
Unexpected Family Secret? Grandmother's Curse!

I started getting readjusted to school over this week. Not to mention all of the lessons I missed! I really hate myself now for missing all of these assignments, if my parent knew about this, they would've probably killed me under any other circumstance! I was sitting in the Common Room with Momo, she was helping me out with some of the work I had to do.

"Alright, here's your first one, a multiple-choice work packet. This isn't an assessment, so I can help you out if you have questions." Momo told me.

"Man... How many things am I supposed to fill?" I sighed.

"Well, you've already filled three things already!" Momo giggled.

I looked at her with a lowered eyebrow, "Huh? What do you mean, I just got started!"

She started at me then put her fingertips together like Uraraka does when she uses her Quirk. I was going through a multiverse of things in my head, trying to figure out what she meant? Was she talking about the worksheets I did at school today?

"Aaaaand..." Momo muttered.

"Ooooohhhhh! I guess you're right!" I laughed.

As I did my work, the news broadcasted that a couple of giant villains were causing trouble in a town by Hosu. I watched as Pro Heroes were quickly dispatching them. Those villains looked like they were made of stone! They were also apparently looking for a woman with jet black hair whose bangs were dyed white. That definitely narrows it down...

"Interesting, it seems as if they've got another issue on their hands." I remarked.

"Oh? That's a rather interesting response might I add. I would've figured you would've wanted to go investigate." Momo responded.

"Yeah, it'd take us a while to get there, my Rage Quirk doesn't exactly let me go 1,000 miles per hour." I told her.

"What about... Your Overdrive?" She questioned.

I shook my head at her, "I don't know about that. I really don't feel like using... That... To be honest with you."

"Oh, I understand. How about we continue your school work, hm?" Momo smiled.

I nodded at her, I looked back at my packets of school work and got to it.

[3 Hours Later...]

"Phew! That was a lot of work!" I beamed.

"Alright, now that you've completed your assignments, here's your reward." Momo announced.

She held her arms out, "Huggy time!"

"ᵃʷ ʸᵉᵃ..." I excitedly whispered.

We hugged each other tightly, she stopped hugging me and looked at me.

"I have a rather strange question, Mina wanted me to ask you this, it's for her own 'research purposes'." Momo told me.

"What is it?" I wondered.

She pulled her phone out and stayed silent for a few seconds. She read something before reading it out loud.

"Knee or Thi-" Momo tried to ask.

"Thigh highs." I quickly monotoned.

"T-That was quick!" She stuttered.

I pulled my phone out in a flash, "Are you buying them what exactly do they look like is Mina out shopping right now how many pairs do you think she'll buy you do you think that they'll be blue colored or maybe even like fishnets now that would be reeeeeeeaaallly awesome if they were like that oh maybe even both at the same time now that would be really hot you know like maybe if she asked that question maybe she's actually going to buy them and you could wear them during Special Training which that would REALLY be-"

I filled the entire Common Room with my rambling. I kept going on and on with it.

"Uh... Darling...?" I heard Momo worry.

"Oh, you didn't know that he was a thigh guy?" I heard Laura ask her.

"T-That I did not." She answered.

I snapped my head towards Momo, "Yes or no?!"

"Yes or no to what?" Both Laura and Momo responded.

"ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃⁿˢʷᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᑫᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ." I intensely smiled.

"Well... Yes, I guess?" Momo hesitated.

I looked down at my phone, then back up at her, I nodded at Momo before hitting send on my phone. I put my phone on the table and continued to watch T.V. Momo slowly scooted over to me and laid down on my lap.

"So, what exactly did you do?" She asked.

"I just talked to Mina, that's all." I replied.

"Why exactly did you do that, Alyx?" Uraraka questioned.

Kaminari, Kirishima, Ojiro, Deku, Bakugo, Shinso, and I all stood up at the same time, with empty expressions.

"After a woman's heart and personality, the thighs are the greatest thing on planet Earth, it is but our job to enjoy said parts instead of ignore them. We strive to be the like the elites in our community." We all recited.

The girls all stared at us, even Mineta was taken back a bit!

"Do... You guys have a group or something that we didn't know about?" Jiro wondered.

"Yep! That we do! I'm President of the Thigh High U.A. Guys Club! Deku is Vice President, Shinso is Speaker of the Thighs, Bakugo is Secretary of Cultured Thighs, Kaminari is Chief Thigh Editor/Reviewer, Kirishima is in charge of the Department of Thigh Defense, and Ojiro is the Attorney Thigh General!" I explained.

"The fucking WHAT?" Momo burst.

She covered her mouth quickly after she cussed.

"Huh, looks like you're wearing off on her in more ways than one, Alyx." Shinso chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I am!" I laughed.

"I apologize for my vulgarity, but did you really establish a club like that?" Momo asked.

Kaminari nodded at her, "Yeah, of course! We don't do anything but talk about them, we don't pull a certain someone in the room and act on fantasies that don't need to be acted upon."

"Is that a direct insult or is that shade, Kaminari?" Mineta fumed.

"I dunno, take it however you'd like." Kaminari snickered.

[The Next Day...]

I hung out with Laura, Hagakure and Ojiro at the park nearby U.A. Momo was out with Jiro shopping for clothes and other girly things. Laura squinted her eyes as she looked towards something.

"Hey, that woman over there, is she staring at us? Does she need help?" Laura inquired.

I looked over and saw the most intense stare I've ever been given. I looked away from her as I got up.

"I'll go check, surely she wouldn't be staring at us like some sort of creep." I noted.

I made my way over to the woman, she wasn't looking at me anymore, she stared straight ahead. I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss, did you need something? I didn't want to be rude or seem as if I was disturbed by your stare, my friends and I were just concerned that you may have been signaling for help." I politely asked.

She started slightly laughing, "Of course... Grandson..."

My eyes widened as she revealed her face to me. She blasted me back with some sort of symbol! I rolled off the ground and slammed into a tree. I stumbled up to my feet as I clutched my stomach.

"Oh, how unfortunate it is that I have the displeasure of seeing your face again, Alyx." She scowled.

"W-What...? You..." I muttered.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Pandora Heaven's cover of "All Might Vs. All For One" from My Hero Academia)

"Bad luck seems to follow you everywhere you go, right? I wonder why..." She smiled.

This was my Father's Mother... What was she even doing here?

"Why... What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Rumor has it you've been looking for something. My sources don't lie, especially when I have them inside your mind, grandson." She replied.

"Mikaboshi...!" I mumbled.

I finally remembered; she was the one responsible for making Mikaboshi possess me! This woman... She was nothing but evil! I immediately put my guard up, I looked over and saw that she shielded us from the others.

"I've taken pleasure in watching you struggle, Alyx. After all, the curse of bad luck I put on you has made me really love the pain you go through, that damn husband of mine... He should've been the one to have powerful children! Not that damn son of mine!" She fumed.

She was the one... Who did this...? She must've put some spell on her that granted her eternal youth, being that she definitely looked younger than I remembered. If that's the case, then if I can't stop her...

"How dare you..." I growled.

What Chiyoko showed me flashed in my mind, my future, Momo and our children... I felt my Overdrive begin to spark from the scar on my left eye. I rushed towards her, she grabbed my hands and we struggled to get the upper hand on each other. Judging by the look in her eyes, I could tell she was trying to leave. I felt my Overdrive aura start to surge around me as a red aura surged around her.

"I swear... I'll become something better than what you perceive me as, you hear me?!" I yelled.

"You definitely are... Not like your Father..." She smirked.

My Grandmother pulled me forward and knee'd me in the stomach. I grit my teeth through the pain and pulled her forward, delivering a hard headbutt to her face. She dropped my hands and I quickly elbowed her in the face, sending her through the bench behind her. She rebounded by sending some sort of hex at me. It sent me crashing through a tree, I couldn't let her get away, if I did... Momo... Mabel... The future of our family... It'd be ruined by her! I appeared in front of her, ramming my fist into her stomach and sending her flying into the air. I followed after her, darting up behind her, my scar ignited fiercely with an outpouring of Overdrive.

I wasn't going to allow her to get away with any of this, even if it kills me, I'll put a stop to her. The pain she's caused me... All of the things that could've been prevented... It fueled me with anger just thinking about it. She glared back at me; I saw fear in her eyes as I reeled my foot upwards.

"Deku Style..." I muttered.

"Manchester Overdrive Kick!" I shouted.

A fierce "thoom" sound occurred right as I connected with her face, I sent her crashing into the ground below, shattering the dirt and concrete! I looked down at the impact crater as the smoke lifted, she was gone! I landed back down onto the ground. How... How did she get away?

"Aly! Are you okay? Who in the hell was that?" Laura shouted over to me.

She rushed over and hugged me. Laura looked me up and down for any injuries, she bit off her sleeve and put it up against my nose. She used the other side to wipe blood from my mouth.

"That... That was my Grandmother. We can't let her get away; I need to find her!" I answered.

"Hang on, we can't just go after her, we need to warn the others! You don't need to do this by yourself, Alyx." Ojiro stopped me.

I took a deep breath in, then exhaled, "Okay, let's go then."

The entire way back home, I was still feeling angry, she was the one responsible behind all of my misfortune? I couldn't believe that someone that I was related to could be that hateful. It almost made me wonder if she was even my Grandmother at all. Maybe this is what Great Grandpa meant when he told me to keep smiling in front of those that give me pain. Why did she hold a hatred for me and my Father? Because of our Quirks? That just doesn't make any sense to me. I hope my other family members aren't as vile as her...

[30 Minutes Later...]

I left the dorms after we told the teachers at U.A. about what happened. I stood atop a building in downtown Musutafu. I told someone to meet me up here once she had the time, if she even had time to meet me. I heard someone walk to the side of me.

"Ya needed me, Leonidus?" Mirko wondered.

"That I did, I was wanting to ask you this..." I told her.

I faced her, the sun shined warmly over me, "...Will you please let me be your disciple, Mirko!"

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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