
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs

Her best friend

B&B suite Amare Polignano

They admired the building, its security and attendence.

All Kristine could think of is going to her room and lie down.


"Can we locate our rooms now? A woman from the crowd said, apparent she had been thinking what Kristine was thinking.

She looked at the man, who smiled and shake his head.

"NO, ma'am. Your carriage awaits." He said as he used his left hand and pointed to the left side. They all turned and looked. There was a bus waiting for them.

"Please, come with me." He continued walking towards the bus, taking them away from the fine beautiful Lodge in front of them.

Kristine looked at her friend who shrugged and walked towards the bus.

The Hotel was not part of what they sighed up for.

They entered the bus one after the other. When it was filled up, Lewis told the drive to move.

Kristine watched him talk about the Polignano a mare while the rest look past towns and shops they passed.

Kristine relaxed back, she just can't wait to be back home.

The bus parked and everyone alighted.

She looked at the sight. This should be called a viewing sight. It really looked like a camp ground. The trees, vegetation and grasses

"Come on." He said when he was in front.

Everyone rushed to meet him.

"There are tents you can set." He said with a smile.

They were about to complain, they didn't see anything until a few persons walked to him with different cover of tents bag.

They all keep the ones they wanted and he taught them twice how to set it up and left them to try it out themselves while he inspected.

Some were able to fix up their tents nicely but for some it took longer and some didn't get it after so many trials especially Kristine.

Kristine looked at her friend's tents. She was getting it but it haven't really formed but she had no slightest idea how to fix this stupid thing.

"Hey. It is okay." He said as be bent over her.

He had seen how frustrated she got trying to do something that was not working out.

She looked at him.

"Can I help?" He offered.

She blinked at him. She didn't care about the tent, she didn't want to come here before but Bella and Richard won't let her leave.

She moved still squating.

He bent down beside her and he fixed the first two ends before fixing another.

He stopped and looked at her. "Do you want to try?" He asked.

She sighed and nodded. She watched him with keen eyes as he undid what he had done and gave her room to do what he did.

She did it, got it as far as he had done.

When he saw she had gotten it that far. He smiled.

She looked at him and managed a small smile.

He told her what to do and just as she was about to do it. They heard his name.


He looked at her apologetical and stood up.

"You can do it." He added before he excused himself to the far end of the other tents.

Kristine look at the rods before she looked at the guy that just left.

She released a sigh and was about to continue her task but Bella interrupted.

"He is nice."

Kristine looked at her friend's face and rolled her eyes before she began to fix her tent in place.

"Kris, come on." Bella tugged her friend's hand, when she noticed she was talking to her.

Kristine didn't say anything.

Bella tried again. "Kris, I'm sorry. But this is good for you. You have get over Gerald."

Kristine wasn't listening.

Bella stood up and made a move on her tent.

Kristine sprang at her, lowering her voice. "If you touch it, Bella. I am gonna leave you to do it by yourself."

Bella stopped.

"You and Richard bring me here and leave me by myself to make a tent which I have never done before. I told you I don't like camping. I told you I wanted to go home, but you said no. You said no, how is this a way for me to get over what Gerald did. How is this a way to relax!' Kristine questioned but she didn't not raise her voice.

Richard had come to where they were standing but he stopped when he heard his name.

Bella watched her friend as she began to pump air into the tent bag. Kristine did it so normally. One would not even guess there was problem.

Bella moved close to her when she noticed she stopped pumping.

"Kris, I'm sorry. I just thought this will be best."

Kristine looked at her friend and she looked behind her. Richard was standing looking at them.

She inhaled and run her hand through her hair and sighed again before she looked at her friend. "I'm sorry, Bell. I am not thinking clearly right now." She told her friend.

Bell touched her hand.