
Wu mansion

The ever lively atmosphere of the city was engulf in silence of the night.

The Moon beautifully illuminated the city as multiple gaurds of the Li clan was patrolling the city.

"There is no traces of the escape prisoner here captain! " A gaurd bowed towards an elegant figure.

"How many of them are left to capture?" The captain asked with a enchanting feminine voice.

"Only one remains... The Virtuous thief. " The gaurd solemnly replied.

"Hmm, report the head warden" The captain ordered.

The moon light shone upon the captain, revealing her mesmerizing face and figure.

It was non other then Huan li !


Inside the guest house.


"You may enter" Arthur said

One of the maids enter the room.

"Is there anything else we can do for you master? " she bowed her head.

"Thank you but I dont require anything right now" Arthur replied.

"Please call me if you required anything master yang" She left the room after saying that.

Arthur also laid down on his bed.

10 minutes later,

'Its time'

Arthur sat up and immediately weaved hand seals.

*Poof* a shadow clone appeared and laid down on his bed.

"Time to find this Wu mansion" He mumbled and bought out a black cloak and an anbu mask (like kakshi) from the item shop.

[ item description:

INVISIBILITY CLOAK: Renders the wearer invisible for 30 minutes when activated. No one bellow Nascent soul level should be able to see through it.

ANBU MASK: Hides the user's face and changes the voice of the user ]

After dressing up, he activated his mangekyo and vanished into a spiral.


In the city

Above a tall tower, the space rippled and a black Silhouette with a fox (anbu) mask appeared. His eyes were glowing red as if the fox was searching for its prey.

It was of course Arthur who was looking at the direction of the wu mansion.

The wind at the top of the tower was chilly but Arthur didn't cared.

"What are you hiding patriarch of the Wu mansion... " Arthur said behind his mask, he remembered how tom told him that the patriarch of the Wu mansion beg the escort Lord to carry this vase. Was the wu mansion also a part of this conspiracy? he wanted to find out.

"Looks like we will soon find out" saying so, Arthur vanished into the spiral.

[AN: Spiral is the kamui effect]

Just then the Captain felt something and looked towards the direction of the tower where Arthur once stood.

"Strange... " Huan li muttered.


A beautiful miniature city with unique architecture were surrounded by humongous walls which were emitting a grandiose aura.

It was none other then The area of the Wu mansion, being one of the 3 powerhouses like the li clan of the blue wind city, there clan compounds were the same size as that of a miniature city.

Guards were patrolling above the city walls in their watch towers.

The space spiralled above one such watch tower and Arthur appeared.

"So that is Wu mansion" Arthur gaze the beautiful city which was as beautiful if not more then the Li clan compound.

The kamui is a stealthy technique, even minato and naruto had a hard time sensing obito so there was no way for these gaurds to sense Arthur who had both his mangekyo unlike obito.

"The castle in the center is the residence of the clan patriarch and grand elder. " Arthur looked towards the grand castle which were laden with precious gems and metals.

"Kamui" Arthur whispered and vanished into his spiral.


Inside the hallway

Two servants were carrying a black gold chest which was radiating with powerful qi.

"Young master has been constantly consuming these medicines, Didn't he just broke through last month? is he agin nearing a breakthrough already !?" one of the servant said.

The second servant answered "Seems like it, but to be able to constantly consume such medicines without any side effects? His talent is something else. "

"They do say he is once in a century genius but the rate he advances his cultivation is till scary for a normal person like us. "

The 2 servants chatted with each other but unbeknownst to them, Arthur was closely following them from behind thanks to his invisibility cloak, walking inverted on the ceiling of the hallway

'Looks like they haven't noticed me yet'

Arthur thought

'But what's more interesting is that medicine inside the chest... Such strong qi fluctuations'

Arthur activated his sharingan to see the content of the chest 'It's a pill... a high level one at that. ' Arthur thought as he continued following the 2 servants.

Soon they reached a giant door surrounded by multiple arrays and gaurds.

Of course the arrays didn't stop Arthur as he phased through them using kamui.

One of the gaurd guarding the door inspected the servants and let them through. Arthur closely followed them and enter through the gate into a indoor garden.

A miniature waterfall was at the centre of the garden filled with rare herbs, flowers and medicine.

A handsome young man was meditating below the waterfall. It was an etheral scene as the youth float above the water, releasing an air of elegance.

The servants place the chest down on the ground and quietly left the garden.

The door closed but Arthur didn't left the garden, he quietly observed the youth in front of him deciding his next course of action.

'Should I pull him into my kamui dimension? will it alarmed the gaurds? ' Arthur activated his sharingan and scan the surroundings.

Multiple golden realm cultivators were hidden amongst the shadow, they of course didn't knew about his existence due to the invisibility cloak.

'There's too many of them, even if I take them down they will alarm the entire castle'

Arthur weight his options and decided not to take action as of now .

'Let's start with the servants first' Arthur thought and phase through the ground.


The 2 servants were going back to their quarters when suddenly their entire body where dragged into a whirlpool that appeared out of thin air.

"Haaahh.... haaah" both of them were out of breath.

" Where are we? " one of them asked after regaining his breath.

"This place... " the other servant examined his surrounding and exclaimed

"These blocks... The air around here... what is happening he-"

There words were cut short when the space behind them spiralled and a hand grab their shoulders.

"You are in my dimension"

both of them were alarmed and immediately turned back only to see a man with a black cloak wearing a fox mask staring at them.

His crimson eyes shining as they felt a chill ran through their spine.

"Now it's your turn to answer" Arthur's eyes shone with a bright red light and put them both in a Genjutsu.

Both of them were Qi refining realms so they weren't Arthur's match. Using Genjutsu, he scanned their memories but to no avail.

"They don't know anything about the vase...

but their ranks are also low, should I capture a high rank one? " Arthur mused

That day, multiple gaurds, maids and servants went missing but nobody noticed as Arthur used his transformation jutsu to disguise his shadow clones as the people he kidnapped.

Arthur keep searching their memories but couldn't find a single clue until he searched the memories of the vice captain of the gaurds.


"Sir, what's inside the vase? " the vice captain asked to a bulky guy who should be the captain.

"It's none of our business, don't pry into the inner workings of our clan if you want to keep your head intact....

Don't you know what happened to the Grand elder? "

[Memory end]

"Grand elder... " Arthur muttered as he put the unconscious vice captain down on the ground.

"So he was killed because he knew something about the inner workings of the clan... But who killed him? "

It was a valid question since inside a clan, except the patriarch, nobody was more powerful and Influential then the grand elder.

"Did the patriarch did it or was it outside intervention...? " Arthur thought as he remembered about the oni mask man that tom had described.

"This situation is getting more messier as I investigate."

Based on the information Arthur had, he could now draw some conclusions.

1) The wu mansion was hiding about their transaction with the escort Lord.

2) Since even the grand elder was executed, either the patriarch did it or outside forces.

3) The chances of Wu mansion working with the demonic forces were extremely high.

4) There was some secret inside this clan which is treated as taboo.

As the hour rolled by, Arthur keep on kidnapping new people but to no avail.

he also checked multiple documents after entering their offices but he couldn't find anything.

The sun was about to rise up as dawn inched closer. Arthur decided to end his investigation for here today. He dispelled his shadow clones and put every person he kidnapped into their respective rooms after he wiped off their memories.

Just like that, Arthur activated his kamui and vanished into the spiral.

Unbeknownst to him, a sharp pairs of eyes were always watching him.