
100 Warriors of Frogman

Giving birth to 1000 fetuses in one birth, Sakawuni Kamala is willing to do in order to get the love of her husband, Lorr En. For years, their marriage was only a deal in medicine. Sakawuni fell in love with her husband over the time they were together. But in the man's heart, the figure of his ex-wife who he loves very much, namely Sekar Wening, is still bound. 100 Warriors of Frogman with super powers, they are ready to defense the civilization the land of Jawata. Dedicated to protecting the King and the nation's homeland.

JWTKingdom · Fantasie
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12 Chs

12. The North Maritime Lady

Coughed up residual blood. Sakawuni tried to get up on the bed.

"What day is now ...?"

Starting to wake up. Her body was weak and tired. Pale face with loose hair. Vaguely visible, Lorr En, her husband was on the side of the window in the same room. Cradling a baby.

Lorr En turned and smiled to welcome Sakawuni, who was moved in her bed.

"Ah ...," Sakawuni fell from the side of the bed. Intended to kneel but instead fell on the floor.

"Why?" Lorr En rushed over.

"I don't deserve to live. Why did Kanda treat me?" Sakawuni did not escape feeling guilty.

"Don't talk too much. Your wound is quite serious. I'm taking care of you," said Lorr En.

Seeing the baby in Lorr En's arms, Sakawuni choked with tears.

"I'm sorry, Kanda ... Rumbiyin ...," imagined the worst thing that had happened to Rumbiyin. The last memory, is the baby lying after being thrown out of reach of her hands. Meanwhile, Sakawuni lost consciousness.

"He's healthy and fit, he's in the room downstairs," replied Lorr En, making Sakawuni's eyes sparkle with relief.

"Is our baby ... safe ...?" Quickly getting up, Sakawuni shuffled over.

"Be careful, you're still weak," Lorr En supported him with one hand. The other hand holds the baby.

"Who's this ...?" Sakawuni watched the baby in Lorr En's arms.

"This is our 17th baby," replied Lorr En. Of course, Sakawuni was surprised.

"17th?!" I can't believe, that many babies have been born.

"Baby boy. His name is Arran Dan," said Lorr En, giving a unique name to this baby.

"That means the Purple Shield Frog Warriors," continued Lorr En slightly opening the baby's blanket.

Arran Dan. The skin appears white, but the base of the arms to the neck is a subtle purple color mixed with scales like reptile skin.

"Arran Dan. Our son is so handsome," I was amazed by the beauty of their baby sleeping soundly.

"Ah ..., how long was I unconscious?" Sakawuni wondered while touching his temple which suddenly felt dizzy.

"One week," answered Lorr En.

"What?!" Sakawuni was surprised.

"Wuni, go back to rest," said Lorr En, leading his wife back to bed.

"No, I want to see our other babies, I'm strong enough to walk," said Sakawuni and wanted to see the door to the next room.

They headed to the next room. The distinctive aroma of the babies was still red, neatly lined up among the cots.

Sakawuni stared. Her tears didn't feel like they were rolling down her cheeks.

"I ... gave birth so many babies ...?" happy emotion. Sakawuni saw a whole room full of babies fast asleep.

"You're a mother now, still don't feel worthy of recovery?" Lorr En asked, watching Sakawuni's expression sink into emotion.

For a moment Sakawuni sobbed.

"Rumbiyin...," felt sorry, Sakawuni remembered the previous incident.

"He is very healthy, look down ...," Lorr En pointed to the ground floor of the cottage residence.

Downstairs, two people can be seen going back and forth preparing everything the baby needs. These people made Sakawuni suddenly angry and emotional.

"You guys, how dare!" Slightly out of breath, Sakawuni looked downstairs. One of the two women was holding baby Rumbiyin who had just changed diapers.

"Let go of my baby!" Sakawuni shouted at the woman. However, he only smiled when he saw Sakawuni who was angry.

"Wuni, calm down. Please don't scream, you haven't recovered yet," said Lorr En trying to calm him down.

"Why is she in our house?!" emotionally unstable, Sakawuni saw a woman carrying Rumbiyin downstairs, none other than Singgala.

"He's a stealth!!"

Sakawuni exclaimed, pointing straight at Singgala downstairs.

"No need to worry. Now the three of them are our babysitters," replied Lorr En.

"What? How is that possible?!" gaping wide, Sakawuni heard it.

"Bring medicine and herbal tea for Puan," Lorr En asked someone else, a woman older than Singgala.

"They also took care of you for this week," said Lorr En. Still shocked, Sakawuni saw three praying mantis demons, now even caretakers for the week.

"What?" Still in disbelief, Sakawuni was hit by a strong headache.

"Sit down," Lorr En led his wife to sit on a nearby chair. Someone comes with herbal tea. Still anxious, Sakawuni looked at the glass of tea served to him.

"No need to worry. They won't dare do anything wrong now, drink this while it's warm," said Lorr En.

"Soon, we will soon move from this cottage house. Paduka Bayuangga gave us a palace as a gift," said Lorr En.

"Palace?" Shocking news, Sakawuni looked at Lorr En.

"That's right, you are now officially the mistress of the North Javata Maritime Commander, Lorr En Bhainan," said Lorr En, shaking Sakawuni's shoulder slightly.

"The new palace is waiting for us," continued Lorr En. Singgala approached and took Arran Dan from Lorr En's arms.

"So, I'm ... a Lady now ...?" dizziness turned into extraordinary shock. Sakawuni couldn't believe that this honorable title was for him.

"You are the mother of all my babies, The Lady of North Maritime," becoming more convincing, Lorr En touched Sakawuni's shoulders.

"Your Majesty already knows the news of the birth of our babies!" Lorr En stood up straight.

"But my job isn't finished yet. There are still lots of babies to be born."

"I have to regularly check the river nest," continued Lorr En as he prepared to leave.

"You just stay at home, there are three special servants for you. I have also recruited dozens of servants in the last few days," said Lorr En.

"There are signs that dozens of babies will be born this afternoon. I'm going to the river nest first," said Lorr En, heading for the doorway. But he hurriedly came back to Sakawuni and sat down and looked at him.

He kissed Sakawuni's forehead gently.

"You don't need magic poetry or magic to make me fall in love with you," whispered Lorr En. The sweet touch of his fingers landed on Sakawuni's cheek. Before he left.

Sakawuni sat there stunned, watching her husband's figure walk away and disappear at the threshold of the exit of the cottage.

"Northern Maritime Lady?" Sakawuni touched Lorr En's kiss mark.

Bow down slowly.

"That title should have been for Sekar Wening ...," said Sakawuni softly. Alone. Feelings of guilt arose, she felt that she had usurped the position and title of the honorable woman from the Northern Maritime Commander, Lorr En.

"No ... no. I didn't steal anything from Sekar Wening. Besides, she is no longer Kanda Lorr's wife. No longer," talking to herself, Sakawuni became confused. Between guilt and confidence.

"I am Kanda Lorr's wife. I am Puan. The Lady of North Maritime."

* * *