
The Next Symbol of Peace? All For One!


I woke up after I heard my Mother yell. I ran downstairs, her and my father were watching the news. There was Bakugo! All Might was standing off against some weird faceless suit guy.

"This doesn't look good, he's against the entire League!" My Mother exclaimed.

Hopefully Annie wasn't there, I don't want her to get hurt. I looked at both of my parents, and I felt the Heat Energy of... Momo and Deku? It was faint, but I could tell it was them. They weren't that far from me!

"Mom, Dad, I can help them! I only need to distract-" My Father stopped me.

"No, you can't, Alyx. You haven't-" I put my hand on my Father's shoulder.

"Please, one last time! This could make a difference!" I pleaded.

"No! That's final, this is too dangerous for you to be stepping in, Alyx. I'm not letting you get another fine and I'm not letting you get hurt!" My Father argued.

I grit my teeth and reluctantly nodded. We all sat down and watched as this went on, I couldn't believe my eyes at what was happening. This suit guy... He was the one I saw in that dream when I was with Toga! Shigaraki was his name, wasn't it? But... This is all so weird, is that the other Shigaraki's Dad? If so, why doesn't he have the same Quirk set up as this guy?

[Several Minutes Later...]

All Might did it! He won! He pointed to the camera and said "You're next" to it, I'm certain he was talking to Deku! I quickly got up, put my shoes on but was stopped by my Father.

"Where are you going this late at night?" He questioned.

"Momo was there, Dad! I need to go find her to make sure she's okay!" I responded.

"Wait... That girl from your school was there? I only saw those three boys, but I didn't think that anyone else was there as well! Go on, we'll leave the door unlocked for you when you get back." My Father nodded.

I took off out of my house towards Momo's Heat Energy. My Mode One got me around a lot faster than my Base Mode did! I reached her location in about 10 minutes after flying. I landed down on the ground behind her, she was wearing rather interesting looking clothing.

"Momo!" I called out as I ran towards her.

She turned around to face me, I hugged her tightly, I was glad that she wasn't hurt.

"Thank goodness you're okay! You had me worried sick that you got hurt!" I let out a sigh of relief.

I guess she didn't know what to do at first, she stood there for a second before hugging me back. I stopped the hug and looked her up and down.

"What's with the clothes?" I wondered.

"Leonidus-san!" Deku shouted.

My attention was turned to Deku and... Bakugo! A big smile came across my face and I rushed over to them.

"Bakugo-san! You're alright!" I beamed.

I gave him a huge hug, he put his hand on my face to try and push me away.

"Amnesia, can you fucking not?" He grumbled.

He broke out of my hug after several minutes of struggling. I looked at what everyone was wearing, their clothes were definitely something I'd never think they'd wear! I walked Momo back to her house as everyone parted ways. What I saw on T.V., that guy that All Might was fighting... He was really strong! Honestly, knowing that someone like him would be around, I couldn't hesitate on getting stronger anymore. I looked over at Momo as we were walking.

"If you're wanting to protect something dear to your heart, whatever that may be, you need to grow stronger. Sitting on your thumbs out of fear won't help you, Alyx. You need to grow out of being so scared and hesitant, something that I believe I can help you with. I believe in you, Alyx Leonidus!" I remembered a woman saying.

I remembered something again, That woman, wasn't she called "Ms. America"? Momo was the reason why I needed to get stronger. I needed to protect something that I hold close to my heart, right?

"Momo." I spoke up.

"Hm? What is it, Alyx?" She asked.

"I'm getting stronger, after everything I've just seen, I can't be sitting around doing nothing." I told her.

We stopped outside of her house, she turned around to face me before she entered her home.

"I'm glad that you're eager to get stronger, but aren't you already strong enough as it is?" Momo smiled.

"No, not yet, not until I can say that I'm able to protect the people that I love. The reason I want to get stronger is because I want to protect you! I want to protect all of you!" I replied.

"Y-You... Your reason to get stronger is because of me? Alyx, I can protect myself I'm a capable fighter." She told me.

I nodded at her, "Yes, that I know. Could you make a coin for me?"

She slowly nodded with one eyebrow lowered. She made me a ¥10 coin and handed it to me.

"Alright, this coin flip'll decide whether or not I should get stronger! If it's heads, I'll get stronger, tails I won't get stronger and stay where I'm at to protect all of you. Here goes... Let's see if I'll get stronger or not!" I grinned.

I flipped it up in the air with my thumb as high as I could. I caught it and put it on the top of my hand. Momo looked on in anticipation as I revealed the coin.

"Hey! Look at that, it's heads!" I exulted.

I walked up and held both of her hands, "Alright, now it's set in stone! Or should I say, bronze? I'll get stronger to protect you and everyone else"

She let out a surprised gasp, I nodded at her as I smiled, "A-Alyx..."

"Hm? What is it?" I wondered.

"W-Why do you show everyone kindness? Even when we didn't know each other, you still treated me as if you've known me since we were children. Might I add, how'd you make that coin come up as heads with that number of rotations?" Momo asked me.

Why was I so kind? That was a good question, to be honest, I wasn't sure. Maybe it had something to do with my past?

"I guess I don't really know. Maybe it's because it doesn't hurt to not be kind to others, being able to comfort and care for someone, it honestly puts a smile on my face. As for the coin, that was just pure luck. If it landed on tails, I would've kept it going until it landed on heads, hee hee!" I explained.

I gave her the coin, I waved at her as I flew off back towards my house, "See you at school, Momo!"

She waved back at me, I'm honestly really glad that she didn't get hurt.

[4 Days Later...]

I walked downstairs from my bedroom, Mr. Aizawa and All Might were sitting in my living room with my Mom and Dad.

"Good morning, sunshine!" All Might joked.

"Oh, All Might, Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" I yawned.

"We're here to talk about something with you and your parents. Sit down, would you?" Mr. Aizawa told me.

I nodded at him and sat down in between my parents.

"Now that everyone's here, we can get to the point. We at U.A. wanted to get your permission to house Leonidus. We've constructed a dormitory on campus so that way we'll have an easier time making sure that they're all safe and secure." Mr. Aizawa continued.

Living at U.A.? That would be kind of strange honestly. If everyone else is also going to be living there, I think that it would be really awesome!

"Of course, as long as he's safe and healthy, that's all we care about. You have our permission." My Mother agreed.

"Alright, that's wonderful! We'll be getting some people to move in his stuff soon. We'll call and let you know beforehand, of course." All Might smiled.

[15 Minutes Later...]


"Do you think he'll be alright at U.A.?" All Might wondered.

"As long as they don't fund anymore into those tests they're doing, then he'll be fine." Aizawa responded.

All Might lowered one of his eyebrows, "Tests? What are you talking about?"

"They've decided to conduct tests on him to see what exactly his Quirk is. I've brought it up at every meeting that they need to stop and let it be, but it seems as if it's falling on deaf ears." Shota disclosed.

"T-That's absolutely unethical! All because they've never seen a Quirk like his before... Are Nemuri and Yamada in on this too?" All Might fretted.

"Mic isn't really behind it, he wants to go about it a much different way than what they're doing now. Midnight's in the exact same boat as I am. All I know is that I'm going to try and stop them from going to far, if I can't, the consequences might be too extreme for any of us to handle." Aizawa replied.

All Might looked out of the car window, "Young Leonidus, whatever they might do to you, persevere through it. Please..."

[Several Days Later...]

This dormitory was really awesome! Mina suggested that we do some sort of room contest to decide who had the best dorm room in the class. It sounded like a nice idea! After touring through the girls' rooms, we started going through the boys'. I have to say, Jiro's room was at the top of my list so far! Everyone arrived at my room, which was right next to Sato's room. The girls actually really liked Sato's since he had a whole bunch of stuff baked in there. Apparently, Sato is an amazing baker! I slowly opened my door and everyone followed me inside.

"Well... Here we are!" I exclaimed.

"Woah... This was definitely not what I was expecting!" Kaminari grinned.

Kirishima and Sero walked over to my shelf of Manga, then so did everyone else.

"Holy hell! This is a lot of manga, man! How many do you have?" Kirishima asked.

I sat there and thought about it, from what it looked like...

"I never counted, but from what it looks like, maybe at least almost 200?" I guessed.

After they checked out my room, we returned downstairs to decide who won. And without a doubt, they deemed Sato the winner. Which honestly, I already expected, he's a pretty damn good baker!

"Oh, come on! That isn't fair!" Mineta whined.

I guess he did have a point, but it technically was a part of his room, so it counts. I got ready for bed, this place had quite a few bathrooms! After I showered, I went up to my room to get ready for bed.

[10 Minutes Later...]

It was about 9:30 or so before I went to bed. It felt so odd staying in a completely new place. My room was next to Sato's, I could smell the things he baked for the girls on the other side of my wall.. I went outside of my room and onto the balcony I had. It was quite the nice view; I could see a decent amount of the city. Mostly trees, but it was fine. I finally went to bed but was awoken by someone knocking on my door. I checked to see what time it was, it was 2 in the morning. Who in the world would be up at this time? I groggily got up and wiped my eyes. I walked over to my door and opened it.

"Hey... Alyx, Do you think I can hang out with you for a while? I'm having trouble sleeping." She asked.

I finally opened my eyes and saw Momo standing there.

"O-Oh, yeah! No p-problem!" I stuttered.

I let her into my room and I shut my door.

"It's kind of odd honestly," I sighed, "I didn't think that we'd be wrapped up in some hero versus villain conflict."

I sat down on my bed and Momo sat on my bean bag chair.

"Honestly, it's kind of scary. Especially since we don't have our Provisional Hero Licenses, we can't defend ourselves." Momo added.

I get what she meant. This stuff really was scary.

"How far does this go down?" Momo questioned.

I looked over and noticed she was halfway inside the bean bag chair. We both laughed and I walked over to her.

"I dunno," I replied, "I'm pretty sure I've tried it, but you know, I lost my memory and all that."

Momo laughed and held her hand out, "I know, but could you help me out? I think I'm stuck."

I grabbed Momo's hand and pulled her out of the bean bag chair.

"Thanks, for a second there I thought I was going to fall all the way into that thing!" We both chuckled.

We talked for what felt like hours. We eventually started watching a mixture of cat videos and these weird beauty tutorial videos. I was almost asleep until I felt something hit my chest. Momo was fast asleep. Should I wake her up? I laid my head down on my pillow, we've both been through a lot. Maybe that's why we've been so close, making sure that we don't lose ourselves in all of this. I decided not to wake her up.

"Momo, I love you." I said to myself.

I felt her snuggle up closer to me. It didn't take me long to fall asleep either, for once, I actually got some good sleep in.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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