
100th life of the Game changer

This is the 100th novel, the 100th story, and my 100th life. With this everything end, with this, I am relieved from my duty, all I have to do is to save this damn forsaken world that even the four mighty Heroes failed to save. Sounds easy enough, but I also going to create an empire and become the most revered person in that world, just for fun **** This is a story I have worked on for some time, it integrates the idea of Transmigration and reborn into a novel as an extra, a few other elements. I am trying to make it something unique(at least I am trying to do) The MC is cunning, strong, and overpowered (in the sense he is resourceful) Give it a try and if you like the story give me a like, and follow, and don't forget to review and share your mind

CRimson5 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Side chapter- Paladin Anya Yvnir part-1

So I was trying to write a side chapter, but it became a little bigger than I thought, so decided to cut it into two chapters, and this is the first part and the second chapter will be posted in future


How did this happen?

She asked as she felt the haunting melody of the wind, its mournful moans echoing through the ravaged landscape. Each gust carried with it the weight of destruction as if the very air had absorbed the sorrow of the scorched earth.

Two days ago, she received an order to scour for anything unusual in the western part of Razartya.

She did not know the reason why they sent her personally, she was the commander of the 5th order of the Paladin, the master of the Order of Radiant, and she was not someone that should be sent on these miscellaneous missions. Her stature alone granted her the privilege to decline such a mission, yet the order had arrived with an undeniable authority—issued by His Holiness The Pope himself. Respect compelled her to obey, despite the disquiet that gnawed at her core.

So she marched with a few dozen of her elite paladin to Razartiya, she would have loved to bring more men since it will finish the job easier but bringing an army to a foreign nation can make things complicated, especially since the Holy kingdom and Razartiya are not exactly allies. So she only brought sixty of her best men with her in the name of her protection, not that she needed any

The journey unfolded in a drab cadence, days blending into one another in an unremarkable blur. Save for a few encounters with menacing beasts, their search bore no fruit of consequence. Yet amidst the mundane rhythm, she found solace in a different calling. Spreading the sacred teachings of Adria became her solace, spreading her beacon of light in the encroaching darkness. Witnessing the spark of enlightenment ignite within the hearts of the common folk, watching their souls embrace the faith she held so dear, kindled a joy within her. Nevertheless, the weight of her duty always remained her top priority.

"Your Highness Anya!" one of her trusted paladins knocked on the carriage door, his voice filled with urgency.

"Enter," she responded, projecting a tone of regal composure.

The door swung open, revealing the bustling city of Rangotta. They had finally arrived at the border city, its streets alive with vibrant energy. The paladin entered, offering a deep bow as a sign of respect. "I bring important information, your highness."

Anya's eyes softened with warmth as she spoke, her voice laced with kindness. "Raise your head, Ramir. Your age and wisdom make you akin to a father figure to me. Forcing you to bow leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

Ramir's face displayed a mix of gratitude and adherence to protocol. "Hierarchy must be maintained, regardless of age, Your Highness. Our unwavering discipline is what defines us as paladins."

Anya's nostalgic smile grew wider. "You remain as strict as ever, dear Ramir. Now, please enlighten me. What is this information you speak of?"

The elder paladin extended his hand, pointing toward a group of adventurers in the distance. "They are our brethren from the White Order, currently serving as adventurers. They have just returned and shared a strange encounter they had."

As she listened, Ramir explained the incident to her—the account of a powerful man gathering information about a mysterious ruin, their failed attempt to confront him, and their intention to seek aid from the Archbishop. Anya furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought. Who could this powerful man be, capable of instilling fear in others? What could his intentions be within the ruin? Was he related to her mission here, she had many questions and There was only one way to find out.

"Ramir, ask them to lead us to the ruin. Inform them that it is my request," Anya commanded.

Ramir raised his head to look at his leader. "Shouldn't we gather more information from the Adventurers Guild, my lady? It was there that this incident was first reported, after all."

"That would be a waste of time. We already know where he is, and that is where we shall find our answers," Anya declared, determination shining in her eyes.

With the Adventures as the guide they quickly moved towards the ruin, As they pressed forward, the haunting sight of the ancient ruin materialized on the horizon. But as they neared, her heart sank, and a mixture of disgust into her being.

Her gaze fell upon the weathered spires that defiantly stood, untouched by time's passage. Instead of marveling at their architectural grandeur, she saw them as reminders of a once noble and prosperous place, now reduced to ruins. The sight filled her with a sense of loss and a deep disdain for the forces that had allowed such destruction to befall this place.

The aura of foreboding mystery that emanated from the ruin stirred within her a sense of unease. It felt as if the very essence of evil permeated the air, reaching out to grip her soul. The moss-covered stones, bearing the weight of forgotten battles, whispered tales of sorrow and despair.

Turning to one of her commanders, her voice tinged with frustration, she questioned the existence of this cursed structure. "Why haven't they destroyed this structure yet?" she demanded. It seemed inconceivable that anyone would allow such a structure that seeps out dark magic and corruption yet.

The commander, aware of her anguish, stepped forward and explained. "We did attempt to have it demolished, your highness," he began. "We even provided the necessary resources to carry out the task."

Her eyes narrowed in disbelief. "And what happened?" she pressed, her tone filled with anger.

"They took the resources we offered," the commander responded, a hint of regret in his voice, "but they did not comply with our request. The corruption and slow governance have hindered any progress in this matter, my lady."

Anya's fury surged within her as she processed the commander's words. The realization that the Royalty of Razartiya would dare to deceive the Holy Kingdom and its spokespersons, including herself, struck her like a blade.

She does not like someone when someone insults her, but an action of insult towards the Holy kingdom, she cannot forgive that.

"Prepare for a siege, and ready yourselves to unleash the might of a Grand Magic," she ordered, her voice unwavering.

"Lady!" the paladin interjected, his voice filled with concern and disbelief. Ordering the use of Grand Magic was no small feat, and doing so on foreign soil posed an even greater challenge.

But Anya remained resolute in her course of action. "We paid for the destruction of this ruin, and if they are unwilling to fulfill their obligations, then we shall. If they dare to voice their complaints, let them come forth," she declared, her voice laced with steel. She turned toward the paladin, her gaze unwavering. "Prepare the Grand Magic, for it is time to bring justice upon this blight."

The paladin hesitated for a moment before speaking again, concern etched upon his face. "And what of the individual who may be trapped within the confines of the ruin, lady?"

Anya's gaze softened momentarily as she contemplated the paladin's words. She turned her attention toward the ancient ruin, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "Leave that to me," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of determination and resolve. "I shall discern whether he is an innocent bystander or a potential foe. If he proves to be an enemy, we shall rid the world of his presence, even if it means reducing the ruin to rubble with him inside."

Although the paladins had their objections, they begrudgingly acquiesced to their commander's orders. Anya, known for her kindness as well as her fiery temper within the upper echelons of the Holy Kingdom, was not one to cross lightly. They understood the consequences of being on the receiving end of her wrath.

Anya watched as her men prepared for a grand magic, It was a complex process that required precision and unity among the paladins. Each step had to be executed flawlessly to harness the power they sought to wield. As they did their job she looked at the sky, closing her eyes.

With her eyes closed, Anya tilted her head toward the heavens, her voice a soft plea upon her lips. "Divine lady, let this lamb see the truth," she whispered her words, a fragile incantation that resonated with unwavering faith. In response, the Divine mana within her surged, coursing through her veins like untamed streams of ethereal energy. She reveled in the exhilaration of her Goddess answering the fervor of her devotion.

Her senses sharpened, and extended, allowing her to perceive the world beyond the physical realm. She could now sense the ebb and flow of magical energies, the delicate threads of mana interwoven with reality. Anya's connection to the Divine granted her the ability to sense many things in a wide distance.

Yet, amidst this newfound clarity, a disquieting ripple disrupted her senses. Something she did not sense earlier.

"What?" she muttered as her eyes widened in disbelief

The mana surrounding her was surging and churning with an alarming fervor, akin to a tempestuous tornado. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as the intensity of the disturbance grew ever stronger, raising the specter of impending danger.

Like a moth drawn to a flame, she turned her gaze toward the ruins, the epicenter of the growing turbulence. The remnants of shattered walls and crumbling pillars revealed the scars of a forgotten era. It was there, within the heart of desolation, that she sensed the anomaly—an entity insatiable in its hunger for the ambient mana.

The air crackled with an electric charge, its charged tendrils reaching out hungrily, feasting upon the once abundant mana. The very fabric of magic seemed to fray and unravel, devoured in vast quantities by this insidious presence.

Anya's heart skipped a beat as a sense of recognition coursed through her veins. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, sending a surge of primal fear coursing through her body. It was something she had encountered before, a terrifying force that had left scars upon her soul.

Wide-eyed, her mouth agape with incredulity, she let out a roar borne of desperation and instinctive terror. "RETREAT!" Her voice carried the weight of urgency, each word a desperate plea for her companions to flee from the impending doom that lurked within the ruins.

But she was not alone in the discovery. In a chilling echo, the cry of another Paladin, an expert in the manipulation of mana, pierced the chaos. "RUN! SOMEONE ELSE IS CASTING A GREAT MAGIC!"

The revelation plunged the paladins into a frenzy of panic and disarray. The carefully orchestrated preparations for the siege were abandoned in a heartbeat as the urgent call for retreat rippled through their ranks. Anya's voice blended with the cacophony of frantic footsteps and the clattering of armor as the paladins fled from their once-fortified position.

As realization struck Anya like a hammer blow, a cold knot of dread tightened in the pit of her stomach. She knew deep in her heart that time was not on their side. The massive reservoir of mana within the ruins had reached its boiling point, its volatile energy ready to unleash.

She clenched her palm tightly as if holding onto the fragile strands of hope.

With a steely glint in her eyes, she summoned every ounce of her inner strength. In that pivotal moment, she connected with the deepest wellspring of her faith, drawing upon the Divine mana coursing through her veins. Her voice was tinged with a blend of fervor and desperation, piercing the chaos surrounding them.

"My Goddess, be the Golden shield and save your children from the grasp of death!" The plea rang out, filled with unwavering faith and a plea for divine intervention. In response, an aura of shimmering golden light burst forth from Anya's outstretched hand, expanding rapidly to encompass the remaining paladins within its protective embrace.

The next moment Anya's eyes widened in a mix of terror and awe as the deafening boom shattered the sky. The once serene atmosphere now filled with a chaotic energy that sent chills down her spine. It was a force beyond her comprehension, a divinity not of her own god, but something entirely unknown and unfathomable.

A colossal beam of golden light emerged from the heart of the Ruin, Anya's breath caught in her throat. There was an undeniable grandeur to its presence, as it was laced with a divinity that threatened to consume everything in its path. The beam twisted and writhed, its movements evoking a sense of malevolence and dread that made Anya question her own place in the world.

"That is not possible" Anya's voice, barely a whisper, escaped her lips like a broken doll, her common sense shattered in the face of this unfathomable divinity.

Her mind reeled, unable to process the implications of a divinity that defied the boundaries of her own Goddess, Adria. Confusion gnawed at her, twisting her thoughts into a labyrinth of disbelief. This revelation challenged the very foundation of her beliefs, shaking the core of her existence.

'Is there another Great God? Other than Adria'

"That is not possible," she repeated, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and mounting horror. The words held a tremor of desperation, a fragile denial clinging to the remnants of her shattered understanding