
100th life of the Game changer

This is the 100th novel, the 100th story, and my 100th life. With this everything end, with this, I am relieved from my duty, all I have to do is to save this damn forsaken world that even the four mighty Heroes failed to save. Sounds easy enough, but I also going to create an empire and become the most revered person in that world, just for fun **** This is a story I have worked on for some time, it integrates the idea of Transmigration and reborn into a novel as an extra, a few other elements. I am trying to make it something unique(at least I am trying to do) The MC is cunning, strong, and overpowered (in the sense he is resourceful) Give it a try and if you like the story give me a like, and follow, and don't forget to review and share your mind

CRimson5 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

Game changer. 

A title that was granted to me by the Beings Beyond Reality, it is a name that signifies my purpose which was to save the worlds that even the greatest Heroes cannot save, by rewriting their history and fate. My very existence and actions possess the power to completely shift the tides of destiny, for better or for worse. The weight of my choices determines whether a world is salvaged or condemned to its impending doom.

Hence the name, The Game Changer 

It was not something I asked for, but fate was not going to listen to the pleas of mere mortals, it is ironic, I have battled with fate many times to save numerous worlds from its destruction but when it comes to my own fate, I am helpless as a newborn baby, maybe it is the fickle mistress way of revenge. 

But all of it is coming to an end, one more time, just one more time. Soon, there will be no more battles to be fought, no more worlds to be saved, and no more need for me to bear the weight of being the Game Changer. 

Only one thing awaits me beyond that final task: my long-awaited freedom. 


"You, mortal. You have been chosen as one of the few individuals with the skills necessary to prevent the world from destruction. You will be armed with the necessary knowledge and power, it is up to you to make a difference. to prevent the destruction of these worlds from their impending doom"

The resonant voice reverberated through the vast expanse of the library, its echoes bouncing off the shelves of ancient tomes and intricate scrolls. The majestic lore that the Voice spoke of was undoubtedly awe-inspiring, but it failed to captivate me. "I have heard that story a hundred times," I remarked, my interest waning.

"Even if I have to repeat it a hundred times more, I shall do so, for it is my sacred duty to guide those who traverse these hallowed halls," the Voice intoned reverentially, undeterred by my indifference.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the Voice's devotion. It was an entity without a name or form, yet it existed - a creation of the Beings Beyond Reality to prepare mortal beings for their journey. I had come to call it simply the Voice."Let us move on," I declared, eager to continue. 

The Voice fell silent, and a brilliant display of blue and gold light suddenly appeared before me, beckoning me forward.

My eyebrows raised, "Why two? I thought we only get one" 

The two glowing lights are what we called skills, special powers crafted for the mortals to assist mortals in their tasks. Not only do these skills possess immense power, but they transcend the boundaries of individual worlds, making them universally adaptable. Their compatibility with the intricate skill trees of any realm within the multiverse renders them a formidable asset for those who possess them.

"The skills we have are specially crafted for the sole purpose of assisting Mortals in every world they go, they are very few in numbers, since this is your last mission and you'll no longer be returning here, we cannot provide you our most valuable skills, since they cannot be returned. the blue one is the skill that is assigned to you in the name of duty, it is an expendable one with very little uses, even then it is a skill that is above the system, so make good use of it"

My lips twitched and I was about to open my mouth when the voice boomed through the hall cutting me off

"I have not finished, mortal, The golden ball, it is also a skill, not just any skill. It is a unique creation, fashioned specifically for you….. As a token of Farewell"

I raised my eyebrow in surprise at the words of the voice. The Beings Beyond Reality were entities untethered by mortal constraints, and lacked moral values and mortal emotions. They were enigmatic beings, born from the very essence of existence itself, their minds operating on an entirely different plane of understanding. The fact that they would deem me worthy of their attention, granting me a skill crafted specifically for me, was beyond my comprehension.

In a composed manner, I found my voice and responded, "I graciously accept this." With a respectful bow, I extended my arm toward the two ethereal beings. As their incorporeal forms drew near, a sense of anticipation coursed through me. In that instant, an incredible surge of power and knowledge coursed through my entire being. It was as if a dam had burst, flooding my consciousness with a understanding of skills 

Opening my eyes, I felt the weight of this knowledge settles within me. The two skills resonated within my being, their potential waiting to be unleashed. Yet, before I could fully process this transformative experience, the voice pierced the air, jolting me back to reality.

"Now it is time for you to leave."

I nodded in silent understanding, as Reality itself seemed to warp and crackle around me, space contorting and time bending. A powerful force manifested behind me, a swirling vortex—a wormhole—drawing everything towards it, including myself. I surrendered to its pull, allowing it to consume me completely.

As I found myself partially engulfed by the wormhole's embrace, a final message echoed in my mind, spoken by the enigmatic voice.

"We are sorry for everything we have done Until now… and Thank you, for everything you have done for us, Edward."

My heart skipped a beat as those words reached the depths of my soul. It was a name long forgotten, lost amidst the countless identities I had assumed on my journey. 

They knew my name. They recognized me. 

A deep sadness enveloped me as I drifted further into the darkness. The apology, though long-awaited, carried with it a painful truth. The Beings Beyond Reality, in their detachment from mortal existence, had caused untold suffering in their pursuit of preserving the fabric of reality. They had played with the lives of countless beings, oblivious to the consequences of their actions.

I was just one of the victims, never in my life have I thought I get an apology 

A bittersweet surge of emotions washed over me, a mixture of gratitude and sorrow intertwined in my heart. I always know their reasons, and why they did what they did. I know that their cause is just and for the greater good. I realized the weight of their actions and the consequences of their choices, but even so…..

I did not answer the voice and did not intend to…..my silence is the only answer they will get, and it will be their punishment. It is silly and filled with pettiness but it is my will. 

I looked back one last time as I slowly vanished into the void, carrying the burden of their apology. 


When I opened my eyes, I found myself inside a quaint wooden cottage nestled on a serene hillside, completely secluded from the outside world. As I surveyed my surroundings, a sense of curiosity washed over me. 

'I was a young male human, healthy but what am I doing alone on this mountain retreat,' I thought

Usually, when I come to any world it is through transmigration, I take over the body of a random character and inherit their memories and will, and More often than not, these lives were riddled with complications and dramatic entanglements, which proved to be quite bothersome. 

Take, for instance, being the second prince of a kingdom, where every action taken to save the world was mistaken as a ploy to seize the throne. Or become a subordinate of the Demon lord and you do one good thing you become a traitor and your execution will be ordered. Such situations were all too common. 

I studied through my memory praying that no such complication comes up in this life. It took a few minutes to learn about the 21 years of the life history of the body I inherited. 

I was indeed turned out to be a Noble to my dismay, but I was disowned and banished by my father at the tender age of fourteen in favor of my prodigious siblings. and my name was Orion Valorguard. 

'My name sounds a little too old!' 

Now, Orion resides in this mountainside abode, embracing solitude. Despite feeling betrayed and bitter about his fate, he chose not to seek revenge or harbor ill will. Instead, he embraced acceptance and attempted to forge ahead. I must admit, for a fourteen-year-old boy, he displayed remarkable maturity.

Orion has saved him a lot of trouble since he has no strings attached to him in the name of obligation and responsibility, he has a lot of freedom in his actions. 

Now next step is to decide how he can save this world.