait?.
The answer to Odos question turned out to be a giant NO FUCKING WAY.
The problem generated by the Blood Harvester was deeper than he thought especially in the plane of the Gods. Xeralis, Goddess of Nature refused to move any followers to help Odos in his campaign and assume a neutral position under the excuse that she had lost a promising vessel thanks to Odos followers and that nobody of her faction had suffered because of what had happened to the Sword, it was Xeralis nice way to say "Not my problem". Excuses came raining down at Odos this time around, and there was nothing he could do but to assume the cost of a Holy War by himself.
The Sword of Justice was a big blow to his Church but it could be reconstructed with enough time and resources. The smartest choice for Odos was to swallow the lost and created a new sword instead of the possibility of losing the whole set in a Holy War.
There was very little information to formulate another plan, so Odos decided to sent an Oracle and request Ivan to bring Omega to an altar and perform a ceremony. Through the ceremony Odos filled in the gaps and found the loophole. Rahz didn't belong to any god but he was part of The Temple of Dreadnought and since his teacher abused members of the God of Justice it was logical for them to retaliate.
"Lord Odos has spoken, he wants us to demand Rahz who is a member and the leader of the Demon Squad to be turned over to us so he can be Judge by our laws and if they don't comply to wage war against the Temple of the Dreadnought".
Ivan Pendragon frowned when he heard the orders, he was well aware of the situation of the realm and knew it was an impossible task for him to carry it out. There could be Dragonkin spies waiting for the moment the alliance went to war to sent the information back and that would be the end of freedom. Degark Harbinger, founder of Blackrock Port, care only about profit and his survival so... he would never help them. Invading the sovereignty of the Abyss and waging war on the entire Demon population required the help of all the other factions and without a call from their gods nobody will risk it.
It was a catch 22 but he had his best man on it, "Issue an official request to the Temple and tell them that if they turned over the man known as Rahz leader of the Demon Squad and killer of God of Justice followers that they would compensate the Temple of the Dreadnought handsomely but if they didn't, they would risk going to war with the entirety of the main realm".
Ivan Pendragon looked at his cards and put his best poker face forward while he bluff his ass off, he understood that the real intention of Odos was the kid and everything else was just fluff.
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