

Saryuu Makaai as a child had wished to be free but after a cruel job and weight of societal contribution falls to his shoulders, his child like dreams and hopes are crushed but on a fateful night, he encounters something that changes his life forever

MaadhavKannan · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Amidst the devastation of Koios, where buildings lie shattered and flames devour the city, a familiar figure navigates the chaos, transformed in both attitude and appearance. Clad in the emblem of the Rakshila, his presence signifies a profound shift in allegiance and purpose. Against the backdrop of the city's frenetic neon lights, scenes of chaos unfold as the remnants of humanity desperately seek refuge from the impending doom. The Rakshila, like ethereal vessels descending from the heavens, offer a glimmer of hope amidst the impending despair.

As the throngs of survivors assemble, making way for their enigmatic leader, all eyes are drawn to a striking woman with midnight-black hair, a single strand of white defying the darkness. Beside her strides a solitary man, distinct from the masses, his presence a testament to the profound bond that unites them in their quest for conquest and liberation.

"Saryuu, The plans are in motion. We will ascend to greater heights to further realities. Only one roadblock remains"

"Yes Rani. I will not let you down but Hodinsky's forces are incomparable to his own might!"

As Rani strides forward with purpose, Saryuu halts in his tracks, a picture of composure tinged with apprehension. Before them looms the final obstacle, a monstrous entity by all accounts. Sensing the gravity of the moment, Rani comes to a sudden stop, her gaze piercing the chaos around her.

With a resounding cry that cuts through the clamor, she commands with unwavering authority, "RAKSHILA, FORMATION!" Her voice reverberates with power, igniting a sense of urgency and unity among their ranks as they prepare to face the ultimate challenge head-on as Saryuu finds himself engulfed by the throng, swept along by the tide of determined souls.

She begins to speak.


Rani's eyes tears up. 


As Rani concludes her impassioned speech, a remarkable transformation unfolds in the heavens above. The clouds, once stagnant, now surge with newfound energy, racing across the sky at an unprecedented pace. With each passing moment, the inky darkness of night yields to the radiant brilliance of sunlight, casting its golden glow upon the city below.

In a breathtaking display of nature's power, the transition from night to day transpires in mere seconds, defying the natural order of time itself.

Saryu runs towards Rani.


Saryuu's urgent warning reverberates through the tumultuous air, his voice carrying the weight of imminent danger as he alerts Rani to the presence of their adversary.

Water dripping from his face, Saryuu rises from his bed to find both himself and the bed soaked, with Agnar standing before him, holding a bucket in his hand. Agnar extends a hand, attempting to mask his amusement behind a façade of concern.

"Sorry, Saryuu. I called you several times, but you didn't wake up," Agnar's voice filled the room, his attempt at suppressing a grin evident in the tone.

Saryuu, his irritation palpable, raised an eyebrow. "How many times is 'several times,' Agnar?"

Agnar's grin widened, betraying his amusement. "Well, I only thought of calling you several times. My bad, bro."

With a sigh, Saryuu resigned himself to the morning's unexpected turn of events. His mind, however, was preoccupied with the events of the previous day. The encounter had been surreal, beyond the bounds of rational explanation. The images replayed in his mind like scenes from a vivid nightmare, leaving him unsettled.

"Agnar, what we saw yesterday... It was real," Saryuu's voice carried a weight of certainty, a conviction born of witnessing the inexplicable.

Agnar's response was measured, tinged with a somber acknowledgment of the gravity of their situation. "Yes, it was. And the threat remains, lurking in the shadows, beyond our reach."

Saryuu rose from his seat, his mind ablaze with questions, seeking answers that eluded even the most probing inquiries. The enigmatic figure, Rex, and the mysterious Rakshila clan loomed large in his thoughts, shrouded in layers of uncertainty.

"The Rakshila play an important role in this. We must unravel the truth, uncover the secrets that lie buried beneath layers of deception," Saryuu's words resonated with a sense of urgency, a call to action in the face of daunting odds.

Agnar, though outwardly composed, harbored his own doubts and fears, concealed behind a façade of stoicism. His gaze met Saryuu's, conveying a silent understanding of the challenges that lay ahead.

"I have a plan, Saryuu... but it may not be to your liking," Agnar's voice carried a hint of apprehension, a tacit acknowledgment of the risks inherent in their pursuit of the truth.

As the weight of their shared burden hung heavy in the air, Saryuu and Agnar found themselves standing on the precipice of uncertainty, poised to confront the mysteries that lay concealed in the shadows of their world.



This is sort of an experiment chapter as I am trying to understand the art of communication between people. I know i havent been updating much but I got a lot of new inspirations and watching dune 2 has made me want to finish this story no matter what !

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