
*Dotting Eyes*

I met him at a hospital. He sat there, as still as a statue, unblinking. Later on, he told me that it is normal for him not to move very often. He likes to listen to the world around him. He lets his senses guide him. His eyes remind me of the sky on a cloudy day and his gaze is always a little to intense for my liking. His face is always so still and unmoved, so when he smiles, it's really nice to see. His voice is deep yet so soft and quiet. Everyone knows him. He walks around town with his head down and his hands in his pockets. No words are exchanged when he sees his neighbors or anyone from high school or college. He is tall, muscular, and very attractive. He is blind. And out of the 348 residents in our community, I am one of only a few people that he talks to. *Mature content*

tiarajones679 · Urban
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25 Chs

{Chapter 25}


I quietly eat my burrito during lunch one day at work.

I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Quincy's been very distant for some reason.

I'm trying not to worry too much about it but it's not working very well.

I'm anxious, I really hope I didn't upset him that much when I asked about his family.

It was very strange how red he got.

He...it was as if he was having a mental panic attack, he was all flustered and twitchy.

I miss him.

I've been debating with myself for a couple of days if I should call him again.

I called him 3 times and he didn't answer.

Brandon says he's fine and I shouldn't worry.

Suddenly Frank leans over and nudge me.

"He's staring again."

He sings, nodding behind me.

I just sigh.

I really wish Harry would just give it a break.

I've caught him staring at me multiple times over the course of the past 3 months.

Word has gotten around the office by now that I'm in a relationship, I hope he knows that his staring makes me uncomfortable.

"He needs to fuck off."

I grumble.

Frank snickers.

"What's wrong, girly?"

He asks softly.

I sigh.

"Frank, don't even try it. You have a big mouth."

I roll my eyes.

He frowns.

"Tiara, you're one of the coolest people I ever met. I would never tell anyone anything you told me. Not without your permission, of course."

He says seriously.

I sigh.

I did tell him to start telling people that I'm in a relationship. I was hoping it would make Harold back off.

"Okay, well. I'm having some relationships problems."

I say quietly.

He sips his coffee.

"Ah, those are the worst."

He says.

I crush up my wrapper anxiously.

"My boyfriend has been a little distant ever since we have a little argument and I don't know what to do."

I stress.

"What's it been, 2 months now?"

He asks.


"Well maybe he just needs some space."

He insists.

I hesitate.

"We don't even spend that much time together for him to want space."

I whisper, already thinking the worst.

He doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Hmm. Maybe you should call him and see what's going on. Maybe he's worried about you just as much as you're worried about him."

I bite my lip.

"I already tried that."

"Well what's one more time going to hurt?"

He picks up this time.


I freeze, my palms immediately starting to feel all tingly.

I didn't expect him to pick up.

"...Hi, Quincy."

I whisper, gripping my phone.


I sigh, sitting down on the bench in front of the building.

"Hi, Tiara."

His voice sounds weird.

I gulp.

"Listen, my break ends in a couple minutes, I was just calling to see if you're okay."

I soothe.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

He asks quietly.

I hesitate.

"I miss you."

He sighs.

"I know, baby girl."

This is killing me.

"Are you mad at me?"

I whisper, my face feeling hot.

"What would I possibly be mad at you about, lovie?"

There is amusement in his voice.

I zip up my jacket as the wind picks up.

"I don't know, I...I always end up mess something up."

My voice cracks.

He doesn't say anything for a while, I just hear him breathing.

I check my watch again.

"Come over when you get off, baby."

He whispers.

My heart leaps unexpectedly.


God, I'm so nervous.




I open the door slowly.

He's sitting on the couch talking to someone.

They both look over when I close the door.

That's when I freeze.

Their eyes look almost identical.

"Oh my God."

It slips out before I can even think to speak.

"Hi, you must be Tiara."

The man stands up.


I can barely manage to get out.

He chuckles a little as I shake his hand.

"It's crazy, this is always the reaction I get when I meet Quincy's friends. I wonder why."

He rolls his eyes towards the silent man.


I don't know what to say.

"This is my brother Lance."

Quincy speaks up.

My mouth falls open.

"Oh my God, hi."

I try not to get too excited.

I never thought I'd meet anyone in his family.

"Yeah yeah yeah, don't jump on him, lovie."

Quincy folds his arms.

"Isn't Lance the best?"

Jenny comes walking in talking to Ruby.

I can barely wrap my mind around the fact that I'm in the same room with Quincy's brother.

They have similar features.

His hair is brown though.

"Come here, lovie."

Quincy soothes, wrapping his arms around me.

My eyes flutter closed as my nostrils fill the familiar smell of ocean breeze.

"I miss you so much."

I whisper, rubbing his back.

"Wow, he's like a little baby in her arms, no?"

"Yeah, that's always how it is."


"I know right, they are so adorable together."

I hear chattering behind us but I'm barely paying attention.

"I'm so sorry to lead you to believe that I was upset with you, sugar. I've still got to get the hang of surprising people more."

He says softly, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"The idiot lost his phone."

Jenny informs me.

I roll my eyes.

"Quincy, that's the 5th one since we met."

I tease as he pulls away.

"Puck had it last-"

"It's probably at James's house."

I sigh.

"I never thought I'd see the day."

Lance clasps his hands together and smiles at us.

"Don't be weird about it."

Quincy turns a little red.

"We were waiting for you, do you want to go out to eat?"

Ruby asks.

"Yeah, let me go get changed."

I say, quietly excusing myself.

I can't believe this is happening.

When I exit from the bathroom, Quincy is sitting on the bed.

I stop.

"How have you been?"

I ask softly.

He swings his legs absentmindedly.

"Pretty nervous, I'll say."

He smiles a little.


"We haven't spoken in 2 years. We've been trying to work out something for a while now. Me and Lance always were the closest."

He sighs.

I walk forward slowly asI see the emotion flickering through his eyes.

"I can tell that you really care about him."

I say softly.

"I really care about all of them."

His voice cracks.

"Oh, baby."

I soothe, wrapping my arms back around him.

"I love it when you hold me."

He mutters, pulling me even closer.

"He's staying until Christmas."

He adds, pressing his head against my chest.

"Oh, that's so great! Baby, I'm so proud of you for being strong. You're the strongest man I've ever met, you know that?"

I coo, running my fingers through his hair.

"I do now."

He mutters, resting his hands on my ass.

He rubs his way up my back as I press my lips against his, relaxing completely.

"You take my breath away."

He whispers against my lips.

Once again, he's managed to make me speechless.

Who knew that someone could hold so much power over someone else's mental state?




"So. You're in college, aye?"

I ask curiously.

Lance grins.

"Yep. One more semester to go, wish me luck. A living hell is what it is."

He grumbles, busy eating his nachos.

Apparently he loves nachos.

Everyone is crowded around him, we all want to know things.

He seems a bit shy.

That's so cute.

Quincy does not look to happy.

He quietly eats his burrito, listening to a podcast on my phone.

He seems to want a little space so I've been leaving him alone but I cannot help but still be worried.

I don't know what's going on in his head.

He could be hurting.

I reach for his hand after that thought.

He jumps a little, startled.

He always pays close attention to his beloved podcasts, so much so that he forgets the world around him.

His cheeks slowly turn red.

"Hi, lovie."

He whispers.

I grin.

"Hi Quincy."

I whisper back.

My breath catches as he slowly raises my hand to his lips.

"Oh, this is unbelievable. Is she great or what?"

I roll my eyes at Lance.

"Oh, stop it."

He shrugs.

"I don't think Ive ever seen him so...comfortable. He's usually always stiff."

He explains.

I frown.

I did notice that at the hospital, he was so ridged.

"She brings out the best in me. Don't go blabbing to mom, she'll try to ruin everything. Like she did my life."

Quincy growls.


I warn.

He folds his arms.

Lance sighs.

"You know that's not true. If anything, she misses you more than anythin-"

"Don't even start with that shit, she's the reason why I didn't have any friends at first! I never got to do anything because of my stupid eyes. Tiara's the only person I honestly think knows the real me."


Everyone looks around helplessly.

Lance just stares down at his food silently.

Quincy's clutching my hand tightly.

"Come on, tough guy. Let's go get some air, yes?"

I pry his fingers from around mine.

"I can't...no."

He breathes, starting to look all flustered.

"Is anyone else completely confused or is it just me?"

Derek asks awkwardly.

Jenny glares at him.

He ducks behind a menu.

"Here, buddy. Take some water. Wow, don't get all worked up, you're fine. Everyone's fine."

Ruby soothes, handing him some water.

He gulps it down, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, Quin."

He wordlessly starts sliding out of the booth.

"Look, Tiara I can't hold this in any longer. I'm head over heels."

He takes me completely by surprise by saying this as soon as the door closes.


"You mean a lot to me. More than I can ever explain. I...whenever I touch you it's like my anxiety goes away and I...It's so hard to do anything else that will help."

He starts to choke up.

"Oh, baby. What's going on with you?"

I busy myself by zipping up his jacket just as the wind picks up.

He sighs.

"I don't know. I just...it hasn't been this bad in a while, it hit me all at once, I'm just so nervous. It's taking over my whole mind."

He stutters to say.

I hesitate.

I have never met anyone besides him with anxiety, I don't know what to do.

"Just take deep breaths, baby. Okay, listen I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be by your side, don't worry about anything."

I urge, taking his shaky hands.

He starts breathing slower again.

"Okay, I just...I love you. It's helping to say it aloud."

He says awkwardly.

My heart melts.

"Say it as much as you'd like. I'm definitely not complaining."

I laugh nervously.

"I'm so in love with you. Oh God, you have no idea."

He sniffles.

What the hell is going on?