
100 Warriors of Frogman

Giving birth to 1000 fetuses in one birth, Sakawuni Kamala is willing to do in order to get the love of her husband, Lorr En. For years, their marriage was only a deal in medicine. Sakawuni fell in love with her husband over the time they were together. But in the man's heart, the figure of his ex-wife who he loves very much, namely Sekar Wening, is still bound. 100 Warriors of Frogman with super powers, they are ready to defense the civilization the land of Jawata. Dedicated to protecting the King and the nation's homeland.

JWTKingdom · Fantasie
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12 Chs

3. Powerful Tonic Potion

Starry full moon night in the sky. Special and perfect intentions of both husband and wife.

"So bitter!"

Not strong enough, Sakawuni spewed again. This is the fifth time. Dizziness begins to possess the head.

"Hold on, it won't take long," Lorr En said as he gently stroked Sakawuni's hair off the loop.

"My chest is pounding. Did this potion poison me?" Sakawuni thought incoherently.

"You're beautiful tonight, I've never seen you so beautiful," Lorr's passion began to explode. The night is getting late. The full moon showed a happy face.

"I have prepared the river. Safe and peaceful," Lorr's breath sounded close to Sakawuni's ear. Two pairs of eyes looked at each other solemnly.

"I'm nervous," Sakawuni said, unable to hide himself under such circumstances.

A shawl-thin outfit was exposed. Lorr En inhaled the delicate fragrance from Sakawuni's neck.

"Look at the night," said Lorr En pointing towards the outside of the window slightly open. The night looks brighter than usual.

"I ... never did this to anyone. Including my old wife," Lorr said. It must have surprised Sakawuni.

"Never touched it?!" she shocked in wide-eyed.

"How can it touch it? My form suddenly breaks every time I want to have sex with him," replied Lorr En.

"Kanda?" Sakawuni was surprised.

"Now I'm completely healed. You've been treating me for years. Now is our best time," said Lorr En with cute smile.

"The potion we drank just now, will take us to the top of the moon," slightly Lorr En glanced at the night space shrouded in full moonlight.

"Kanda ...," Sakawuni's clear eyes stared off Lorr En's eye journey.

"How could I not love someone the woman I touched. I'm just not used to saying the word love, even though I'm very much in love," Lorr En said, flashing back in time with his former wife. Sekar Wening.

"Kanda remembers him, even in the present moment we are together," Sakawuni said, realizing Lorr's memory was sucked by Sekar Wening's presence in the past.

"I'm sorry ...," Lorr En said softly. His passion suddenly receded drastically.

"Why, Kanda?" asked Sakawuni. Lorr En's fingers were originally surfing, but slowly loosening.

"Kanda, where are you going?" Sakawuni asked. Lorr En rushed over from the soft bed that belonged to the two of them.


Lorr En no longer turned his head even though Sakawuni called him softly. Hurry up and his wife is cleaning clothes.

At the end of the river rocks, the estuary leads off the ocean of sheen water surface there. Quiet quiet.

"Kanda ...," Sakawuni followed up to Lorr En's dreamy side.

Lorr En did not turn his head. Purnama reminds him of Sekar Wening. Hitherto. The energy of love for the woman has not disappeared. Sakawuni by his side, too, could not replace him. Neither did other women.

"I ruined your passion, Kanda ...," Sakawuni said feeling guilty.

"Let me enjoy the silence tonight, my mind is not focused," Lorr En replied. Delay one night's departure alone for Sakawuni. Don't let it be a waste of tonight.

"Kanda," again Sakawuni called to him.

"I loved him very much, but fate forced me to let him go," Lorr En said pouring out all the anxiety and pain in the soul.

"Why did it all happen to me?" Lorr En asked to himself.

"Kanda Lorr, let go of everything. Demi Sallava, the future King of Jawata. There's still me by your side," Sakawuni replied, reminding Lorr of the wangsit that once came to them, Sallava's arrival. That was the only reason Lorr En lets Sekar Wening go from his life.

Sakawuni vomited bitter saliva again due to the strange potion he had not sipped for long.

"You okay?" asked Lorr En, since the last day Sakawuni vomited excessively, Lorr En didn't tear. His wife nodded lightly.

"What kind of crazy potion did you drink to me, Kanda?" asked Sakawuni not knowing if he had drunk it.

Lorr En smiled brightly, "That's a tonic potion. Fertilizing herbs," he replied.

"So now, our best time?" Sakawuni clutched her husband's jemari warm welcome. Lorr En nodded smiling.

* * *