
Hero of Mumbai

Major Ramaswamy Parameswaran Born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Parameswaran is yet another braveheart who died at the age of 41 in 1987, in India's Sri Lanka operations. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, posthumously.

It was late night when Parameswaran was returning from search operations in Sri Lanka, when his column was suddenly attacked by a group of militants. He did not panic and showed great presence of mind by encircling the enemy from the rear and surprising them with an unexpected attack. During the hand-to-hand combat, a militant shot him in the chest. Undaunted, Major Parameswaran snatched the rifle from the militant and shot him dead.

Barely able to stand now, he continued giving orders to his men and inspired them to fight till his last breath. The Indians managed to kill five militants and recovered three rifles and two rocket launchers from the militants.