
You're The One! Quirk Attack: To Another World?!

(I.R.P.: Listen to Oliver Hoss' Cover of "Sad Love" from Kanojo, Okarishimasu!)

I walked out of my room and headed downstairs. Luckily, Mina was still awake! I walked over to her and she smiled at me.

"Hey, have you seen Momo?" I asked her.

"Yeah, she went outside for some reason. Is something wrong?" Mina responded.

I shook my head, "No, everything's fine. Thank you, Mina."

I walked outside and found Momo on the porch looking towards the sky. She looked over at me, I've never seen her cry in quite some time.

"So, have you made your decision?" She asked sounding choked up.

I didn't know what to say, I stood there silently looking away from her. Momo turned her attention to the horizon.

"This is the last chapter of our story, isn't it? We've had quite the run together. But I understand that you'd want someone who made you feel that way first..." Her voice trailed off as I got into thought.

I didn't understand, was she just hiding her feelings from me? Maybe I didn't deserve someone like her. She was perfect, maybe even too perfect for someone like me. But I needed to tell her the truth, for once in my life, I needed to stop being so pathetic emotionally and brace up. I went to speak but I just couldn't. She continued talking but I heard nothing from her, almost as if I went deaf in the heat of the moment.

"You're my hero Alyx. You truly are...!"

She stood there, still saying something, I wasn't sure what. I already talked to Laura about everything before I came down here. She was fine with my decision, it took some thinking but I was fine with it as well. The person that I loved...

"This might be a little early to ask, but... Would you be with me, no matter how difficult things get, or how long we live?"

...Was her.

"... I understand if that's the case Alyx, I truly do. I just wish it didn't have to end now. I just wish..." Momo finished.

I stood there, motionless and silent. I still couldn't bring myself to say it, I just felt so stupid for even bringing any of this up. I should've just left it alone instead of asking about it. Maybe I wouldn't even be in this situation if I did. Maybe I'd be in bed with Momo right now, dreaming about what we'd be doing tomorrow or when we get back to school. But like usual, Ive fucked it up again, now we're here. I clenched my fist and took a deep breath in and then out.

(Listen to Moody's Cover of "You're The One I Want!" from Kanojo, Okarishimasu!)

"It's you." I muttered.

I looked up at her as tears ran down my face, "You're the one!"

Momo looked stunned and surprised, that look turned into a smile.

"I want to be with you, Momo Yaoyorozu! Nobody else, I want to be there for you every single day for the rest of my life! I don't care how many down points we'll go through, or how many problems we'll face, you're the one I want to spend my life with, and I mean that! So, will you be with me, until my dying day, if I promise that I'll be with you too?" I confessed.

Tears streamed down her face as she hugged me, "I will, Alyx. I promise!"

I heard the dorm doors open and Mina gasped.

"Oh, my goodness... He did it again, didn't he?" Mina wondered.

Mina walked over to us and joined in on the extremely emotional hug. Mina eventually pushed her face in between the two of us.

"So, you both smell the exact same! That's adorable! I'm glad you two made up!" Mina noted.

"W-Wait... You knew about this? And, why did you-" I tried to say.

My face went red as Momo glared at me, "It WAS you; I knew it! First, you nearly die on me 3 times within one year, and now you're using my body wash? Then you go and make me sick to my stomach thinking you were going to depart from me with someone who returned from the dead! And another thing..."

I got an earful from Momo, that's for sure... Once we got up to my room, and laid down on my bed, Momo looked at me and smiled.

"You owe me lunch tomorrow, darling." Momo told me.

"I owe you a lot more than just that, Momz!" I laughed.

[The Next Day...]

"Boo bear..." I heard someone whisper.

Fight or flight instincts kicked in and I flipped myself over and pinned who I thought was Himiko on my bed.

"Think again, Toga...!" I sleepily declared.

I finally woke up and stared at Momo who was wildly blushing.

"W-Well, talk about taking initiative!" Momo flirted.

"O-O-Oh! I'm sorry!" I stuttered.

I let go of her wrists and rubbed the back of my head.

"I guess I'm not used to hearing that just yet! Toga used to call me that all the time when I first met her!" I laughed.

"She did what?" Momo asked.

I laid back down next to her, "I guess I never told you, huh? So like, during our first year, I unknowingly infiltrated the League's first hideout. I may or may not've started an accidental, temporary relationship with Toga during it."

"That must've been awful. At least you didn't get stabbed like any of us had." Momo replied.

Now that I mention it, I just realized that there were multiple girls besides Laura and Momo that had some sort of feelings for me. I had the most devilishly delightful idea! I was gonna pay Mineta back for what he did to me a few days ago.

[The Unfortunate Memory]

"Hey, Alyx... Momo needs help upstairs..." Mineta grinned.

"Oh, okay! Thank you for telling me!" I replied.

I walked upstairs and knocked on her door, there was so answer so I slowly opened it to find that she wasn't in there.

"Maybe the bathroom?" I thought to myself.

I walked over to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Hey, Momo, Mineta told me that you needed help so I-" I stopped.

The shower curtain opened and there stood Uraraka.

"GYAAAAH!! URARAKA I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" I shouted apologetically.

"KYYAA!!! ALYX!! AAAAHH!!" She shouted.

[Present Day]

Before I could even enact my plan of revenge on Mineta, as I came downstairs, everyone turned to me. They looked rather happy despite the events that just occurred yesterday.

"Hey, glad to see that everyone's in a good mood!" I beamed.

"Alyx, we all decided on something, I think it would benefit us all if you did it." Mina spoke up.

"Hm? What would that be?" I wondered.


[10 Minutes Later...]

"Oh goodness! Look at him run!" Hagakure squealed.

Alyx was in his shrunken state of his Demon Form running around the kitchen table after Mineta.

"HOW IS HE SO FAST?!" Mineta shouted.

"Ah!" Alyx replied.

Momo watched on as Alyx pounced on Mineta's back and started laughing. He got up and let Mineta run once again. There was a knock on the dorm doors and Izuku went to answer it.

"Oh, hello! Can I help you?" He asked.

"Um... Yeah, may I speak to Yaoyorozu please?" Laura told him.

Izuku nodded and went to go get Momo.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu, there's someone outside that's wanting to talk to you." Izuku said.

Momo nodded and walked to the door. She made eye contact with Laura and smiled.

"Why hello, you must be Laura! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" Momo smiled.

Laura nodded and smiled back at her. Yaoyorozu left the dorms and closed the door behind her.

"So, I'm assuming he told you everything last night, right?" Laura questioned.

"Yes, he has." She replied.

"Okay, I was just making sure." Laura said quietly.

The two stood there silently, unsure what to say to each other. Laura leaned on the porch railing.

"He really is an extraordinary person, you know. I don't think I've ever met another person remotely like him. He's just way too caring for his own good, not in a bad way, of course. I can tell he's really cherished being around all of you. I know this might be a ridiculous request but... Could I see him from time to time? If not, I understand." Laura told her.

Momo walked next to her and looked down at her, "Do you still love him?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I don't think that lying is the best thing to do right now." Laura admitted.

"I see... I don't mind if he hangs out with you as long as you promise nothing happens between you two, alright?" Momo responded.

Laura nodded and agreed.

[4 Hours Later...]


I woke up on the floor of the kitchen. All I know is that my mouth tasted like cake and the left side of my head hurt a bit.

"Yo! You're awake, you demolished those cakes!" Kaminari told me.

"Those? How many do you mean by 'those?'" I asked.

Kaminari counted his fingers, "Aaaaabout 13 of them, I think?"

Well, there goes dinner for me! I'm still taking Momo out tonight though, so I guess I could make room for some! Speaking of that, I had to get ready for that anyway!

[30 Minutes Later...]

Momo and I walked out of the dorms and went to a restaurant a few blocks from U.A. As we got there, I really needed to use the bathroom, there was a hair in my face that was just bothering the hell out of me! Once we got seated, I got up from my chair.

"I'll be right back, I gotta get this hair out of my face!" I told her.

I hurried to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I tried to get that damn thing out of my face, but I just couldn't! I wiped my face, blew, shook my head, and did almost everything and it still wouldn't go away!

"Okay... This is getting annoying!" I muttered.

The lights in the bathroom flickered, went out for a few seconds, and I felt a cool sensation around me. I guess this place must've forgot to pay their bills or something! The lights turned back on and I finally got the hair out of my face.

"Gotcha, you little fucker!" I smirked.

I walked outside and started heading back to the table. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed that another couple was sitting there, Momo wasn't anywhere to be found. I walked over to them to ask them a question.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt your evening, but have you seen a woman about as tall as my chest, with long, black hair and dark grey eyes around here?" I questioned.

The man shook his head, "I'm afraid not, young man. I haven't seen anyone like that around here."

"Oh, you poor thing, did she ditch you? How could a woman ditch a handsome young boy like you?" The woman wondered.

I smiled and thanked them as I left. What was going on? Did Momo go home or something? I walked out of the restaurant and looked around; she wasn't outside either. I activated Mode Four and took off back towards the dorms. I got to U.A. but... Where were the dorms?! They were completely gone! I must be hallucinating, that can't be right! I looked at my phone and there was no reception, what was going on? I decided to make my way back home, I'm sure that wasn't demolished.

As I got there, I entered my room through the window, I'm sure Mom wouldn't care that I was home. I sat down on my bed, trying to get some sort of reception on my phone but it wasn't working. My door opened and someone threw their bag on the floor while talking to someone. They looked at me and stopped talking.

"Izuki... I'll call you back..." She muttered.

The girl got into a fighting stance, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

"Your house? I think you mean mine! Who exactly are you?" I questioned.

I got into my fighting stance as well, we shared similar stances!

"I asked first, now, answer the question!" She demanded.

I nodded and got out of my fighting stance, "Listen, it'd be best if we toned down the hostility. I'm not an enemy neither am I wanting to fight you, I'm just wanting answers as much as you are. But if you're wanting to know, my name is Alyx Leonidus, I'm a student at U.A. High."

"What...? You're joking, right?" She responded.

I shook my head and pulled my wallet out. I showed her my I.D. and Provisional Hero License.

"No way... Well, I guess there's no reason not to believe you. You wanted my name, right?" She asked.

"Yes, please." I replied.

"My name is Alyxus Leonidus, I'm in Class 1-A at U.A. High." She informed me.

She put her hair in a bun and I saw the scar on her left eye. It was the exact same as mine! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

I sat up on our bed? I guess it's really her bed but it's also mine technically, "What all have you done so far?"

"Well, I just got back from school. We're doing this Rescue Training tomorrow!" Alyxus told me.

At least she wasn't with Toga, so that was good. She must've only known how to use her Base Mode, being that's where I was during this time, they were heading to the U.S.J. tomorrow! Which that means that they'll run into Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and that Nomu.

"I see, hey, I think I should come along." I said.

"What? I can't bring some interdimensional stranger with me! What if they think you're my boyfriend? Do you know how weird as shit that'll be!" She argued.

I simply stared at her and shook my head, "Good grief... This is gonna be a loooong adventure, isn't it?"

[The Next Morning...]

After having an awkward talk with my "parents," I walked with Alyxus to school. I walked into U.A. with a mixture of mutters and stares. "Who's the new kid?" I heard someone say. We got to the 1-A Classroom and Alyxus pulled me aside.

"Wait here, I'll knock on the door to let you know when you can come in." She instructed.

I nodded and waited to hear her knock. It took only a couple minutes until I heard it and I walked in. The class of changed familiar faces looked at me, I seriously thought I was hallucinating.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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