
(S.S) The Transmigrator's End

The advent of a transmigration. The humble beginnings that turned to blissful ends. The past that never left. "Blissful ends." He was a nobody before he tried to be somebody. When he tried to be somebody, he got smushed into bloody intestines and guts. When he woke in another world, he was still a nobody, though slightly more alive now. So what did he try to do next? How about you read the story, and find out? Only know that he was not someone who could love a family or protect a stay. But someone who was rammed alongside fate's river torrents and did his best to stay afloat. Anything to keep living. Anything to blind himself from the unchangeable writhing end. The Transmigrater's End Last title change i swear If an owner of an image wants it gone then comment.

floatend · Fantasie
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68 Chs

Only 2 Years pass.


Her silver hair, wavered infront of her face and she had already blasted off from her position, carrying her sword with both hands as she kept it loosely following her flickering figure.

I had already loaded 6 stores of World-Energy to blast her back, meanwhile I had already sheated my silver-sword and prepared enough backup World-energy for 12 lotus steps.

She released an incantation-less fireball, a water shark and an earth bullet. Fully displaying her potential as an all-elemental mage. Compared to myself, who had an affinity to not a single element it was devestating morally.

I didn't let it bother me. I had gotten used to these shocking displays of genius over the last 3 years.

Our forces collided, the surroundings reverbations dying down after a few clashes.

In the end, the fireball was dispersed and knocked back by 2 of my world-energy blasts and the rock-bullet and shark only took 1 each.

I shot my last two stores towards her, the toll was no where near as high as before due to vigorous training and a hardened mental state.

She blocked the first with her night-blue blade, her purple eyes flashed as her ears twitched. She realised a second energy-blast was coming from behind her and quickly backflipped. Her feet trailed backwards in the snow as she looked at not my eyes, but my heart.

I gulped as I set up a more defensive stance.

I sighed. It would never be that easy, but it would be nice to be able to dream.

Air trails wavered in the wind from the forces of nature.

Over the past 3 years I had managed to make my world-energy usage more efficient and more powerful.

I had mastered the lotus step to an excellent degree and even mostly got a hold of materialization.

I managed to create an intermediate ranked attack in 10 seconds after many failed attempts and electrocuted trees.

The scarcity of trees in our snowy surroundings were merely the fruits of my training. I'd say the thing that progressed the most however, was my sword mastery.


A long clash of steel sent sparks flying as our blades held against each other, powered by our strength and willpower. She was stronger but the differance had shortened glamorously over the last 3 years.

The last spark flew as our swords seperated and she aimed for a blow to my neck.

Chang. An awkward metal ringing sounded as my blade compeltely vertical lay, slowly getting closer to my neck as she pushed hers vigorously.

Unable to hold on any longer, I released my blade causing hers to be moments from driving right through my neck.

Snow flew backwards behind her as my silhoeutte emerged behind a small emerging snow-cloud.

I drove my blade into her back for the kill.


I met two serious purple eyes as her body, inhumanly turned. Its clearly painful twisting manouevre was right infront of me as her sword was held slanted towards my assault.

The attack sent a trembling down my bones and caused them to creak slightly but I continued my attack.

To regain my momentum, I had already gathered a source of world energy before her which I tightened before releasing it forwards.


Her figure flew back, her faces surprise didn't extend to her eyes which were scouting and scanning the field.

This would potentially be my only chance to go on the offensive.

Her figure, ragdolled in the air looked defensless and weak yet I knew her reflexes would go ballistic the second I got remotely close to her.

Nevertheless, as I had said before. This was my only chance.

She was stronger smarter and more flexible but I was faster and more destructive. It was a glass-cannon build I ran with if I had to describe myself yet it was all I needed.

I didn't even notice the silver blade transforming into an almost molten lava-like flame that left behind a fiery trail. I was going so fast in such a short period that I could only register a limited number of actions.

I dashed behind her, swinging swiftly a huge ton of destructive force. The blades clashed, myself talking the advantage as her blade trembled. The molten force at the edge of my blade erupted, blowing hers back and creating another opoenening.

Right. Clang.

Left. Swoosh.

Below. Clang.

Above. Swoosh.

Using an odd mixture of dodging,weaving and last minute reflexive blocks, I found my barrage mixed with lotus steps and sword swings resisted effortlessly. My blade lit up the surrounding snow, in an orange hue and my hands burned and seethed just from holding it.

We clashed once more, I in fear of losing the enchantment as my energy supplies dropped heavily and her in fear that I had more tricks up my sleeve.

I was the one under the most pressure during our short interchanges, often parrying and blocking whilst she made a variety of swings to catch me off guard.

It was only during my lightning-fast interludes where I occasionaly got a good swing off that forced her to over-exert herself.

As my hands burned and I felt myself and my enchantment reaching the limit I threw the blade for a last-chance rush.

As the blade flew across the air I prepared a store behind it, which I then compressed to increase the force.

The angling was too perfect as it aimed right down her waist.



An extremely long and unpleasent sound of steel rubbing ensued. Sparks flew before my sword fell to the ground.

She used this oppurtnity to rush me swinging downwards instantly. The effect was so sudden due to her increasing her movements in the last second with wind magic.

It was only now that I noticed a variety of elements cornering me. Wood constructs and rock bullets flew fast.

My arms tensed due to the rapid energy loss occuring.

I smirked as her eyes gleamed with victory.


My blade which had dropped from earlier, instantly regained its molten look and traversed through the air in an instance. Its angling was perfectly alligned with her back.


My body collapsed on itself. Almost.

My legs stood up due to my constant training for the past years and I prepared an attack to determine the victory.

The sound of lightning crackling,writhing and hissing released from my hands as a crazed ball of red madness soon grew bigger,larger and feistier. It was around the size of a boulder upon its compeltion. My features were barely visible behind it.


Crash forwards.

I commanded the World-Energy to do its task as I watched my apparatus of mayhem destroy its surroundings as it travelled from my seat to her smokescreen in an instance.


As it blasted off I saw a figure rise from the smoke.

Carrying two swords, Chlora charged at my attack head on.

She used momentum from her dash to take her right infront of the crazed lightning before making an X with her two swords. One being mine obviously.

She slashed at my attack unhesitantly, slowly wittling it down.

My sight went in and out. Unsure how long I could lost I made sure to guarantee my win.

Creating a flat template with Materialization the look of shock on her face was almost comical.

She closed her eyes as her end met and I slowly fell to the floor in exhaustion.

In victory.


I saw a crazed demon charge at me, a blast of wind guided her forwards. She smashed down with one arm in one huge leap in order to finish me off.

Not today.

I looked at her in rage as I commanded my sword which she had left behind to blast forwards using the world-energy.


I saw my death and hers, at the same time. Unsure of the result, a massive forefront of wind blasted our hair to the right. Our attacks halted in mid air.

Vorgio walked in, I noted how his magic spell was genius-cast as he walked to us slowly clapping and smiling.

"Well, Well well. What a fight. I'm proud to see how far... you two have come!"

"It looks like you two are really going in but I'm afraid we shall call this one a draw."

"I can happily say, that you are closing in on the advanced rank. Slowly but surely. Don't take it too tough. You're still phenomonal for being intermediate ranked kids at your age."

His words tuned in and out. All I heard was draw.

I left out a huge breath of exhaustion and partly relief.

I was happy I didn't lose again. However, sad that I couldn't win. My emotions mixed into a mundane puddle that even I could not define.

My sword that was still desperately trying to impale her back soon fell to the ground. I touched it but quickly retracted my hand due to its seething sound and intense temperature.

She picked up her sword calmly.

"Good match." She said flatly.

I shook her hand which she had not offered.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it."

I began to leave when her voice came form behind me.

"Next time, don't let your guard down."

Her slow footseps left me frustrated beyond belief.

Don't let my guard down? Don't let MY guard down? Wasn't she the one who fell for an obvious ploy at the end? Does she not realize my legs are functionally immobile as of now? I sighed. If we had not grown closer over the timespan of 3 years I doubt I could have held in this anger and frustration.

Instead of holding it in I laughed in exasperation.


I've come a long way.

Maybe too far I sometimes wonder.

It was only around a year ago, at winter that I realized an odd thing.

I had forgotten many old things. Many old memories and even names and faces.

It was odd, was it the nature or atmosphere of this world that caused it to be? Maybe just taking in so much.

I nodded sincerely.

Yes. That was probably it. Nothing else. NOTHING. Else.

An invisible creature lifted the strings.

I slept in peace.

Because nothing else had happened.

Nothing else.

