

"They say heartbreak is the greatest pain but you can't get heartbroken of you don't have a heart in the first place.To me the greatest pain is being Abandoned and left alone by those who you trust and have faith in, that pain can't be compared and cannot be forgotten" My name is Athena Ferrari, an ordinary 17 year old girl in an abusive household, parents who hate me and 'friends' who bully me.But I have a secret,I have a 2 year old daughter whose father is not in the picture but that's not the interesting thing about me. I have two best friends Nova and Brian who I love and trust and to know my secrets you have to read more of the story to find out Note: this is not like any other story you have read it is unique, one of a kind and has so many plot twists so enjoy.

Lawal_Okikioluwa · Teenager
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11 Chs


Athena's POV:

Its been a few days since I arrived and then I got the news that they are celebrating our birthday on saturday which is in 3 days....i don't even know what to say but oh well...the worst part is the theme colour everyone from our family is to wear pink, the spanish mafia red,dutch green etc the greek mafia wasn't invited.

  My brothers and father are wearing hot pink suits which by the way looks ridiculous on them while my mother and Arianna are wearing these



I wouldn't lie the clothes look good but wait till u see ours yes I said ours, me, Nova and Bri.

  It has been decided that I start school on monday so that's what is going on in my life.

  Oh and I am pretty sure my so called brothers hate me a lot especially Ricardo but I would say Silas is Okay for now that is......

(The day of the party)

I decided to go dress up with my guys at the new warehouse which was organised yesterday.we decided to take 

She's a pretty sweet ride

We make our way to the venue getting there I must say they went all out because it was very extravagant.

Brian wore

Nova wore

I wore

We did introductions and they stayed away from me throughout. At a point all  music was stopped and my father stepped on stage "Good evening ladies a-*bang*.  Everyone turned to the door to look at who was, that's when I saw him and I wasn't sure he saw me until our eyes met. I have got to go, I can't wait here anymore...

  I am currently trying to get out of the venue without being noticed when*ring* *ring* what perfect timing. 

" Hello" I speak into the phone waoting for a reply.

"Miss I am very sorry to disturb you but Paris has fallen sick and she refuses to eat or use drugs till she sees you" oh shit well "Okay Maria I will tell my pilot to organise my private jet dont worry and tell her I will see her soon" ........

  "ATHENAAAAA!"I heard Nova call , I just simply replied letting her know where I was." Omg Athena there is a fight going on all because of you your father,that douchebag announced that you woold be married off to the don of the russian mafia to make a peace alliance and then He stood up for you and told everyone that you guys were engaged then they pulled out guns an-"I cut her rambling short by telling her to calm down.

  When I went into the hall I realised that Nova was right so I turn on my donna mode and do what is needed why dont I tell them about me being the donna of the greek mafia....ehhh naa.

  *cue dramatic clapping*

"Well well what do we have here,two mafias fighting this way it would be easy for the enemy to penetrate and while you are at it why dont you reveal all your mafia's secrets uhh"

"Dont you dare speak to my Daddy like that you bitch" omg she actually sounds like a screeching cat but I will leave my precious twin for later......

"Father what makes you think that I will agree to it if you thought of pulling the father card then you have another thing coming and you Mr Ramirez we were engaged if that would be all then--oomph" I look down to see Paris what is wrong with maria why would she let my star come here. Now que all the questions.

"Mommyyy" she dragged in an adorable way awwwn.

"Baby how are you doing*clearing of throat* " I say while lifting her to my hip

"Is that your daughter, I always knew you were a whore" my oh so loving brother Caspian said.

  Before I could reply him  Father apologised for the inconvenience and then called off the party.

(At the ferrari mansion)

  We were all gathered in Gianni's office.Me carrying Paris .

Gianni's voice broke me out of the trance I was in"Athena when you came I didnt give you rules but I didnt expect you to cause this many problems so would you tell me who she is?"

I just told him she was my daughter and then he asked for her name which I told him but the rest couldn't get over it"so you wont address the fact that she is a fat shameless and ugly bitch who sells herself around"Even though I was over them Vincenzo's words stung really bad I maintained a cool facade went to my room put Paris to bed and went into the bathroom where everything came crashing down. I can't always help it sometimes I wish my family loves me and all this thoughts is like a burden on my shoulder which I needed to release so without thinking twice I grabbed the blade and did it I cut myself though its not healthy its my coping technique.....

  I hear a commotion downstairs and I go to see Him shouting and demanding to see me."Not tonight"I tell him sternly 

  Nova moved closer and asked"you did icouldn't you? "and I couldn't lie to her so I just nodded and everything went black......

I need your love and support to motivate me

Lawal_Okikioluwacreators' thoughts