
001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ?

Rei suddenly woke up in Granblue Fantasy and had the appearance and powers of Lucillus. But he met Djeeta and Vyrn, who helped him adapt to the world there. They then met Lyria, Katalina, and many other people. They all embarked on an adventure towards Estaulica, the legendary home of the Astrals, where anyone who finds it can have their wishes granted. But their adventure was not as easy as they thought, and many dangerous events threatened their lives. However, in the end, they successfully reached Estalucia, and several years had passed. This time, Rei, who could now control the power of Lucilius, wanted to create a portal to his world so he could bring his fiancées there. But he realized that it would not be as easy as he had thought. First World : DxD Second World : Nasuverse [This is gonna be Dimensional Travel because Rei gonna try to find his way to his own world] [Hey there This fanfic is just a side story that I created so maybe i can increase my writing skills, I'm not sure how frequently I'll update this fanfic because I work on it when I have the time. btw I use AI to correct my grammar, so I apologize if you find any strange text. Please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!]

IamReallySalad · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs

05. Really Big Dragon in Another World

Heya it's me, kinda takes too long on this chapter because i kinda don't know what to do with it....That's it....

Btw don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

After giving Ophis some snacks for her to eat later and bringing some snacks for anticipation in my storage dimension, we finally started heading to Ophis house to see Baka-Red.

Ophis was still chewing her food and then raised her right hand, creating a crack in the air.

Seeing that made me think that Ophis's way of crossing dimensions is really similar to mine for traveling too.

After the portal opened, Ophis stepped into it without hesitation. Seeing that, the two of us looked at each other, nodded, and followed Ophis.

I was also curious about what the strongest creature in this world is like. If Baka-Red is stronger than Ophis, even though I could sense that Ophis' power is much stronger than the Devil King from before.

So how strong is Baka-Red?

Sturm and I finally emerged from the portal and could see Ophis "house."

.....where is her house? That's all I could think of when I saw this strange place.

Everything was just purple and purple and purple, how could Ophis live here?

"Ahhh Ophis... what place is this and where is your house?" I asked Ophis, who was still chewing our food.

"Wow..." Sturm looked amazed by this place, she had never seen a place like this before.

*Chew*...*Chew*... This is my house," Ophis said while chewing her food and looking around.

"This place used to be very comfortable for me but since Baka-Red was born, they always snores and makes it difficult for me to sleep," Ophis sounded annoyed but her face remained expressionless.

"That's why I gathered strong people to drive out Baka-Red so I could get my 'Silent' back."

"So where is Baka-Red?" Sturm asked Ophis when she didn't see anyone here.

Hearing that, Ophis nodded. "I will call baka-red now."

Hearing that, Sturm became more confused about what she meant, but suddenly we both felt Ophis releasing her power.

A strong wind suddenly appeared from Ophis' direction and she started emitting a black aura.

"Baka-Red! Come out now!" Ophis spoke loudly, seemingly using her power to strengthen her voice.

"my eardrums..." I covered my ears to protect myself from Ophis's shouting.

I saw Sturm also trying to cover her ears because a draph's ears are more sensitive than those of an ordinary human.

"Baka-red is coming," Ophis said while staring at a certain place.

Hearing that, Sturm and I looked in the direction Ophis was looking.

I immediately felt a very strong power approaching us, and it seemed that Sturm also sensed it because she's looks really serious now.

In the air, we could see a very, very large portal appearing.

Then not long after, a very large red dragon emerged from within the portal, flying towards us.

"Wow, look at that," Sturm felt amazed at this because besides primal beasts, she had never seen anything this big.

As I observed the size of the dragon, I thought that dragon could be as big as my wings when I used all my power.

The dragon then floated towards us, its red eyes staring at both of us.

"Foreigners... no, you two are from another dimension?" the dragon spoke in a tone like it some delinquent people... Which is weird.

"Baka-red, this time I will drive you away from this place," Ophis replied to Baka-red while nodding but still chewing on food.

Baka-red, hearing that, chose to ignore Ophis because they was more focused on the two of us.

"I don't know how you two managed to pass through this place, but you'd better go back to your original place."

Baka-red threatened me and Sturm while releasing their aura.

I could feel that Baka-red's aura was indeed very strong compared to the everyone i meet in this world. Maybe they was on par with the Eternals who used boundary power years ago.

"We do want to go back, but I have run out of energy to open a portal to our world... so we are both trapped here for a while," I replied to Baka-red while looking up at him because he was really huge.

"Trapped? Explain in more detail to me!" Baka-red ordered the two of us.

Then I told Baka-red what had happened after we arrived in this world, which made Baka-red fall silent.

"Weird... you should only arrive here if you open a portal from another world and want to come to our world, but from your story it seems like you can easily pass through this place and go straight to our world."

Hearing that made me look around us, but all I saw was purple, purple, and purple.

But I could sense something from another direction, like many floating golems in one place and many peoples gathering in some place... well, not my concern.

"Hmm, it seems you can sense it."

Hearing that made me look up again, "Yes, I can sense many golems in a certain direction, but they all seem inactive."

"So can you explain what this place is and why Ophis wants the two of us to drive you away from here?" Sturm suddenly spoke after seeing that we still hadn't discussed why we came here.

Baka-red then explained to us that this place is their home and their task is to protect their world from invasions from other worlds.

"This is my home, not yours," Ophis suddenly spoke in the midst of Baka-red's explanation.

Baka-red continued its explanation that anyone who wants to come to their world must always pass through this place... except for us two. And their task is to make sure that the people who want to come are not a threat to their world.

"I have sensed several times that something wants to open a portal to this place from another world."

Hearing that made me remember the world that I felt when I set foot in their world.

"Are you referring to the world close to yours? I could sense it when I set foot in your world," I informed Baka-red while looking in another direction.

"You're right, they have tried several times to open a portal here, and I don't know what they want," Baka-red also looked in the direction I was observing.

"So if this is your home, and Ophis, why does Ophis want to drive you away from here?" Sturm asked, turning to Ophis.

"I don't mind living together with Ophis, but..."

"Baka-red is too noisy! always snores and doesn't let me have my silence here, so now I will drive baka-red away from this place!" Ophis sounded annoyed, cutting off Baka-red's words.

"...", Sturm and I could only stare blankly at Ophis, as her behavior is like a child.

Ophis could only tilt her head confused as she was being stared at by both of us. "Hmm?"

"If that's the case, why doesn't Ophis just use earplugs or go somewhere else?"

"I don't want to use something like that! It's very uncomfortable, and I also want to go somewhere else, but I can't find a 'Silence' place for me," Ophis replied to my question.

"So, what now..." Sturm shook her head and pulled my shirt.

"Hahhh... I also don't know. What about you, Baka-red? What if you go to the human world and let Ophis stay here for a while and let her have her peace?"

"I can't leave this place!" Baka-red quickly answered.

"Why not? You've been here for a long time now; you can switch with Ophis first, and then when Ophis is satisfied, you can take turns," this time Sturm asked.

"I don't want to! This is my home; I don't want to switch with that Baka-red," Ophis rejected my suggestion, but when she tried to take snacks from the plastic I gave her, she couldn't find anything because she had eaten everything.

Ophis then looked into her plastic container and looked very disappointed because her snacks were all gone.

"Ugh, cute..." I'm seeing Ophis like that felt like something pierced my heart, like seeing a disappointed child.

But Sturm, seeing this, seemed to have an idea.

"But Ophis, if you continue to stay here, how will you eat more of those delicious snacks?"

Hearing that, Ophis's body seemed to jerk, and she tightly held onto her empty food plastic container.

"Hehehehe~" Sturm giggling evilly after seeing Ophis's reaction.

I smiled as I watched Sturm's antics because at least she was having fun here, and Ophis' reaction also looked cute.

"Besides, our task is to protect this place from other worlds, so as the guardian of this place, I can't just leave this place" Baka-red continued their answer.

Another world... besides that world the one close to this world, there is no other world that can come here.

Perhaps the far away world can come here, but like me, they would need a lot of energy to open their portal to this place, and I'm not sure if they can do that.

And even if they can, what would be their purpose in coming here? This world doesn't have anything interesting besides the various species here and maybe sacred gear, but I don't really understand that.

"So you can't leave this place because you're afraid that other worlds will attack your world?" I asked Baka-red.

"Yes, you're right," Baka-red answered simply.

Hmm, hearing that made me think... I then turned to Ophis, who was looking at the empty food container, and Sturm, who was poking Ophis's cheek with her finger.

*Sigh*.... I sighed because I was indeed weak when it came to children; I couldn't refuse their requests and seeing their sad reaction....

"What if I just destroy that other world?" I looked back at Baka-red, but this time, I leaking some of my aura.

"In that way, you can leave this place, and you can take turns with Ophis."

Sturm, upon hearing this, immediately stopped poking Ophis's cheek and looked at me in shock.

"Rei? What do you mean by that? Are you going to use that again?"

"Destroying that world?" Baka-red sounded unsure when I said that.

It seemed like baka-red thought my power was only this much and were confident that I couldn't do it, something baka-red themself couldn't do.

"Why? Don't you believe me?" I replied to Baka-red.

Destroying a world... it's not an hard feat for me as I am now.

Using "The End" will resolve everything, but if I use it, I'll be stuck in this world for even longer. Or I could use the primal beast to ensure that no one else enters this DxD world by using Phronesis.

But using the primal beast would make everything too easy.

"With the power I sense from you, you won't be able to do that. It's better to leave this to me, and you two should focus on returning to your world," Baka-red said, but this time, their tone sounded more like a delinquent.

Hmm, hearing that made me slightly upset at being underestimated like this, but it's my fault in the first place, I always hold back my power to prevent it from leaking out just like years ago.

"In that case, I will show you another one of my transformation," I spoke, smiling at Baka-red.

<3rd PoV>

After Rei said that, the necklace around Sturm's neck immediately started to glow.

From the light, a force field emerged, protecting Sturm and Ophis because Ophis was near Sturm.

Rei's hair instantly turned blue, but unlike Sturm when she used boundary power, Rei's hair seemed to be ablaze with his blue aura.

Rei's eyes also glowing blue, and blue light emanated from his eyes, flowing to the sides.

"This!" Great Red looked surprised when they sensed Rei's aura. How could someone possess such power?

"Rei..." Sturm held onto her necklace because Rei rarely used this power as it was too dangerous.

Meanwhile, Ophis had stopped paying attention to her empty food wrapper and was now staring at Rei seriously. It had been a long time since Ophis was serious like this, the last time being when she battled Baka-red.

Twelve black wings emerged from Rei's back, but the black color appeared even darker than before, and the feathers of the wings started emitting a purple hue.

"Seven Trumpets True Form."


Rei's entire body began to be shrouded in blue-colored smoke, with only his eye pattern visible on his face.

Great Red, witnessing this, truly felt worried. If this person wanted, they could easily destroy their world, but fortunately, Rei was not that kind of person.

Rei raised his left hand, and lightning began to appear at his left wrist. Seeing this, he immediately grasped the lightning, holding it back from releasing uncontrollably.


The last time he used this transformation, he was careless and let the lightning wander freely.

And because of that the lightning destroyed everything around Rei.

"How about now?" Rei asked Great Red with a smile.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

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