
*Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block* Naruto - A Cursed System

Tags: Naruto, System, Jujutsu Kaisen Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block? === I do not own Naruto, JJK, and any other similar aspects that are seen throughout the story. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message. WARNING! This fan-fiction is being written by a noob writer who has a soft heart! Will be basing the timeline off of this Tumblr post: https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe WARNING!! There will be Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers! Beware!

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63 Chs

Their Proclamation

Dango was very surprised to see Jiraiya come back after all these years. Even more so when he noticed that there were also three people following him, recognizing them as the future founders of the Akatsuki; Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan. Seeing them, he didn't know whether he should feel happy or disappointed.

Happy because there was the possibility to join the Akatsuki now that he met them. He didn't want to go to Konoha now that they met. He could finally join his favorite organization ever.

Disappointed because it meant that Jiraiya had likely finished his mission, but had forgotten all about Dango, focusing most of his time teaching them ninjutsu.

'It doesn't matter, I should be happy that he even remembered me in the first place.'

Noticing Dango's gaze towards his pupils, Jiraiya decided to introduce them to each other. They politely greeted each other.

Jiraiya was curious how Dango had managed to survive the past year since he was alone. Thankfully, Dango had already prepared a story ever since he was left alone.


Dango had a hard time living in his home a couple of days after Jiraiya left. He had nearly starved to death if it weren't for his neighbor, an elderly widow.

She took care of Dango as if he was her own grandchild for less than two years. She fed him, taught him, and watched over him.

Unfortunately, she disappeared around a month ago. Though saddened by her disappearance, Dango appreciated the warmth he experienced thanks to her.

He managed to survive on his own after she was gone. She had taught him how to cook and scavenge for food, which he quickly made use of.

Several times, he thought of going off to look for either the old woman or Jiraiya himself. But he remembered the woman's words as they echoed throughout his head.

"Never leave the house without an adult."

So, he waited and waited until Jiraiya did come back. It was a happy surprise! A happy ending!


"And y'know what? Today's my birthday, too! You (Jiraiya) being here is the best present I could get!"

His audience didn't share the same enthusiasm as him. Though the Dango managed to survive in the end, they couldn't help but feel disheartened for him.

Jiraiya's heart was constantly getting pierced by arrows filled with guiltiness. The Ame Orphans were also the archers who shot the arrows as they disappointingly looked at their sensei.

Ignoring his sensei, Yahiko stood up and rustled Dango's hair, "Don't worry, you'll never be alone, anymore. You have us! You'll be our little brother!"

"Yeah! I'll be your big sister and Nagato will be your second big brother!" Konan agreed as she heard her friend's declaration. Nagato also nodding to her statement.

"Yay! I always wanted to have brothers and sisters! This is the best birthday ever!" Dango shouted with joy as his eyes sparkled in delight.

Jiraiya was taken back by his student's proclamation as well as Dango's answer. He didn't expect such a declaration despite them only meeting for at most a few minutes. He couldn't help but feel happy about the situation.

This way, Dango would prefer to stay with the Ame Orphans rather than going to Konoha with him.

He didn't want to take Dango to Konoha not because he was selfish and didn't care about Dango. It was the opposite. It's just, he didn't think he would be a good parental figure for him. Of course, he could drop him off at Konoha's orphanage, but even that place wasn't all that safe.

As Jiraiya was busy thinking to himself, Dango was listening to his siblings reciting their experiences since the war started. Though, their words were entering through one ear and exiting out the other.

He was busy reading two system windows.


[Mission: The Ame Orphans]

Description: Three children who were made orphans because of the chaos of war. These three will become the future founders of the Akatsuki. They are Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato! Will you change their fate?

Progression: 3/3 Meet the Ame Orphans

Reward: 15 CC, +1 Strength Point, +1 Intelligence Point, +1 Vitality Point


'Huh. Was expecting jutsus like the Sannin Mission. Didn't think missions could reward stats.'

Immediately, Dango's mind became slightly clearer and a bit more open, the effect of having your intelligence instantly boosted. As for vitality and strength, he didn't feel any different.


[Mission: Dead Ame Orphans]

Description: Three children who were made orphans because of the chaos of war. These three will become the future founders of the Akatsuki. They are Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato! Based on when you meet them, it is quite possible to kill them. If you kill them, won't it change everything?

Progression: 0/3 Kill the Ame Orphans

Reward: ??


'Yeah, no.'

As the mission's description stated, it would affect the future too much if they all died right now. He was using the little knowledge that he remembered about Naruto to his advantage. Their deaths might cause the knowledge he remembered useless.

After Dango refused the kill mission, he heard the Ame Orphans ask him a question. They asked if he wanted to move to their house, though it was a bit far from his home. Needless to say, Dango agreed. However, he needed to do something before he could leave.

First, he grabbed the 'Cursed Energy' book as he wanted to read it. Noticing their interested gaze, Dango simply said that it was a birthday gift from his father and that he couldn't tell anybody what is in it.

Then, Dango prepared a note for the old lady in case she ever came back. Although he knew that she didn't exist, his new family didn't. If he didn't they might question his heartlessness or whatnot.

The note told the reader that he found a family and thanked the reader for being there for him. Jiraiya noticed the note's contents and secretly added something to it while Dango wasn't looking. In case the woman was alive and hadn't abandoned Dango, there were directions where she could find him.

Once Dango was ready, Jiraiya grabbed him and flickered to their hut. His students also flickered behind him.

CC: 70

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