
Boy Meets... God! The Scream Heard 'Round the World

The news crew watched as Daniela Leonidus tried to crawl away, all across Japan, eyes were glued to their screens, a huge Violet colored explosion unleashed behind All-Maker. He turned around and smirked at who he saw.

"T-That... That's Leonidus! The kid from U.A.! We're all in luck!" The Reporter exulted.

Alyx looked at he destruction around him, various Pro Heroes laid either injured or dead on the ground.

"I was wondering when you would show up, Alyx." All-Maker grinned.

Leonidus knelt down as a Pro Hero crawled towards him, reaching for his hand, but giving his last breath before he could grab Alyx's hand. Leonidus stood up and glared at All-Maker. He burst into Gear Four and All-Maker beckoned Leonidus towards him. Alyx zoomed towards All-Maker, launching a quick flurry of fists, All-Maker kept blocking all of them with only one finger. All-Maker countered a strike and went in for one of his own at full power, Leonidus narrowly dodged out of the way. The ground behind Alyx was completely destroyed, the ocean had been split in two, hot magma began to seep to the surface of where the ground once was.

The right side of Alyx's face was slit open by All-Maker's passing blow, Leonidus quickly moved away from All-Maker as his aura exploded outward.

"You aren't even remotely prepared for me! I admire your courage, Alyx, but there are times where courage is seen as plain stupidity!" He mocked.

"Why are you even here?!" Alyx yelled.

"Your future counterpart violated the laws of Time and Space by sending you those messages, he and his world needed to be eradicated, just like yours!" All-Maker answered.

As rage filled Leonidus' heart, his Boost Fire technique lit up around him, he rammed his fist right into All-Maker's face! All-Maker knocked him backwards with a gust of wind, Alyx rebounded and stood back up on his feet. All-Maker rubbed his face as his spit blood onto the ground.

"A drop of blood? I didn't even think you'd be able to get that far... How about this, I'll let you do whatever weak attack you'd like, go on." All-Maker goaded.

He stood there with his arms spread out, "I won't even defend myself!"

"You're very confident, asshole." Alyx retorted.

"𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘺. 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵." All-Maker smiled.

Alyx smirked right back at him as his Boost Fire aura shined even brighter. His pressure grew even higher than moments before! It felt as if the entire world was shaking!

"𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕... 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕 20... 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 60! 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑰'𝒎 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕. 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔!" Alyx thought.

His Boost Fire aura grew higher than before, "Boost Fire... Times 100!!"

Leonidus charged towards All-Maker, delivering hellish blows to his face and sternum, one high kick to his jaw sent All-Maker spiraling into the air. Alyx chased after him, sending him back down with a mighty fist to the face. Leonidus held his hands into the air as a huge ball of Overdrive generated from his palms.

"Diamond Buster!!" He roared.

The huge ball of Overdrive flew down towards All-Maker, triggering a huge explosion that could be seen for miles! Alyx charged up a Nova Blaster attack and fired it off towards him, burrowing him through the ground and exploding towards the edge of the island. Alyx's arms fell limp as he panted, he floated back down to the ground, he fell to one knee as he tried to regain his breath.

"I must admit, that was quite the showing, Leonidus. You had me fearful up until your first strike." All-Maker spoke suddenly.

He appeared out of the dense smoke in front of Leonidus, All-Maker grabbed Alyx by the throat. Before delivering the killing blow, his hand was cut off by an unseen force, All-Maker turned around to see Chiyoko standing behind him.

"You knew he wasn't prepared... How cowardly! Come then, how about a rematch?" Chiyoko scowled.

All-Maker cracked his neck before regenerating his hand. He then followed Chiyoko into the sky, Leonidus got up and looked around for his grandmother. Alyx eventually found her resting on a huge piece of debris. In the sky, Chiyoko clashed with All-Maker, their awaited matchup was finally underway!

"Ah... I haven't seen that form in decades! Do remind me, am I supposed to be fearful of it?" All-Maker taunted.

"I'm only here to help your demise, nothing more, nothing less." Chiyoko responded.

"My demise? You aren't talking about... Him... Are you? If so, that might be the funniest thing I've ever heard." All-Maker chuckled.

"How so? Are you 𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 that those precautions you've taken weren't in vain?" She smiled.

All-Maker's fist was blocked by Chiyoko, "What are you implying, Mortal? I know everything that will and should happen in this reality, I've taken every precaution imaginable."

Chiyoko's grin turned sly, All-Maker noticed that Leonidus was making his way over towards his Grandmother. His thoughts went back to this very event, showing that Leonidus should've spoken to Amatsu or Enzo Leonidus, instead of trying to find his Grandmother. Alyx eventually found her, he ran over to her and noticed she was dying, her body was slowly disappearing.

"Hey! What happened? Why'd he target you first?" Alyx asked.

"My sweet boy... I-I... I'm so... So sorry..." She croaked.

"What? What are you talking about?" He replied.

"I... C-Couldn't... Pro... tect... You..." Daniela teared up.

"You've only caused me pain, what are you even saying?! Protect me?!" Alyx retorted.

Daniela placed her bloody finger on Alyx's forehead, "Pl... lease... Y-You... Ha... Have to... Remember..."

A faint, weak seal appeared on Leonidus' forehead, cleansing all that he was told. Alyx finally saw the truth...

[10 Years Prior...]

Daniela held Alyx up into the air, he giggled as she brought him close to her.

"He's adorable, Marie. There's no doubt in my mind that'll he be an incredible hero." Daniela sweetly smiled.

"Like papa?!" Alyx beamed.

"Yes, just like papa, Aly Bear!" Marie bubbled.

As Marie and Daniela conversed, Alyx went into his living room to play with his toys. Amatsu appeared next to him, as Leonidus held a toy car up to Mikaboshi, an explosion rattled the house. Darren went flying into the kitchen, impaled by a distinct looking blade. All-Maker floated down in front of the hole in the wall, Marie used her Quirk to push All-Maker back from Darren.

"Daniela, take Alyx out of here, now! Get as far away from here as possible!" Marie ordered.

"What about Annie and Kariya? Where are they?" Daniela fretted.

"H-He's... The bastard's killed them!" Darren told her.

Daniela quickly ran into the living room, "Amatsu, take Alyx out of here, please! Just take him someplace safe! I don't care where to!"

"B-But, what about you?" Amatsu worried.

"Gramma, what's going on?" Alyx fretted.

Daniela turned around to see a blast from All-Maker coming right at her. She quickly put up a shield, desperately trying to hold it back.

"JUST GO!" She screamed.

Amatsu took off out of the house, tears from from Leonidus face as he saw his grandmother smile at him.

"𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦... 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵, 𝘈𝘭𝘺𝘹..." Daniela relayed to him.

"I'll keep you safe, Alyx. We'll head to a world where this never would've happened... I promise..." Mikaboshi quietly vowed.

All-Maker had feared one thing, the return of the Quirk God, going as far as eliminating those deemed worthy of possessing such ability. The closest thing to that was Infinite Mode, accessible to those worthy enough to handle their Overdrive's true potential. He hid the fear underneath the pretense of "eradicating those who violated the rules of Space and Time". Amatsu had wiped Alyx's memory of the event as they entered a "new" life on a different world. From then on out, All-Maker was destined to find Alyx.

[Present Day...]

Leonidus finally emerged from his memories, Daniela's hand slowly slid down to her side, tears rolled down her face before she completely disappeared.

"You... No, wait! No no no, don't go, please! I-I can save you, please-" Alyx begged.

Daniela put her hand on his and smiled weakly at him. Tears ran down Leonidus' face as he watched her eyes glaze over.

"Fight... S-Save... Everyone..." She mumbled.

Alyx stood there in complete disbelief as he watched Daniela fade away. Chiyoko crashed down into the ground, All-Maker looked over towards Leonidus with a grin on his face. He floated down to the ground and stepped on Chiyoko's back.

"So, you finally know the truth, eh? You were never at each other's throats, it was I who decided that! I can sense that you've given up as well, being that I can't sense anything at all, pathetic!" All-Maker cackled.

"Alyx! We must regroup, quick! We have to go! Alyx!" Amatsu told him.

All-Maker's laughing stopped as the world began to shake once more. The water around the island began to thrash violently as the winds picked up to insane speeds. Chiyoko struggled to get her head up, she looked over at Leonidus and smiled before returning her gaze to All-Maker.

"Y-You've just... Angered a sleeping beast..." She told him.

"What are you-" He scowled.


Alyx finally let loose the anger he held inside of him since he was a child. All-Maker was interrupted by a blinding light, Alyx's anger was so great, Leonidus' Overdrive had filled the entire planet! All-Maker's face was riddled with horror as he saw Leonidus' outline come into view. Windows across the globe were shattered, weak structures were turned to dust, lakes and oceans rose into the sky.

"Holy hell! What's going on?!" Kaminari shouted.

"This... This is Young Leonidus!" Kasai remarked.

Leonidus' hands clenched as the ground around him cracked and lifted into the air. Debris surrounded him as his head shot up to look at All-Maker.


His scream of anguish could be heard all around the entire world, everyone became still as the scream echoed throughout the land. The Overdrive that surrounded Earth shrunk down, everything became eerily silent. All-Maker shuddered as he saw Alyx standing there with ever so familiar markings on his body.

"T-This can't be...! I took every precaution imaginable to prevent this... So how..." He muttered.

He realized who exactly Alyx had been left with, his very own son, Amatsu Mikaboshi! Before he could act, he was frozen with fear, Leonidus' eyes and hair were now an ice white. Leonidus slowly walked towards him, All-Maker tried to read his next move but couldn't. Within the blink of an eye, he found himself in outer space, his own blood floating around him.

"What? Using my own offspring's power?" All-Maker wondered.

Leonidus appeared several feet in front of him, staring him down without saying a word. The heat radiating around his body was similar to that of a Wolf-Rayet star! All-Maker began to laugh out of fear at Alyx's form.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? I've-" All-Maker smirked.

"Shut your fucking mouth. You are all the same. 'You can't beat me, Leonidus', 'There's no way you can win, Leonidus.' But yet, here I am, alive and well. Trust me, I've got more than enough power to beat you now, thanks to Amatsu."

"Heh... What a bold statement coming from a child. What makes you any different from the others I've conquered? Is it because you've got too much to lose? Or perhaps, it's because of all those promises you've kept?"

Leonidus didn't reply but All-Maker already knew the answer. He shook his head at Alyx before tapping on the side of his head.

"You already knew I knew the answer, didn't you? As a matter of fact, I know 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 that you're going to do next! How exactly do you expect to stop the Creator of Reality when he knows your every move?" He taunted.

"I will. Trust me."

All-Maker's eye twitched out of annoyance, "T-That... That makes no sense!"

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Enzo Leonidus landed on Paradise Island. He stood next to an injured Chiyoko and Mikaboshi as they stared into the sky.

"What's going on up there?" Enzo wondered.

"I am currently broadcasting it to the entire world as we speak. Take a look." Amatsu answered.

Mikaboshi opened a Viewing Portal to Leonidus' location, showing the stare down between him and All-Maker. Enzo's eyes widened with disbelief as he observed his Grandson's form.

"T-That's real?! I thought it was a myth!" He exclaimed.

"It is as real as me, Enzo." Chiyoko confirmed.

"My one question is this, why broadcast this to the entire world, wouldn't they be able to tell by the noise already?" Enzo questioned.

Amatsu looked towards him, "Because Alyx Leonidus is the only person who can save this reality from my father. Once done here, he'll move on to destroy more of them."

The fate of not only Alyx's reality, but other realities, were now at stake! Izuku watched on Sir Nighteye's TV as the battle was about to unfold.

"This is crazy... What's going on?" Izuku muttered.

"I dunno, I wanna know why Leonidus is in space!" Mirio chuckled.

Back in the space, Alyx surprised All-Maker with a cheap shot to his stomach. His fists went flying into his stomach, it looked as if his arms weren't even moving, before he spun around and kicked him in the jaw. All-Maker went crashing into a Jupiter-sized planet, he furrowed his eyebrows before taking hold of the ground, digging his hands into the dirt. He grabbed a hold of the planet and chucked it towards Alyx. As it barreled towards him, Leonidus simply floated there without moving. Alyx drilled through the planet just by standing there, as he came out of the other side, the planet erupted behind him.

Steam came off of his entire body, he wiped dirt off of his face before taking a deep breath out. Alyx instantly darted towards All-Maker with godly speed, All-Maker managed to block Leonidus' kick, the force created a black hole in between the two. All-Maker grabbed Alyx and chucked him into the black hole. Then, the black hole began to crack, before exploding with Leonidus' Overdrive. All-Maker was taken back by Leonidus' power. He zoomed towards Leonidus, sprouting eight additional arms, and launching rapid fire strikes at him. All-Maker screamed with anger as Leonidus dodged each and every fist to perfection.

"𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?! 𝘕𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵!!" Mikaboshi thought.

All-Maker noticed that Alyx's hands were behind his back! He gave off a cocky smirk as All-Maker snarled at him. Leonidus stopped one his onslaught of attacks by headbutting him. He shook his head as Alyx stood there patiently, All-Maker's fist began to glow immensely as he cocked it back.

"If you're going to stand there, then I'll just finish things!" All-Maker shouted.

He slammed his fist right into Alyx's face with enough force to destroy a planet! Leonidus stood there and starred at him, his head didn't even move an inch, All-Maker was stunned.

"Now... It's my turn." Leonidus kindly informed him.

Before All-Maker could react, Leonidus pelted him with thousands of strikes within mere seconds, he couldn't find a way to counter Leonidus' strikes! His last fist began to glow bright white, his eyes widened with ill intent.

"Perish." Leonidus muttered.

His fist landed on All-Maker's chest, detonating like that of a supernova! As the smoke clouds cleared, Alyx stood alone in space, looking around for All-Maker.

"That is... Enough!" All-Maker roared.

Alyx looked to his right and saw a heavily bloodied All-Maker, panting as his body twitched with rage. Leonidus kept his guard up as he watched All-Maker regain his bearings.

"I refuse... To let a child... Defeat me! I never thought someone could push me to such extremes, but I don't care anymore! I'll kill you, Alyx Leonidus, if it's the last thing I do!" He thundered.

Armor like spikes suddenly appeared on All-Maker's shoulder's as he bulked up, three horns shot out of his head as a suit of glowing armor manifested around him. His body color changed from a galaxy to an empty void, his eyes were glowing a bright white as he revealed his full power. His sword, the Blade of Reality, appeared at his side as he held his hand out.

"Prepare yourself, for this will be the last day of your life! I am the Destroyer of Reality, All-Maker!" All-Maker warned.

The two output all of their power, shaking the entire galaxy around them! Amatsu watched on as Earth rumbled from the pressure hundreds and thousands of miles away.

"Here it is, the final stretch, if Leonidus loses here... May whomever higher up is watching have mercy on all of us." Amatsu thought aloud.

"Let's hope that he can finish this..." Chiyoko added.

Alyx pulled out his Nichirin Blade and the two clashed, their blades being put to the test. Each attack was met with a counter as the swords collided, they flew around space launching strikes that were blocked by both combatants. All-Maker kicked Leonidus in the stomach, sending him flying backwards, he sent after duplicate blades to him. Alyx rebounded and dodged them, the two then battled at speeds beyond what the eye could see. Leonidus flipped over All-Maker out of the blue, his sword bloomed with the flames of the Hinokami Kagura.

"Hinokami Kagura... Thirteenth Form!" Leonidus recited.

Alyx proceeded to preform all forms of the Hinokami Kagura, each strike was made with adept precision, only growing more precise with each rendition. Leonidus saw the opening thread as he went for his 4th Dance form, he struck at All-Maker's neck, slicing clean through his neck. All-Maker dissolved into thin air, Alyx picked up his scent directly behind him, but was too late. All-Maker's Blade of Reality pierced through Leonidus' heart.

"This sword is guaranteed to kill, it was meant to be this way from the start!" All-Maker laughed.

Leonidus' head was down, All-Maker noticed that little to no blood came out from Alyx's mouth.

"𝘚𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵... 𝘈𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘻𝘦!" Tanjiro's words echoed in Leonidus' mind.

Alyx pulled himself forward, screaming with rage as his wound lit up in flames! His blade finally hit All-Maker's armored neck, All-Maker began to panic, but pushed Leonidus back with a blast of energy. Blood poured out of the side of All-Maker's neck as he tried to call back his blade. Everyone watched with horror as Alyx remained still, Yaoyorozu and Mina watched the broadcast with baited breath.

"I-Is he..." Mina fretted.

"I... I-I don't know..." Momo sniffled.

The people of Earth prepared themselves for the worst, thinking that Leonidus had been killed. Suddenly, Leonidus began to gently laugh to himself, All-Maker raised an eyebrow at him.

"What so funny, Mortal?" All-Maker retorted.

"It's just that... You missed."

He pulled the blade out of his chest, All-Maker saw into Alyx's body, noticing that his heart wasn't where it was supposed to have been! He dashed towards All-Maker, cutting off his left hand.

"Y-You shouldn't have lived! You shouldn't have!!" All-Maker fumed.

"I don't have a choice! I can't die... I refuse to die to someone like you! I won't let you win, that I can promise you!" Leonidus scowled.

Alyx broke the Blade of Reality, stunning both Amatsu and his Father, the sword disintegrated as Leonidus threw it down.

"No more games, I'm ending this one, right fucking now!" Alyx continued.

The battle between All-Maker and Leonidus was just starting to heat up! The people of Earth watched on with hope that Alyx would come out on top. Back on Earth, the Pro Heroes of Japan all stood together, observing the battle across the galaxy.

"What's our plan? What if Leonidus doesn't win?" Hawks questioned.

"I... I don't know. I'm not sure if there's a whole lot that we can do. I can tell his struggling somewhat against him." Annie replied.

"Come on! We can handle this jackass! If a kid is beating his ass, we can fuck 'em up!" Mirko chimed in.

Annie looked uncertain as they watched on, Alyx had landed a hard right hand straight through All-Maker's stomach. Leonidus floated backwards as All-Maker clutched his stomach. He began to laugh to himself, Alyx raised an eyebrow, wondering what exactly was so funny.

"You couldn't tell... Could you?" All-Maker asked.

"What? What are you saying? What couldn't I tell?"

All-Maker began to fade away, "You aren't the only one who can leave doubles, you know."

His laugh echoed as he disappeared, Leonidus froze where he floated, noticing how far away he was from Earth. Alyx frantically looked around to find that All-Maker was nowhere to be seen.