
**"Abyssal Sovereign: The Demon's Dominion"**

This is a novel about a former human becoming a demon because of a game . Living the life as a demon from the abyss and crossing to other worlds. His main objective is to destroy and cause chaos among the multi universe. Also this novel is using a ranking that affects both the anime verse and comic verse. Void becomes a primordial demon and step by step changes the view of all races about demons.demons are not weak , demons are pure chaos. Note the MC is cruel and indifferent to life . A dark novel.. don't expect a son of destiny... Infact void isn't a villain he is much much cruel . Don't read if u are weak minded. The start is a little bit rough but I think after chapter 5 the novel is okay .

lyonciv0 · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 25: start of the war , changes


Void heard a loud cracking sound and looked up.

"System, what's that sound?" Void asked.

*(Host, it is the sound of a world's crystal wall breaking.)*

"This world has a crystal wall? Isn't that supposed to be in a high-level world? Why did it break... is a higher-level being descending?" Void asked in surprise, frowning slightly.

Seeing Void frown made Linkir stop talking about her world, at least the parts she knew.

*(Host, a middle-level world is generally part of a high-level world, but in some cases, middle-level worlds exist independently. It's like a mini-universe. You know about micro-universes, right?)*

"A bit. But wow... I didn't know that," Void chuckled slightly.

*(The cause of the break is that another universe is invading this world.)*

"Wow... you mean this world is having a war with another universe? Isn't that overkill? Well, I better harvest the souls I want before the universe wins," Void said, still surprised.

*(Yes, host. It is indeed OVERKILL.)*

"Linkir..." Void folded his arms, looking at the Aeron beside him and called out in a serious tone.

"Yes, master?" Linkir answered, looking up at Void.

"Forget all the plans I mentioned. Tell me the location of the nearest city and how to get there," Void said hurriedly.

Sensing the urgency in Void's voice made Linkir curious. She had heard the loud sound too, but whatever caused it was still a mystery to her. Whatever it was, it was enough to make her master change his plans.

"Yes, master. The closest city to us is..." Linkir began explaining the city and the route, and Void listened carefully.

A few minutes later, Void gathered his army and charged forward.


**At the Divine Plane**

Fifty gods stood in armor, each radiating Rank 2 auras. The lowest of them was at the middle level. Their faces were solemn, and behind them were legions of angels and worshippers. This world hadn't developed a reincarnation system, so after death, the souls of believers ascended to the divine plane, serving their gods. Their bodies were forged anew, and some even had the chance to break through a rank if they had been loyal in the mortal realm.


In front of them, a small dot appeared, rapidly expanding into thousands of meters within seconds. The gods tensed up as the portal grew larger, filling them with dread. After five minutes, it stopped growing, revealing a massive, seemingly endless portal. The gods could feel the oppressive energy from the other side. Their world's consciousness screamed in warning, and the gods frowned. This portal led to another universe—meaning their world was doomed.

"Whatever happens, don't back down. You have nowhere to go. The population on the other side is much larger than ours. No matter where you run, you'll still die," the God of Light sternly warned.

The army, filled with devoted believers, wouldn't dare disobey, but fear loomed over them. If the battle turned tragic and someone important fled, it could lead to a collapse in morale, dooming everyone.

"A new world... so fragrant," a voice echoed as creatures poured through the portal. These creatures varied in size, but they all shared one thing in common—the gods could sense they were Rank 0. Confused at first, the gods prepared to erase them, but suddenly Rank 1 beings appeared, then Rank 2. The Rank 2 beings were hundreds of times more numerous than the gods.

"We are doomed," a believer murmured, breaking the tense silence. Hope vanished, and the God of Light's earlier speech seemed futile. The enemy's high-level power was too overwhelming. Despair settled in.

Just when all hope seemed lost, portals started appearing beside the gods' army. Different creatures emerged—evil gods, neutral beings, and entities from forbidden zones. The evil gods alone numbered forty, and alongside them came ancestors of various families, breaking the gods' illusion of control over the world.

Even though their numbers swelled to a thousand, they were still outmatched. But then, the world's will descended.


**The Battle Between Worlds and Universes**

When a universe invades a smaller world, the larger entity typically has more powerhouses. To balance the scales, the invaded world's will can suppress the invaders, sometimes by up to 50%. The weaker world's will consumes its origin to strengthen itself. This mechanism works to balance the battle unless it's a multi-universe war or a realm conflict.

"We still have a chance... Attack!" the God of Light shouted, leading the charge. Other beings, especially the family ancestors, were dissatisfied with him, but for now, they were united in battle.

Rank 2 beings from the invading side surged forward to meet them, while Rank 1 and Rank 0 entities clashed below. The divine plane was sturdier than the mortal plane, so Rank 1 beings could only cause limited damage. Rank 2 beings, however, could wreak more havoc, but the plane's resilience was still notable.


"Interesting world this is... and we've been suppressed," Mark muttered, flying up to the Rank 2 battlefield and choosing an opponent. Thanks to the system, he could identify the top 100 , but he focused on the top ten, as they were at least Rank 1 and they can communicate privately. A great benefit for the top ten. Rank 0 beings were mere cannon fodder in this war.

"Are you all seeing this? I feel so excited... Are these how the other gods are? They're quite different," Marcule said in the race chat, a private channel for the top ten.

"Different or not, I will kill them all," Luke said with a smile, searching for a weaker Rank 1 target.

"I must say, I never expected this world to be so weak... quite disappointing," Kira said, annoyed.

"Oh gods and their arrogance, give me a break," Feng Yue rolled her eyes as she attacked her opponent.

"So, any plans? I didn't expect to be suppressed this much," Leo said, struggling.

"Huh... how much are you suppressed?" Bird of Prey asked.

"20% of my power is suppressed. What about you guys?" Leo asked.

"34%"—Bird of Prey

"30%"—Falcon Princess





"7%"—Feng Yue



"Wait... seriously?" Doria said in surprise.

"Yes, the stronger you are, the less the suppression," Blade chimed in.

**"If that's the case, doesn't that mean Rank 2 is still manageable?"** Leo asked, a confident smile spreading across his face.

**"I must say, for someone nearing our rank, you're quite foolish, boy,"** Marcule sneered. **"Even a 1% difference in power is monumental for us. We've perfected our element, and any imperfection means it can't evolve into a law. Now, tell me, what happens when a metal rod strikes a wooden one?"**

**"It breaks,"** the Falcon Princess answered bluntly.

Those below Rank 2 fell silent. The weight of the difference between Rank 1 and Rank 2 now pressed on them. At Rank 1, you merely gain your element, but it holds little significance in battle. Rank 2, however, is where you perfect that element and merge others to form a law.

**"Enough chatter,"** Mark said sharply. **"Focus on the battle. Let's finish this quickly so we can assist the others."**

**"He's right. We're only at the outskirts of this world,"** Fire Blade added.

**"Guys… if you haven't noticed, one of us is already deep within,"** Bird of Prey remarked, his gaze pointing downward. Their opponents paused, confused as the group momentarily pulled away to glance below. They didn't have time to process it, however, as the others immediately attacked.

**"Void,"** Fire Blade muttered, frowning.

**"Leave him for now. Let's wrap this up,"** Kira ordered, and they all returned to the fray.


### *In the Mortal Realm*

A city lay in ruins. The once-imposing walls had crumbled, homes turned to debris. Blood from both demons and natives soaked the streets, body parts strewn across the landscape in a grotesque display of violence. The dead, both young and old, were left to rot in a scene of utter carnage.

Linkir, never having witnessed war before, sat as Void had instructed, observing the demons' brutality. She was learning—this was how she would fight in the future. The endless cruelty of the demons etched itself deeper into her mind with each passing moment.

Amidst the devastation, five figures knelt amidst the ruins, their gazes locked onto something in the distance.

These figures, exuding the aura of semi-legendary beings (early Rank 1), did not strike back at the Rank 0 demons who were laying waste to their city, killing their families.

Their eyes were bloodshot, breathing ragged, but they could not move. A towering demon, 25 meters tall, had them pinned in place with his aura alone.

The pressure kept them paralyzed, forced to watch as their loved ones were slaughtered. Despite Void's overwhelming aura of a supreme legend (mid-level Rank 1), their hatred for him burned so intensely that they wanted to tear him apart. They didn't care about the difference in power; if their eyes alone could kill, Void would have died thousands of times over.

Void, meanwhile, glanced at the retreating demon army, satisfied with the victory etched across their faces. This battle had lasted nearly an entire day, with the dead numbering in the trillions. The number of souls harvested was incalculable. Even a fraction, a mere 0.001%, would be enough to push the weaker demons toward a breakthrough.

However, Void frowned.

Despite the mass slaughter, despite the ocean of blood spilled, the soul energy required for his own breakthrough still fell short.


**{Host: Void. Race: Primordial Demon. Rank: 1-Quasi High Level}**

**{Strength: High. Stamina: Medium. Speed: High}**

**{Skill: Fire Chain, Fire Spike... +999. Element: Fire. Height: 25 meters}**

**{Soul: 320,000. Blessing: Son of the Abyss}**


**"System, how much soul energy do I need to increase my stamina to high level?"** Void asked.

**(500,000 souls.)**

Void sighed quietly but accepted the reality. He was still short. But this was only one city. There were thousands more like it.

**"Ah, before I go, I should stretch my muscles a bit,"** Void mused, a grin spreading across his face.

He turned to the five figures kneeling in fury, their teeth clenched and eyes blazing with hatred. Void chuckled.

**"Come on, show me what you've got,"** he said, releasing his hold on them.

Suddenly, five booming explosions echoed across the battlefield. The area behind them, spanning thousands of kilometers, vanished, replaced by an enormous crater, its depths plunging into the earth.

The five figures shot toward Void. He lifted into the sky, knowing their battle would be cataclysmic. He couldn't afford to let his newly-formed demon army be wiped out before their time, so the skies would serve as their arena.

**"Come now, little cuties,"** Void taunted as they closed in. **"Make my warm-up worth it."**

His mockery spurred them on, their weapons drawn and aimed at his vital points, intending to kill.

Void remained motionless as the five weapons closed in, each one targeting him with deadly precision.


Thank you ultraman and random name for the power stones.

Thank you guys for the support.. comment your thoughts and ideas below.. I will read it and take it into consideration.