
100 Days With Mr Damon

Damon paused as he flickered his pen with the tip of his finger, ‘200 days', he said. ‘40'. Ana countered. ‘100'. ‘No'. A sigh escaped his lips as she was starting to trigger his nerves, ‘100 days Anastasia, it's that or nothing'. ‘My name is Ana', she grunted as she hated the way he called her full name, there was silence in the room for a moment and she pursed her lips before agreeing to the deal, ‘Fine.....I'll be your wife for 100 days'.

Juliet_Dudu · Urban
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18 Chs

A business woman for the night (part 3)

Book One-(Chapter 8)

( A business woman for the night—Part 3)

Diana Jenkins watched with envy in her eyes, sipping her champagne from far across the room with her eyes intently focused on the brown haired beauty that sat next to Damon as the donations began—she was a business woman according to Vivian who bragged endlessly about her son not being the 'promiscuous hunk' of the night like he is usually labeled, still something about her smelled fake to Diana.

She cleared her throat as she excused herself from the table and walked towards Ana whose focus remained on the donations happening, how could these people afford this much money?, Ana thought to herself with envy as a middle aged woman approached her holding a champagne glass.

'You must be Anastasia', Diana murmured as she took an empty seat to sit on, 'I've heard so much about you from Vivian'.

Damon surreptitiously rolled his eyes as he knew where this was going with his mother's greatest enemy, 'This is Diana Jenkins', he said as he introduced her to Ana, 'She's a good friend of my mom'.

'Good' was totally an overstatement when it came to Diana Jenkins, the old broad with a loud mouth and no accolades to show for it, her son Billy Jenkins also had the same foppish character as his mother—malicious and troublemaking in the nicest ways possible, they were the most horrible people he has ever met.

'It's nice to meet you Mrs Jenkins'. Ana finally responded with a lacklustre voice, all she wanted was for the party to be over. Her belly ached from all the champagne and canapes, her makeup was starting to feel murky and her legs were burning with pain from the heels she had on.

'Now I hear you're a successful business woman from Damon's mother', Diana smiled coyly, 'It's a wonderful upgrade from the other women our dear Damon has been acquainted with...let's hope this lasts'.

Damon chuckled nervously as he downed a shot of whiskey, 'Ohh we're serious Mrs Jenkins', he took another shot which only fueled his annoyance, 'As a matter of fact...I am planning on popping the question to my beautiful Anastasia'.

'You are???'. Ana and Diana chorused.

'Yes I am', he threw a subtle wink at Ana whose face was starting to turn red, 'You are the love of my life Ana and I want you to have the most wonderful proposal'.

Kill me now, Ana silently groaned as she forced a smile, 'Yes', she turned on her role to Diana, 'We have been discussing our plans and we hope to tie the knot very soon'.

'Well hurray to that'. The sly excuse of a woman raised her glass and left a few seconds later.

Ana made sure no one was watching, then kicked Damon under the table, he yowled and raised his head only to meet the eyes of an angry woman, 'What is wrong with—'

'Making plans to get married wasn't part of the script', she scowled, 'Why lie to the obvious gossiper Mr Wyatt....do you know what—'

'Relax Anastasia'.

'My name is Ana'

His brows arched, 'Fine...sorry. Look we made a deal to portray a serious couple, after tonight I'll be out of your hair and you have paid me your debt'.

'I owe you nothing'. She countered and he sighed deeply.

'Fine you owe me nothing', paused as his mother walked past their table beaming with joy, 'Just play your role and in an hour we'll be out of here.....My father wants to make an announcement soon so we'll leave after that'.


The party was over an hour later and Ana slowly wished for death as she stood waiting for Damon to greet his work colleagues, all she wanted at the moment was a hot shower and two days of sleep—who knew playing a role could be so draining?. Diana Jenkins brushed past her without saying a word or bidding goodbye but she didn't care anyway, spoiled middle-aged women weren't her cup of tea.

Damon signaled one of his associates to call him for a night drink, smiling with pure happiness as he walked over to Ana who had annoyance written all over her face. She was a damn beautiful woman but angelic would be a good tune if she smiled more, he thought as he linked his arms with hers—their plan was successful and his father just announced to the whole guests that he would be appointing him soon as the Chief Executive Officer of Wyatt Cosmetics...the night couldn't get any more wonderful.

'Stop it', Ana threw him a dead stare as he tried to pull her closer, 'The night is over so we can drop the act now'.

He guffawed as they reached the car, 'Oh Anastasia, you are one—'

'I'll take a taxi', she cut him off impertinently, 'I can't stand being in the car with you for another hour'.

'Nonsense. I'm driving you home'.

'You're not'.

'I am and there's nothing you can do about it', he yanked her purse swiftly, 'I have your purse Anastasia. Get in the car'.

The nerve of this man, she groaned but got in the car anyway as her legs were too sore for a good fight. She quickly took them off the moment she was at the backseat, which amused Damon as he wasn't used to seeing a woman so annoyed by a fashion accessory, the car started to move and every attempt to lighten the mood only flopped on his face.

She wasn't smiling, she didn't react to his small talks in anyway—difficult and stubborn was an understatement to the stunning woman at his back. Thirty minutes still on the road and Ana was starting to doze off, she was tired and he couldn't blame her, he was tired too from all the socializing.....it was draining in ways that no one else could understand except they tried it.

'Uhh I failed to ask you', he muttered as he turned, 'Where do you live??'.

'Seventh Avenue'. She replied.

'That scum??', he chuckled and it died down immediately the moment he saw the look on her face, 'Wait you're not really joking are you??'.

That was it! ,the straw that broke the camel's back, 'Stop the car Mr Wyatt'.

'I was only jo—'

'Stop the fucking car Damon!!!', she screamed and he halted immediately in front of a pet store. Ana grabbed her purse from the passenger seat at the front, grabbed her heels and unlatched the car door.

Damon followed shit immediately as he tries to stop her, 'Anastasia I didn't mean—'

'Ohh I get what you mean', she scoffed loudly, 'Unlike you Mr Wyatt I was born into poverty and I have to struggle to pay my bills. The sooner you realize how much of a privileged prick you are the better!!.....I'm so glad that I don't have to see you again'.

Damon watched blankly as the woman who just left him dumbstruck walked down the street barefoot, looking as beautiful as hell with her heels dangling from her right hand—He should watch his mouth, Anastasia really hated his mouth.