
100th and Final Regression

Trapped in a global death tower where only those aged 20 to 50 participate, Yoshida Yuji stands at the 100th floor's entrance. Final after 99 attempts, Yoshida Yuji has reached the top of the tower. Despite reaching the top of the tower, the tower taunts him by saying there is a requirement for a 3-5 member party members to challenge the 100th Floor. On his 100th try, armed with knowledge from past failures, Yoshida Yuji endeavors to gather the companions needed. Will this final attempt lead to victory, or will Yoshida Yuji succumb to the tower's relentless challenges?

Spectat0r · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
21 Chs

New Lifestyle (2)

The man examined the tickets further, ensuring their authenticity and confirming that Yuji's claim was legitimate.

The man, after thorough examination, concluded that the tickets appeared to be legitimate and showed no signs of forgery.

The man, still in disbelief over the ten winning tickets, uttered, "P-Please wait as I make a phone call."

"Of course, take your time," Yuji replied calmly as the man hastily made the call.

Ten minutes later, the man reentered the office and extended his hands to Yuji, stating, "Congratulations! From these ten tickets, you have won six billion yen!"

(T/N: about 40M USD)

Yuji shook hands with him, saying, "Thank you," and provided the man with his bank account information for the money transfer.

Before Yuji departed, the man informed him that it might take a couple of days for the money to be deposited into his account.

Yuji returned home and shared quality time with his family. Six days later, while lounging on the couch watching TV with Misaki, his phone buzzed with a notification.

He didn't bother checking, already aware of the content of the notification.

He glanced at Misaki, who was reclining on the couch with her legs on his lap.

"Want to go out for some food?"

Misaki arched her eyebrow, "How are you gonna pay? Didn't you lose your job because of the tower?"

Yuji nodded, "While I did lose my job, the tower's influence in the world allowed me to make some money on the side."

Misaki remained suspicious, but accepted the offer anyway. After all, who wouldn't want free food?

Yuji playfully tapped the soles of her feet. "Get ready. I'll call for someone to look after Mom while we're out."

Misaki nodded and went to her room to get dressed, while Yuji made arrangements for someone to look after his mom.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Yuji opened it to find a nurse waiting outside.

Yuji had already paid her beforehand, so he and Misaki left once she arrived.

Misaki couldn't contain her excitement as they walked, "Are we going to get some ramen?!" She asked, jumping a few times.

Yuji smiled at her excitement, "Something even better," he replied.

Misaki struggled to think of options more enticing than ramen within their budget.

A twenty minutes later, Yuji paused in front of a renowned yet pricey restaurant.

Misaki sighed, eyeing her brother as he stopped before the restaurant. "If only we could eat there, right? I've heard their food is considered the best in the country."

Yuji smiled, "If only, right?" He entered, leaving Misaki standing there in confusion before following him inside.

Once she caught up to him, she whispered, "What are you doing?! We can't just enter this place like it's a normal spot!" She was afraid of potential consequences.

Yuji ignored her and continued walking until they reached a worker responsible for checking people in.

As they approached the worker, he inquired, "Hello, do you have a reservation with us?"

Yuji nodded, "Yes, my name is Yuji. I made a reservation earlier today for a party of two on the highest floor."

The worker checked his iPad and located Yuji's reservation. "Please proceed to the twentieth floor using the elevator, and a waiter will assist you there."

Misaki, overhearing their conversation, looked at Yuji in disbelief.

In the elevator, Misaki exclaimed, "Is this a dream?! It must be a dream! There's no way we would ever be able to reserve a table here, especially not on their highest floor!"

"I can wake you up by pinching your cheeks," Yuji teased, his hands slowly approaching her face.

Misaki swiftly denied with a shake of her head, "I-I like this dream…," she said with a hint of shyness.

Yuji affectionately patted the top of her head, stating, "This is just one of the many surprises I have in store for you."

Misaki's heart raced with anticipation as she envisioned the surprises Yuji had in store for her.

As the elevator ascended to the twentieth floor, Misaki was greeted by the breathtaking view of the entire city. The beauty of the world she once perceived as dark and evil now revealed itself in a bright and stunning panorama.

She savored the scenic panorama for a moment before the waitress approached, guiding them to their table.

Once they were seated, the waitress handed them both a menu, and once Misaki seen the price her eyes widened.

"The steak alone costs 14,000 yen!" she exclaimed in astonishment, taken aback by the exorbitant price.

(T/N: about 100 USD)

"Don't worry about the price; order whatever you want," Yuji reassured her, encouraging her to choose without concern for the cost.

"No matter?" she inquired, seeking assurance that Yuji was resolute in his statement.

"No matter," Yuji confirmed, emphasizing that she could freely choose without worrying about the cost.

They proceeded to order from the menu without concern for the prices. After placing their orders, Yuji and Misaki patiently waited for their food, which arrived after a thirty-minute wait.

Expressing gratitude to the waitress, they ate their meal.

During their meal, Yuji noticed tear drops falling onto Misaki's plate. Despite her efforts to restrain her emotions, she eventually succumbed, and tears streamed down her face.

"T-Thank y-you!" Misaki expressed her gratitude, her words faltering amid tears.

Yuji also yearned to shed tears, yet his ability to cry had faded long ago.

"You deserve it," Yuji responded, acknowledging Misaki's emotional moment.

They consumed every grain of their meal, leaving no remnants behind. The bill amounted to a total of 125,200 yen.

(T/N: about 850 USD)

He presented the waiter with his card and included a generous tip of 147,000 yen.

They left the restaurant, and in silence, Yuji led her to the next surprise he had prepared for her.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at a grand hotel, the same one Atsuko mentioned to meet near.

Misaki was astonished by their destination; the restaurant was impressive, but this hotel was in a class of its own.