
Moving Out

You have just woken up

from your alarmclock.

It was in the middle of


and you've thought of moving out

afew weeks ago, so you did

and is going to move out,

you went to the kitchen and made


You just made a plain salad,

because you didnt know

how to cook much,

you also didnt buy

any ingredients,

Once you were finish eating,

you then packed up things,

you needed,

your bed room was the very last room you needed to clear,

your room was very messy so

it was hard to pack the things you needed.

you were looking at the book shelves

that you havent touched for really long while,

you then see a keychain you saw

behind the books

it looked very familiar,

so you kept on

walking back and forth thinking,

'Why is it so familiar?!'

You then finally knew.